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Computer Programming: An Introduction to PL

A paper by D. R. Reddy and W. M. McKeeman, 1970. Taken from MTS distribution D2.0:

From preface: “PL, a dialect of PL/1, is specifically designed for teaching beginning programming students. This system was developed at Stanford University as a result of a student programming language project initiated by Professors McKeeman and Reddy.”

(pre-formatted two pages per page)


                                                                                          COMPUTER PROGRAMMING:

                                                                                          AN INTRODUCTION TO PL

                                                                                      D. R. Reddy and W. M. McKeeman


                        TABLE OF CONTENTS                                         3.4.3. Mixed String Expressions
                                                                             3.5. Logical Expressions
                                                                                  3.5.1. Precedence of Operations in a Logical
      Preface                                                                            Expression
                                                                                  3.5.2. Assignment of Logical Expressions and
      1. ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTERS                                                        the = Confusion
         1.1. Algorithms                                                     3.6. The Conditional Statement
              1.1.1. An Algorithm for Grading                                     3.6.1. Control Statements
              1.1.2. The Euclidean Algorithm                                      3.6.2. Conditional Statements
              1.1.3. Hand Simulation of Algorithms                           3.7. Group Statements
         1.2. Computers                                                           3.7.1. DO ... END Statements
              1.2.1. Input                                                        3.7.2. Paragraphing for Control Statements
              1.2.2. Output                                                       3.7.3. Repetition:  the DO WHILE Statement
         1.3. Formulation of Algorithms                                           3.7.4. The DO Statement with an Iteration
              1.3.1. Efficient Algorithms                                                Control
              1.3.2. Impractical Algorithms                                       3.7.5. The DO CASE Statement
              1.3.3. As Yet Undiscovered Algorithms                          3.8. Subscripted Variables
              1.3.4. Unsolvable Problems                                          3.8.1. Subscripts
              1.3.5. Historical Notes                                             3.8.2. Input and Output Using Subscripted
      2. LANGUAGES                                                                3.8.3. Multiple Subscripts
         2.1. Languages and Communication                                    3.9. Group Statements:  Additional Constructs
              2.1.1. Ambiguity of Languages                                       3.9.1. Repetitions within Repetitions:
              2.1.2. Redundancy of Languages                                             Nested Loops
         2.2. Structure of Languages                                              3.9.2. The DO Statement with a Variable
              2.2.1. Parse Trees                                                         Increment
              2.2.2. Backus Naur Form - BNF                                       3.9.3. The DO WHILE Statement with a Control
              2.2.3. Recursive Definitions in BNF                                        Clause
         2.3. The Language PL                                                3.10. The GO TO Statement
              2.3.1. History of Programming Languages                             3.10.1. Restrictions on GO TO Statements
              2.3.2. Structure of PL                                              3.10.2. Table Search
              2.3.3. Style of Programming in PL                                   3.10.3. Binary Search
              2.3.4. Paragraphing in PL                                      3.11. Block Structure
         2.4. Elements of PL                                                      3.11.1. Scope of a Variable
              2.4.1. The Alphabet                                                 3.11.2. Dynamic Storage and the Allocation
              2.4.2. Constants                                                            Statement
              2.4.3. The Reserved Vocabulary                                      3.11.3. The FREE Statement
              2.4.5. Variables                                               3.12. Procedures
                                                                             3.13. Array Arithmetic
         3.1. Declarations                                                5. ERROR DETECTION AND CORRECTION
              3.1.1. Factoring of Attributes                                 5.1. Errors During Program Translation
         3.2. Assignment statements                                               5.1.1. Error Recovery by the Translator
              3.2.1. Expressions                                                  5.1.2. Some Common Errors with Misleading
              3.2.2. Temporary Variables                                                 Error Messages
              3.2.3. Input, Output, and Assignment                                5.1.3. Correction of Syntactic Errors
              3.2.4. Input Data                                              5.2. Errors Due to System Limitations
         3.3. Arithmetic Expressions                                              5.2.1. Error Correction
              3.3.1. Arithmetic Functions                                         5.2.2. Additional System Errors
              3.3.2. Hierarchy of Operations in Arithmetic                   5.3. Errors During Program Execution
                     Expressions                                             5.4. Run-Time Errors Due to System Limitations
              3.3.3. Arithmetic in PL                                        5.5. Errors in Problem Solution
         3.4. String Expressions
              3.4.1. Character String Operations
              3.4.2. Precedence of Catenation

                             PREFACE                                 using  the  syntax  of  the language so that he can discover for
                                                                     himself the structure, the hierarchy of operations, and  how  to
      PL,  a  dialect  of  PL/1,  is  specifically  designed  for    locate  and  correct errors. Thus, one will see several examples
 teaching   beginning   programming  students.  This  system  was    of parsing of statements in the text.
 developed at Stanford  University  as  a  result  of  a  student
 programming  language  project  initiated by Professors McKeeman         It is not the intent of the authors that the students begin
 and Reddy. The aim of the project  was  to  develop  a  language    on  page  1  and  read  straight  through  the  book as a novel.
 which is of minimal complexity yet rich in concepts and a system    Although  the  text  was  organized  in  its  present  form  for
 which has good diagnostic aids and is inexpensive to  use.  Drs.    conceptual   reasons,  the  authors  themselves  have  found  it
 J.  J.  Horning,  D.  B. Wortman, and Mr. E. C. Nelson helped in    necessary to skip from chapter to chapter and section to section
 formulating a consistent and formally describable language.  Dr.    during  the  course  of teaching basic programming courses using
 D.  B.  Wortman wrote the present Translator-Interpreter for the    these  notes.  The  following  lesson  plan  was  found  to   be
 IBM-360 which was used in generating the examples used  in  this    satisfactory  for  a  ten  week  (three hours a week) course for
 book. We would like to thank Ellen Gruenbaum and Steven Newberry    senior and graduate students.
 for their help in proof-reading the manuscipt and in programming
 the  examples  used  in  this text, Mrs. Phyllis Winkler for her    Week 1: Sentence Diagramming; Problem Solving (4.1);  Algorithms
 excellent  typing,  and  Drs.  Wortman  and  Horning  for  their         (1.1); Backus-Naur Form and the definition of PL (2.3).
 valuable comments on the manuscript.                                Week 2: Elements of PL (2.4); Assignment Statement, Input-output
                                                                          (3.2);   First   Problem:  read,  sum,  write;  Conditional
      The language PL is a dialect of PL/1. For the most part  it         statement (3.6); Simple DO loops (3.7.1).
 is  a  proper  subset of PL/1 including recursive procedures and    Week 3: Computer Translation and Execution  of  Programs  (1.2);
 string manipulation. The main departures from PL/1 are in  input         Error detection and correction (Chapter 5); Second problem:
 and output statements, which have been made special cases of the         mean and variance calculation.
 assignment statement, and format statements, which  are  reduced    Week 4: Problem Solving (4.1); Progressive Flowcharting (4.2); A
 to  special  cases  of  string  operations. The net effect for a         Case Study of the Calculation of Prime Numbers (4.3).
 beginning student in programming is to  remove  several  ad  hoc    Week  5:  Expressions:  Arithmetic  expressions  (3.3),   String
 developments  in  languages  and  to re-express these as special         expressions  (3.4),  Logical  expressions  (3.5); Parsing &
 cases of familiar concepts. Other differences from PL/1  include         detection of hierarchy of operators (3.3.2); Third Problem:
 variable  length  strings,  extension  of certain types of group         non-trivial problem (matrix inversion).
 statements, and simplified interaction between declarations  and    Week 6: Block Structure (3.12); Go to Statement (3.10).
 other statements in blocks.                                         Week  7:  Procedures  (3.13);  Forth  Problem:  using  blocks  &
      The implementation of PL on the IBM-360 (available  through    Week 8: Advanced expressions (3.3.7).
 SHARE)  is  known  as  the  SPL  translator.  The  SPL system is    Week  9: Advanced loops and complex Input- output (3.8 and 3.9).
 specially designed for fast compilation  and  execution.  On  an    Week 10: Advanced Procedures; Conclusion (1.3).
 IBM-360  small  student  exercises  take  less  than a second to
 compile and execute. Typical compilation rates are  around  3000
 cards  per  minute.  Programs  are  translated  into  special PL         For freshmen the same course is covered over a two  quarter
 machine language which is at present interpreted on an  IBM-360.    (or one semester) period at a slower pace and with the inclusion
 For all but a few computed bound programs, most student programs    of a large number of case studies in problem solving.
 execute in less than a second. The  translator  uses  precedence
 tables  and  was written in a small subset of PL/1. (A specially
 written efficient compiler called  XPL  is  available  for  this
 subset   through   SHARE.)   This   permits  easy  addition  and
 modification of constructs depending on the needs of the course.

      The SPL system provides extensive diagnostic  aids  to  the
 student  usually  making  it  unnecessary for him to seek expert
 help. The use of compile-time errors and the precise BNF  syntax
 of  the PL language make it easy to locate and correct syntactic
 errors. A special diagnostic dump  of  the  values  of  all  the
 variables   visible  from  the  block  simplifies  location  and
 correction of run-time and logic errors. Chapter 5 of this  text
 provides  many illustrations of this feature. The emphasis is on
 teaching the student proper sentence diagramming  (hand-parsing)

                            CHAPTER I                                equation are complex numbers. In a computer one  must  calculate
                                                                     the  real and imaginary parts of complex numbers separately. The
                     ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTERS                        reader may be interested in attempting to  discover  some  other
                                                                     difficulties presented in this example.

 1.1 ALGORITHMS                                                           Well thought out and error-free  algorithms  are  essential
                                                                     for  solving problems on a computer. With the rapidly increasing
      During the course of the day most of us perform a number of    acceptance of computers there has been a corresponding  increase
 well  defined  and  predictable  sequences  of  steps in solving    in  the demand for persons capable of preparing such algorithms.
 routine problems. We may look up a number in the telephone  book    A program is an algorithm written in a  language  understood  by
 or  a  word in the dictionary, make change or perform arithmetic    computers.   This  has  resulted  in  the  evolution  of  a  new
 operations on numbers. Some of us may solve equations or predict    profession known as programming .  Construction  of  algorithms,
 weather  or  calculate  the orbit of a satellite. Even though we    (especially   the   construction  of  efficient  ones),  usually
 perform some of these tasks intuitively, we  can  usually  state    requires a high degree of ingenuity and knowledge. A  programmer
 the  instructions  necessary to tell another person or a machine    must  not  only  have complete grasp of the problem to be solved
 how to solve these problems. An algorithm is defined to be a set    but also must be well versed  in  the  techniques  of  algorithm
 of instructions specifying the operations which will lead to the    formulation  and specification. Specification of algorithms in a
 solution of any problem of a given class. Once an  algorithm  is    language understood by computers is  an  acquired  ability  less
 formulated it can be used by a person who does not even know its    difficult  than  learning a language such as French. Formulation
 purpose. Proceeding quite mechanically he can solve any  problem    of an algorithm from a vague or incomplete  problem  description
 of the type for which the algorithm is designed.                    requires special aptitude and training. The main purpose of this
                                                                     book is to introduce the reader to the basic concepts,  methods,
      Why all this interest in algorithms? Because we would  like    and  techniques  involved in the formulation of algorithms drawn
 to  have  machines solve our routine problems for us. A computer    from a number of the basic fields of Computer Science.
 is such a  machine;  given  an  appropriate  algorithm  it  will
 operate  on  the  data  to  produce  the  desired results. To be
 suitable for use with a computer, the sequence of steps must  be    1.1.1 An Algorithm for Grading
+                                                                          ________________________
 well  defined;  i.e., the desired solution should result even if
 the steps are performed mechanically without  any  understanding         Suppose we wish to write  an  algorithm  for  grading  test
 of  the  processes  involved.  Given an algorithm a computer can    papers.  Let us assume that the test is of a true/false type and
 solve many routine problems more quickly than a person, and once    that the grader has  a  key  of  correct  answers  to  make  the
 an  algorithm  is  prepared in a machine-readable form it can be    necessary  comparisons.  Then  the  grader can use the following
 used any number of times. It is not uncommon, at present, to use    algorithm to grade the papers:
 a  computer to determine what to feed the cows, to keep track of
 the condition of  a  patient  and  sound  alarm  when  he  needs
 attention,  to  produce  patterns  for textiles, or to produce a
 symphony in  the  style  of  Beethoven.  With  such  varied  and
 accelerated  activity  in  the  development  of algorithms it is
 essential for us to have a good understanding of the  nature  of

      An  algorithm  is  more  than  a  mere   statement   of   a
 mathematical  formula.  Consider  some  of the problems that can
 arise in attempting to solve the  deceptively  simple  quadratic
 equation. For example, it is not sufficient to say that the

                2                       -b*square root(b -4ac)
 solutions of ax +bx+c = 0 are given by ----------------------.

 An algorithm must state the sequence in which all the operations
 are to be performed. We first specify what to do if 'a' equals 0
 since division by 0 is undefined. We next specify what to do  if
 the  radicand  is  negative,  since  the  resulting roots of the
1                                                                                                                             1   102

 ┌-------------------------------------------------------┐                What must one do to  represent  the  above  process  in  an
 |Repeat steps 1 to 4 in sequence                        |           algorithmic  form?  On  careful  examination  one will find that
 |     1.   Select the test paper.                       |           making up a sequence is not essential to the problem. Indeed, we
 |     2.   Set the student grade to 0.                  |           are  only  interested  in  the  last number of the sequence. The
 |         ┌-------------------------------------------┐ |           concept central to the whole algorithm is that the  gcd  of  any
 |     3.  |Repeat the following step:                 | |           two  numbers  can  be  expressed  in  the form of the gcd of two
 |         | ┌---------------------------------------┐ | |           smaller numbers. By repeating the process we will eventually end
 |         | |if the question has been answered then | | |           up with a pair of numbers, one of which will be divisible by the
 |         | | ┌-----------------------------------┐ | | |           other, and then we have the required answer.  For  example,  the
 |         | | |if the answer matches the key then | | | |           gcd of 35 and 25 is the same as the gcd of 25 and 10. (Why?)
 |         | | |  increase the student grade by 1; | | | |
 |         | | |otherwise                          | | | |                The analysis has led us to a better  understanding  of  the
 |         | | |decrease the student grade by 1;   | | | |           problem  and we can now formulate an algorithm for its solution.
 |         | | └-----------------------------------┘ | | |
 |         | |otherwise do nothing;                  | | |           ┌---------------------------------------------------------┐
 |         | └---------------------------------------┘ | |           |Do the following 5 steps in sequence.                    |
 |         |for each question in the paper.            | |           |1.  Select two positive integers and assign them to      |
 |         └-------------------------------------------┘ |           |      variables 'a' and 'b'.                             |
 |     4.   Record the student grade.                    |           |2.  If the value of 'a' is less than that of 'b',        |
 |for each student in the class.                         |           |      interchange the values.                            |
 └-------------------------------------------------------┘           |3.  Let the value of a variable 'c' be any non-zero      |
           Figure 1.1.1.  The Grading Algorithm                      |      number.                                            |
                                                                     |   ┌---------------------------------------------------┐ |
      The grading algorithm is sufficiently precise that  it  can    |4. |Repeat the following 3 steps in sequence:          | |
 be  used by any grader (be it man or machine) without even being    |   |4.1  replace the value 'c' by the remainder of 'a' | |
 aware that he (or it) is grading  test  papers.  This  algorithm    |   |       divided by 'b';                             | |
 introduces  several  concepts which will become more familiar to    |   |4.2  replace the value of 'a' by the value of 'b'; | |
 us in later chapters. For example, we see that it  is  desirable    |   |4.3  replace the value of 'b' by the value of 'c'; | |
 to  be  able to repeat a computation over and over again until a    |   |until the value of 'c' equals  0 .                 | |
 certain condition is satisfied. Note also that the statements to    |   └---------------------------------------------------┘ |
 be  repeated  are  indented;  this  is  known as paragraphing or    |5.  Record the value 'a' as the answer.                  |
 grouping together of statements that are conceptually related.      └---------------------------------------------------------┘
                                                                           Figure 1.1.2  The Euclidean Algorithm

 1.1.2 The Euclidean Algorithm                                            Many different concepts, some so natural that we often  use
+      _______________________
                                                                     them   without   realizing  it,  are  introduced  in  the  above
      Consider another concrete example, the Euclidean  algorithm    algorithm. The control statement 'Do ... in sequence' is usually
 for  finding  the  greatest  common  divisor  (gcd)  of  any two    omitted  as obviously being the normal mode of operation. (It is
 positive integers. The problem can be solved by constructing a      not always necessary for the steps to be performed  in  sequence
 descending sequence of numbers  S  , where  S   is the larger of    and often one finds situations when several steps can be done in
                                  i           1                      parallel, i.e., the operations can be  performed  in  any  order
                                                                     whatsoever or simultaneously without affecting the final result.
 the two integers and S   is the smaller.  Successive elements,      (Most  matrix  operations  belong  to  this  category.)  Another
                       2                                             control  statement 'Repeat ... until c equals 0 ' indicates that
                                                                     certain steps are to be repeated over and over again  until  the
 S  , are given by the remainder of S     divided by S     until     given   condition   is   satisfied.  Repetitive  (or  iterative)
  i                                  i-2              i-1            processes occur often in algorithm formulation. Later  we  shall
                                                                     see many different ways of controlling repetitive processes.
 there is no remainder. The last number of the  sequence  is  the
 answer.  For example, the gcd of 25 and 35 is the last number of         Variables which take on different values  during  different
 the sequence                                                        stages  of computation provide one of the basic concepts used in
           35, 25, 10, 5.                                            the definition of algorithms. Variables provide a convenient way
 The gcd of 13 and 9 is 1 as can be seen from the sequence           of  keeping  track  of values of interest and getting rid of the
           13, 9, 4, 1.                                              rest. Variables are represented by names such as 'x', 'y',  'a',
                                                                     'b',  etc.,  and  can  be  assigned  values. In pencil-and-paper
1                                                                                                                           102   201

 computation, one can change the value of a variable  by  rubbing    1.1.3 Hand Simulation of Algorithms
+                                                                          _____________________________
 out  the  old  value  and  writing in the new one. In computers,
 values  of  variables  are  changed  similarly   (analogous   to         Proper understanding and appreciation of an  algorithm  can
 overwriting  old  songs by new ones on a tape recorder). Various    be  achieved  only if we ourselves perform the sequence of steps
 arithmetic operations can be performed on the variables and  the    that are to be performed by a computer. This process  of  manual
 results  can  replace  the value of other variables. Note in the    imitation   of  computer  operation  is  (usually)  called  hand
 above algorithm only "compare" and  "remainder"  operations  are    simulation. The steps of  an  algorithm  cause  changes  in  the
 performed  on  the  values  of the variables. Operations such as    values  of the variables of the program. It is necessary to keep
 remainder can be expanded into separate algorithms in  terms  of    a running  record  of  the  variables  as  the  effect  of  each
 more  basic  operations  such  as  subtract  and compare (Figure    statement is simulated. The simplest method is to write the name
 1.1.3). (Most present  day  computers  are  powerful  enough  to    of each variable above a column  on  ruled  paper  and  add  the
 perform  such  operations without explicit instructions from the    latest  value  each  time the variable is changed. At the end of
 user.) Statement number 4.1 of Figure 1.1.2 can be rewritten  as    the process, you will have a complete record of  the  values  of
 follows:                                                            the variables of the program during execution.

                                                                          Figure 1.1.3 gives an example which reflects the successive
 ┌---------------------------------------------------------┐         values of variables named 'a', 'b', and 'c' during the execution
 |Replace the value of 'c' by the value of 'a'             |         of a remainder algorithm. Other properties, such as  what  value
 | ┌-----------------------------------------------------┐ |         was found for a test, are usually best retained mentally but can
 | |Repeat the following step:                           | |         also be recorded in a column. How much to record is a matter  of
 | | ┌---------------------------------------------┐     | |         good  sense;  write  just  enough so that you understand what is
 | | |Replace the value of 'c' by the result of    |     | |         going on and be able to retrace your work.
 | | |subtracting the value of 'b' from the value  |     | |
 | | |of 'c'                                       |     | |                         a         b         c
 | | └---------------------------------------------┘     | |                        ---       ---       ---
 | |until the value of 'c' is less than the value of 'b'.| |               0:        52        12
 | └-----------------------------------------------------┘ |               1:        52        12        52
 └---------------------------------------------------------┘               2:        52        12        40
            Figure 1.1.3.  A Remainder Algorithm                           3:        52        12        28
                                                                           4:        52        12        16
      To  a  casual  reader  the  definition  of  the   Euclidean          5:        52        12         4
 algorithm  might  appear  to be unnecessarily pedantic. It takes                    12 > 4 -> Stop
 but one or two attempts to solve a problem on a computer to find                    Remainder = 4.
 out  that  it  indeed  pays  to  be precise and unambiguous. The
 English language being what it is, it  takes  a  great  deal  of         Figure 1.1.3.  Hand simulation of algorithm
 painstaking effort and many words to be unambiguous. One look at         of Figure 1.1.2 for values a = 52, b = 12
 a legal document will prove this point, e.g.,
                                                                     Exercise 1.1.1
      In  consideration  of  the  representation  in  the  policy         To  test  your  understanding  of  the  concept   of   hand
      application  (copy  attached  and  made  part  hereof), the         simulation  and  of  the  Euclidean  algorithm,  prepare  a
      payment in advance of the Initial Term Premium, and subject         history sheet for the algorithm given in Figure  1.1.2  and
      to  all  the exclusions, limitations, reductions on account         hand  simulate  the  algorithm for the initial arguments 35
      of age, provisions and other  terms  of  this  policy,  the         and 25.
      Company  hereby  insures  the  person  named  above (herein
      called  the  Insured),  against  described  loss  resulting
      directly  and independently of all other causes from bodily    1.2 COMPUTERS
      injuries (herein called "such injuries") caused by accident
      occurring  while this policy is in force and arising out of         A computer is a device capable  of  accepting  information,
      the following hazards.                                         performing specified operations on the information and supplying
                                                                     the results of these operations. Given an  algorithm  and  data,
 A number of  algorithmic  or  programming  languages  have  been    the  computer  processes  the data as specified by the algorithm
 developed  to  provide the precision essential for communication    and produces the desired results (see Figure 1.2.1). Whether  it
 with a computer. An example of the GCD algorithm expressed in  a    is  a  mechanical  device  with spinning wheels or an electronic
 programming language appears in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.3.2).           device with  blinking  lights,  the  computer  serves  the  same
                                                                     function.  Turing has shown that, given enough time and storage,
1                                                                                                                           201   290

 any computation that can be performed by  one  computer  can  in    computer and the computer can respond quickly to any  errors  in
 principle  be  performed  by another. It is just a matter of how    the  input.  Normally  however  the  keyboard  is connected to a
 long it takes to do the job.                                        device which punches holes in a card or  papertape  (see  Figure
                                                                     1.2.5  and  1.2.6).  The  information  we  wish to convey to the
       Algorithm                                                     computer is coded in the form of holes on  the  card  which  can
               |                                                     later  be  read  by  a  mechanical  card  reader attached to the
               v                                                     computer.
               Computer --> Results
               7                                                               Figures:
               |                                                     1.2.2  Card Reader
            Data                                                     1.2.3  Teletype
                                                                     1.2.4  CRT display and keyboard
      Figure 1.2.1  Computing Process                                1.2.5  A card with all the characters punched on it
                                                                     1.2.6  Paper tape with holes
      Figure 1.2.1 shows algorithm and data  in  separate  boxes.
 Does  this  mean  that algorithms are somehow different from the         Computer systems which primarily  use  a  card  reader  for
 data they operate upon? The answer is yes and no. While it might    input   are  called  card-oriented  systems  ;  those  that  use
 be   easier   for   us  conceptually  to  differentiate  between    typewriters or display keyboards  are  called  terminal-oriented
 algorithms and data, for a computer they  are  merely  different    systems .
 flavors of the same thing: information.
                                                                     Exercise 1.2.1
      Until the late 1940's calculating machines required special         Using  an  input  device   available   at   your   computer
 wiring  to specify the algorithm. This special wiring would then         installation,  prepare  as input the following information:
 control the sequence of operations to be performed on  data.  In         your last name,  first  name,  initial;  department,  phone
 1945   John   von  Neumann  in  the  now  classic  paper  called         number.
 "Preliminary Discussion of the Logical Design of  an  Electronic
 Computing  Instrument"  suggested  that  special wiring to solve
 individual  problems  can  be  eliminated  by  representing  the    1.2.2 Output
+                                                                          ______
 instructions  to  the  computer  as  numerals, which can then be
 stored in the computer memory along with  the  data.  A  machine         A computer may have different output devices  to  print  or
 could  be  designed  to  interpret the numeral as an instruction    display the results of computation to the user. The output might
 code and  perform  the  appropriate  operation,  e.g.,  add  two    be  printed  at  1000  lines  per  minute  on  a  printer  (2000
 numbers, or test to see if the result of an operation is zero.      characters per second) or typed at 15 characters per second on a
                                                                     typewriter or displayed at electronic speeds on a  CRT  (Cathode
      The  idea  of  storing  the  program   (the   sequence   of    Ray  Tube)  display  unit (see Figures 1.2.7 and 1.2.8). Exactly
 instructions that operate on the data) in memory is known as the    what will be printed  or  displayed  will  depend  on  what  was
 "stored program"  concept.  Computing  machines  that  use  this    specified  in  the algorithm (see Figures 1.2.9 and 1.2.10). One
 concept  are  called  "general  purpose  computers"  because the    can also punch the results on cards or paper-tape or write it on
 design  of  the  machine  (and  therefore  the  wiring)  is  not    some  magnetic medium such as tape, disk, or drum. This provides
 dependent  on  any  special  problem.  Further,  unlike  wiring,    the facility for using the output of one  program  as  input  to
 instructions in the memory can be easily modified.  That  is,  a    another.
 program  could  make  changes in another program or, in fact, in
 itself.                                                                       Figures:
                                                                     1.2.7  Printer
                                                                     1.2.8  Display Unit
 1.2.1 Input                                                         1.2.9  A Printout from a Program
+      _____
                                                                     1.2.10 A Picture of a Display
      A computer may have one or more input devices to accept the    1.2.3  Processing
 algorithm  and  the data. Input devices attached to the computer
 (see Figures 1.2.2 to 1.2.4)  might  consist  of  card  readers,         The information collected by  the  input  devices  must  be
 paper  tape  readers, typewriters, and keyboards associated with    stored, operated upon in accordance with the instructions of the
 the display units (similar to TV tubes). No matter  what  device    algorithm, and the results sent to the output devices.  The  set
 one  uses  for  an input, (at some point) one sits at a keyboard    of  functional  units  and  memories  involved  in  the storing,
 (similar to a typewriter keyboard) and types the program and the    transformation, and transmission of information  is  called  the
 data.  In  some  cases the keyboard is connected directly to the    computer  (although  one  sometimes  also sees that word used to
1                                                                                                                           290   386

 include the input and output (i/o) devices). Figure 1.2.11 is  a         Figure  1.2.11 of a real computer to which you have access.
 diagram depicting the main units of a typical computer.

 ┌-------------------------------------------┐                       1.3 FORMULATION OF ALGORITHMS
 |┌------┐  ┌-------┐  ┌------┐  ┌-------┐   |
 ||bulk  |->|i/o    |->|main  |->|i/o    |-> |....  i/o                   This section might not be very meaningful to a  reader  who
 ||memory|<-|channel|<-|memory|<-|channel|<- |....  devices          has  never  used  computers  before. We suggest that a beginning
 |└------┘  └-------┘  └------┘  └-------┘   |   .   ┌---┐           programming  student skip this section and proceed to Chapter 2.
 |                |7     | 7      7|         |   .   |...|
 |                ||     | |      ||         |   ....|. .|
 |                v|     v |      |v         |   .---|...|           1.3.1 Efficient Algorithms
+                                                                          ____________________
 |                ┌----------------┐         |   .   └---┘
 |                |   control      |         |   .                        The solution to  a  problem  can  usually  be  achieved  by
 |                |     unit       |         |   .   ┌---┐           various  methods.  Even  if the concepts underlying the solution
 |                └----------------┘         |   .   |...|           are identical, the algorithmic definitions of the problem can be
 |                        7 |                |   ....|. .|           written in a number of different ways. Of these, some algorithms
 |                        | |                |   .---|...|           are better than the others. For  instance,  they  might  require
 |                        | v                |   .   └---┘           fewer  operations,  or less time, or less storage space to solve
 |                ┌----------------┐         |   .                   the problem. It is this ability to produce efficient  algorithms
 |                |   arithmetic   |         |   .  .......          that characterizes a good programmer. One learns to produce good
 |                |      unit      |         |   .  .|   |.          algorithms by studying how other people solved similar problems,
 |                └----------------┘         |   ....|   |.          by  a clear understanding of the problems to be solved, and by a
 |                                           |   ---.|   |.          familiarity  with  the  capabilities  and  limitations  of   the
 |                                           |      .└---┘.          computer to be used.
 |                                           |      .......
 └-------------------------------------------┘                            Let  us  illustrate  how  a  slight  reorganization  of  an
       The overall structure of a typical computer                   algorithm  can help to reduce the computation time. Consider the
                     Figure 1.2.2                                    problem of polynomial evaluation. Given the value of 'x' and
                                                                     the values of the coefficients  a , a   , ...  to  a  , we are
 The large box denotes the boundary of the computer.  The  arrows                                     n   n-1            0
 indicate  the paths over which data can be transmitted. The main
 memory holds both the instructions and the data  (when  possible    required to calculate the value of the polynomial
 --  if  there  is too much of either, some may be placed in bulk
 memory). The control  unit  keeps  everything  synchronized.  It       n        n-1
 fetches  its  instructions  from main memory, obeys them causing    a x  + a   x   + ... + a  .  The direct evaluation of the
 the i/o channels  or  arithmetic  unit  to  function,  waits  if     n      n-1             0
 necessary, then repeats the cycle. An i/o channel is responsible
 for transferring relatively large amounts of  data  to  or  from    formula requires 'n' additions and n(n+1)/2 multiplications.
 main  memory.  Once  set  in  motion by the control unit, an i/o
 channel may continue to function for some time while the control                                                                 i
 unit  goes  on  to  other  duties.  The arithmetic unit performs    The number of multiplications can be reduced to  2n-1 , if  x
 addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and the like. It
 is  generally fast enough so that the control unit can afford to                                                         i-1
 wait  for  it  (thus  the  arithmetic  unit  needs   no   direct    is computed by using the previously saved value of  x    .  By
 communication with memory).                                         rewriting the polynomial in the form (Horner's Method)
                                                                     ((..(a x + a   )x + a   )x + ...)x + a )x + a   we can further
      The  reader  should  not  assume  that  all  computers  are          n     n-1      n-2              1      0
 organized  this way. In fact, various engineering considerations
 usually cause somewhat more elaborate schemes to be adopted.  We    reduce the  number  of  operations  to  'n'  additions  and  'n'
 simply  wish  to  establish  a  conceptual  understanding of the    multiplications; hence by a slight reorganization we are able to
 functions and units of real machines.                               save yet another n-1 multiplications.

 Exercise 1.2.2
      Without disturbing the machine or its operator, locate  and
      describe the parts that correspond to the units depicted in
1                                                                                                                           386   476

                n(n+1)/2   2n-1    n                                                n        n-1
                _____________________                                     Using  a x  + a   x    + ... a   notation, write
                  5050     199    100                                             n      n-1            0
                  ----     ---    ---
                    28      13      7                                     an algorithm for  converting  this  form  to  nested  form.
                    21      11      6                                     Assume that the terms are ordered by exponent, but allow
                    15       9      5                                     for the case a  = 0 .
                    10       7      4                                                   j
                     6       5      3
                     3       3      2
                     1       1      1                                Exercise 1.3.5
                                                                          Hand simulate this algorithm for
      The number of multiplications in some
          polynomial evaluation scheme                                          3     2
                  Figure 1.3.1                                            a)  2x  + 3x  + 5x + 7;

                                                                                3     2
 There are many such efficient variants of  algorithms  available         b)  2x  + 3x  + 7 .
 in  literature.  Some of the more basic and interesting of these
 will be presented in the following chapters.
                                                                     Exercise 1.3.6
      Reorganization of a suggested solution may  not  merely  be         What  algorithm do you use in looking up telephone numbers?
 advantageous but essential in cases when the capabilities of the
 computer are exceeded. Consider the  problem  of  looking  up  a
 number  in the telephone book. One could suggest a "brute force"    1.3.2 Impractical Algorithms
+                                                                          ______________________
 algorithm of starting with the first name  and  going  down  the
 list until the appropriate name is found. This algorithm clearly         There  are  algorithms  which,  using   the   present   day
 would work, but it is highly inefficient and thus would  take  a    computers,  may  take millions of years for completion. Consider
 lot of time.                                                        the problem of playing chess with a computer. The computer  must
                                                                     have  knowledge  of  the legal moves and a basis for determining
 Exercise 1.3.1                                                      its move in any given situation. Can one decide whether a  given
                 5     4     3     2                                 move  is  the  best?  Clearly  a  move  is  acceptable  if it is
      Express  2x  + 3x  + 5x  + 7x  + 11x + 13  for  x = 2          guaranteed to lead to a win, no matter what the  opponent  does.
      in nested form.                                                One  way to guarantee success is to evaluate, for each move, all
                                                                     the possible replies of the opponent. In principle this  process
                                                                     can  be  continued until finally the game ends in a win, a loss,
 Exercise 1.3.2                                                      or a draw, at which time one knows all the necessary moves  that
                  5     4     3     2                                guarantees a win. Such a search procedure can be specified as an
      Evaluate  2x  + 3x  + 5x  + 7x  + 11x + 13  for  x = 2         algorithm for a computer. Why, then, does chess  remain  a  game
      and x = 3  .  Does  it  matter  much  which  of  the  three    which demands great skill and ingenuity?
      algorithms suggested above you use?
                                                                          Here  we  encounter   the   impracticability   of   certain
 Exercise 1.3.3                                                      algorithms.  No computer can beat a chess champion using such an
      Horner's method is not always the best way to evaluate a       algorithm because it would take too long to make a move. At  the
                                                                     start,  white  can  make  any  one of twenty possible moves. The
                                            23                       number of possible moves availiable  to  either  player  in  the
      polynomial.  For example, show that  x    needs only six       subsequent  stages is comparable. It is estimated that there are

                              4      2                                       120
      multiplications and  16x  + 32x  + 8x + 1  can be done in      about 10     possible move-countermove sequences in chess.   Any
      four multiplications and one addition.
                                                                     algorithm that requires the evaluation of 10     paths to decide
 Exercise 1.3.4                                                      on the best move is clearly impractical. Let us  illustrate  the
                                                                     magnitude of the task by comparison with some accepted facts
1                                                                                                                           476   566

                                         -10                         distinguish between the image of a man  and  that  of  a  woman,
 about our universe.  Suppose we take  10     (tenth of a            entities  such  as  dress, shape and hairstyle should be defined
 billionth) of a second as an average time for an  atomic  event.    precisely.  In  addition,  one   must   define   the   differing
 Then  it  is  stated that the total number of atomic events that    characteristics  of these entities that will make discrimination
 have occurred anywhere in the whole universe, in all time, is       possible. At present we do not know how to represent the problem
                                                                     within the computer, even as a "brute-force" algorithm.
 about  10    .  Thus we are beyond the practical limit when we           There are many similar problem areas which can be solved by
                                                                     people without much conscious effort but which have proved to be
              120                                                    extremely  difficult  for  machines.  Consider  the  problem  of
 talk about 10     operations, and any attempt to use a straight-    reading  a newspaper. A computer can now be programmed to 'read'
 forward "brute force" algorithm to teach the  computer  to  play    the individual letters and even to compile crude dictionaries of
 chess is doomed to failure.                                         the  words,  but this does not carry with it any 'comprehension'
                                                                     of the meaning of  the  sentences.  The  information  about  the
      Does  it  mean  that  computers  cannot  hope  to  play   a    language  and  the environment -- a trivial matter for people --
 respectable  game  of  chess? Indeed, no! There are already some    is as yet too complex for the machine. Another problem requiring
 programs in existence  which  play  a  good  game  even  against    the  ability to understand languages is automatic translation of
 champions.  It  does  mean  that we have to discover better than    languages. There are computer programs which can translate  from
 "brute-force" algorithms to solve some problems.  The  discovery    Russian  to  English,  but  the  poor  quality  of the resulting
 of new algorithms (or rediscovering old ones) is a rewarding and    translations  have  been  the  cause  of  a  bitter  controversy
 exhilarating  intellectual  experience  similar   to   that   of    regarding  the  capabilities  of  computers.  Then  there is the
 discovering  a  new  theorem  or  inventing a new machine (which    problem of "world-modelling", i.e., the ability to look  at  the
 perhaps explains why one often finds programmers  working  round    picture(s) of a room and say, "There is a table in the middle of
 the clock without any complaint).                                   the room. There are four chairs  around  it,"  and  so  on.  The
                                                                     logical   and  mathematical  problem  involved  in  making  such
 Exercise 1.3.7                                                      statements from a visual input to the computer  are  immense.  A
                                                                     startling  and  perhaps  challenging fact emerges from the above
               120                                                   examples:  there  are  many  previously  unrecognized  difficult
      Write  10     in the usual decimal notation.                   problems. How, then, are we to formulate appropriate algorithms?

                                                                          At present, the tendency is to solve specific  sub-problems
 Exercise 1.3.8                                                      by  writing programs which consider many different special cases
                                                                     that can occur. It is hoped, as has often been the case  in  the
           10                                                        evolution  of  science,  that after solving a number of specific
      At 10    operations a second, how many years will it take      cases there will come a time and a person who will abstract  and
                                                                     generalize  the  concepts so that a larger class of problems can
              120                                                    be solved using a single  algorithm.  Until  then,  special  and
      to do 10     operations?                                       specific  algorithms  have to be developed to solve specific and
                                                                     even apparently trivial problems.

 1.3.3 As Yet Undiscovered Algorithms                                1.3.4 Unsolvable Problems
+      ______________________________                                      ___________________

      Formulating algorithms for  activities  which  many  of  us         Ideally we would like to generalize algorithms so that they
 perform  without  any  conscious  effort  has  proved  to  be as    can  be  used  to  solve  larger and larger classes of problems.
 difficult as discovering algorithms for new  problems.  Consider    However  this  generalization  of  algorithms   cannot   go   on
 the  formulation  of  an  algorithm  by  which  a  computer  can    indefinitely.  For example, it is easy to write an algorithm for
 distinguish between a man and a  woman.  We  usually  make  this    bisecting an angle using a compass and a straightedge.  Now  one
 distinction  without effort but often we are unable to state how    might  ask the question whether there is a similar algorithm for
 we made that decision. When asked, one  often  makes  vague  and    trisecting an arbitrary angle  by  means  of  a  compass  and  a
 ambiguous statements such as "Oh, by the dress, by the shape, by    straightedge.  The ancient Greeks tried in vain to discover such
 the sound of the voice, by the hair style, etc." While these are    an algorithm. Much later a more  sophisticated  mathematics  was
 perfectly  logical  and understandable clues for another person,    used  to show that they could not have succeeded -- that the set
 for a machine they are too imprecise. Let  us  assume  that  the    of  all  angles  they  could  generate  with  a   compasss   and
 computer  is  provided  with  some  form  of  visual  input.  To    straightedge simply did not include the answer they sought. (But
1                                                                                                                           566   657

 let us assume that we need to trisect some angles and have  only    'i'), but it is surely not in  the  list  since  the  number  it
 a compass and straightedge; must we give up? Not necessarily: we    generates  is  different in at least one digit from any other in
 can also show that arbitrarily close to the  given  angle  there    the list. Therefore our assumption is wrong, and thus there must
 exists  an  angle  that  we  can  trisect  exactly. We can state    be a number we cannot conceivably describe.
 iterative algorithms that will get us an angle as close  to  the
 answer as we desire.)                                                    Should the  fact  that  certain  classes  of  problems  are
                                                                     algorithmically unsolvable be a cause of despair? Certainly not.
      Algorithmic unsolvability is not simply a statement that no    The fact that there exists  no  algorithm  for  determining  the
 algorithm  has  yet  been found to solve a class of problems but    convergence of every arbitrary sequence does not mean that there
 rather that it can never be found within the limitations we have    is no algorithm  for  determining  the  convergence  of  certain
 set.  There  are  several  examples of problem classes which can    subclasses  of  sequences.  Unsolvability usually means that the
 never be solved by the use of a single algorithm. What is  more,    class of problems in question is too large, and that there is no
 the proofs of algorithmic unsolvability are characterized by the    single  algorithm  capable of handling the entire class. It does
 same  mathematical  rigor  as  proofs  in  other   branches   of    not  mean  that  no  sub-class  of  problems   can   be   solved
 mathematics.                                                        algorithmically.

      The problem is both more serious and less serious than  the         In a practical sense, it is well to  determine  whether  or
 example  would  indicate.  It  is  less  serious  because  truly    not a problem is solvable before we expend much effort on it. In
 unsolvable problems are very rare and certainly never bother the    the latter case we can usually find  a  similar  problem  for  a
 beginning programmer. It is, however, more serious because there    smaller,  but  still  adequate,  number  of  cases which will be
 are problems which are beyond reach of any  conceivable  method.    solvable. Thus, theorems on unsolvability help the programmer to
 To  establish  a  feeling for this concept, we will give a brief    determine   what   can   be   achieved  and  to  set  his  goals
 example.                                                            appropriately.

      The set  of  real  numbers  between  0.0  and  1.0  can  be
 represented by the set of all strings of digits of the form         1.3.5 Historical Notes
+                                                                          ________________
      .d  d  d  d  ...
        1  2  3  4                                                        The word algorithm comes from the name of a  ninth  century
                                                                     Arab   mathematician,   Al   Khowarizmi.   His   writings   were
 where each  d   is between 0 and 9 inclusive and no string is       instrumental in introducing the present  methods  of  numeration
              i                                                      into  the  western  world.  Mathematicians from the times of the
                                                                     ancient Greeks and Egyptians have been interested in algorithmic
 allowed to terminate in a string of all nines. We have described    processes. Their progress in discovering algorithms was hindered
 an  infinite  set  of  infinitely long strings of digits with no    by the problems of number representation. For example, they  did
 trouble. (The key word was "all".) We now  wish  to  demonstrate    not  have  the  concept  of  positional  notation used in Arabic
 that  there  is  at  least  one  number between 0.0 and 1.0 that    numerals nor  the  concept  of  logarithms.  The  representation
 cannot be described in English (or PL, or any other language).      problem  is  by  no  means  completely solved. Even today we are
                                                                     still concerned about the representation of numbers in computers
      By a description we will mean  any  finite  set  of  finite    so that we may perform arithmetic operations without sacrificing
 rules that will eventually allow us to write down as many digits    potential speed to essential accuracy.
 of the described number as we might desire. Assume that  we  can
 describe  all  of  the numbers between zero and one and consider         Many mathematicians had  dreamed  of  discovering  an  all-
 the set of all such descriptions.  Since  the  descriptions  are    inclusive  method  for solving any problem. Leibnitz (1646-1716)
 finite,  we  may assume that the set of them is ordered with the    attempted to find such a solution in vain,  but  felt  that  the
 shortest description first, and that among descriptions  of  the    time  would  come  when  it  would  be  discovered  and that any
 same  length  they  are ordered alphabetically. We can then talk    argument among mathematicians could then be settled  with  paper
 about the i-th description and the i-th  number  described.  The    and  pencil.  Despite  the  long  and persistent efforts of many
 description:                                                        great men, the difficulties in finding such  an  algorithm  have
                                                                     remained  insurmountable.  Further,  similar  difficulties  were
      "Let the i-th digit of this number  be  zero  if  the  i-th    encountered in trying to find algorithms for certain problems of
      digit  of  the  i-th  number is one, otherwise let the i-th    a  far  less  general  nature.  After many fruitless attempts to
      digit of this number be one."                                  discover  such  algorithms,  it   became   apparent   that   the
                                                                     difficulties  involved  were  basic  and it came to be suspected
 is surely a valid description (using the list of descriptions we    that it is not possible to  construct  an  algorithm  for  every
 assumed  we  already  had, we can compute the i-th digit for any    class  of  problems.  One  of the first to prove the algorithmic
1                                                                                                                           657   724

 unsolvability of certain classes  of  problems  was  the  famous                               CHAPTER II
 logician  A.  Church.  In  1936, he published a paper called "An
 Unsolvable Problem in Elementary Number Theory".                                               LANGUAGES

      With the development of electronic computers,  interest  in
 theory and formulation of algorithms has increased considerably.    2.1 LANGUAGES AND COMMUNICATION
 However, the emphasis has  shifted  from  the  negative  to  the
 positive  results.  Instead  of a preoccupation with proving the         Man's development and the growth of civilization have  been
 algorithmic unsolvability of certain classes of problems, people    intimately  involved with the evolution of language. Language is
 are   now  more  concerned  with  the  explicit  formulation  of    an aspect of culture which is common to all human societies  and
 algorithms for  the  classes  of  problems  that  are  solvable.    enables  us  to  receive, communicate, and record our knowledge.
 Furthermore,  with  the ever-increasing usage of computers, more    But there is no single language which can be used for  universal
 and more people are involved in developing  new  algorithms  for    communication.  Indeed,  from  time to time, one language may be
 problems  which were not, until now, considered machine solvable    more widely used than others, but attempts  to  find  a  "lingua
 problems.                                                           franca" have thus far proved unsuccessful.

 Exercise 1.3.9                                                           Whatever the explanation  for  the  existence  of  so  many
      Read  "From  Numbers  to  Numerals  and  From  Numerals  to    different  languages,  it is interesting to study the growth and
      Computation"  by  D.  E.  Smith and J. Ginsburg in James R.    change of languages. Languages are continually  in  a  state  of
      Newman's "The World of Mathematics",  Volume  1,  page  442    flux,  and the changes are neither systematic nor rational. As a
      (Simon and Schuster, 1956).                                    result of  such  erratic  (or  irregular)  development,  natural
                                                                     languages are imprecise, ambiguous, and redundant. The first two
 Exercise 1.3.10                                                     attributes, imprecision and ambiguity, concern  the  meaning  of
      Read "Goedel's Proof" by E. Nagel and J. R. Newman on  page    statements in natural languages. The last attribute, redundancy,
      1668, Volume 3 of the book above.                              concerns the "wordiness" of natural languages, i.e., the  number
                                                                     of  characters  one  needs  to  communicate  a  concept.  Let us
                                                                     consider these aspects  in  some  detail  since  they  are  also
                                                                     important for communication with a computer.

                                                                     2.1.1 Ambiguity of Languages
+                                                                          ______________________

                                                                          Ambiguity of languages arises, in general, from the use  of
                                                                     the same word to serve different purposes, e.g. pen (play pen or
                                                                     ink pen), ward (a hospital room  or  a  dependent  child),  pool
                                                                     (swimming  pool  or  the  game  pool),  etc. When you say "He is
                                                                     playing pool" and "He is playing in a pool" the intended meaning
                                                                     is clear from the presence or absence of the preposition "in".

                                                                          As a result of different meanings, a word may  be  used  as
                                                                     different  parts of speech, e.g., "Time flies like an arrow" and
                                                                     "Fruit flies like fruit". The term 'flies' is used as a verb and
                                                                     a  noun.  The  term  'like' is used as an adverb and a verb. The
                                                                     term 'fruit' is used as an adjective and a noun. Thus  one  will
                                                                     obtain   quite   different  sentence  diagrams  from  the  above
                                                                     sentences (see Section 2.2).

                                                                          There are many phrases, idioms, and cliches in the  English
                                                                     language,  the  meaning  of which is clear to us only because we
                                                                     adhere to standard forms of expression in  ordinary  situations;
                                                                     e.g.,  "The bride wore a white satin dress and carried a bouquet
                                                                     of roses; the bridegroom wore a happy smile and carried  himself
                                                                     well."  Ambiguity of this type can only be resolved by knowledge
                                                                     of the usage of the language.

1                                                                                                                           724   815

 2.1.2 Redundancy of Languages                                       structure of a language. These notations prove to be  convenient
+      _______________________
                                                                     tools  for  learning  programming  languages;  we  introduce the
      Redundancy is a property of languages which arises  from  a    commonest and most convenient of them here.
 superfluity  of  rules. It facilitates communication in spite of
 all the factors acting against successful communication  and  is
 essential  for  resolving  the  ambiguity  of natural languages.    2.2.1 Parse Trees
+                                                                          ___________
 Because of redundancy we can break some  of  the  rules  of  the
 grammar  without  serious  harm; but the more we break them, the         Consider the statement "The tall nasty boy ate  an  apple."
 lower are our chances of successful communication.                  Our  knowledge  of  the  English  language tells us that it is a
                                                                     sentence of the language and this fact  can  be  illustrated  by
      We can strip off all grammatical clues  and  still  tell  a    diagramming  the  sentence according to the rules of the grammar
 simple  story:  Woman,  street,  crowd,  traffic,  noise, haste,    as shown in Figure 2.2.1. Sentence diagramming  is  also  called
 thief, bag, loss, scream,  police.  .  .  .  The  reader's  past    parsing  of  a  sentence  and  the resulting diagram is called a
 experience  of the language is sufficient to restore the missing    parse-tree or syntax tree.
 elements with sufficient accuracy for the purpose. Why  then  do
 we  need the complex syntactic rules for a language? Try reading     The  tall  nasty    boy        ate    an        apple
 this book with as little redundancy.                                  |     |     |       |          |      |          |
                                                                     <adj> <adj> <adj>   <noun>     <verb> <adj>     <noun>
      The syntactical constraints of a language ensure  that,  to      |     |     |       |          |      |          |
 some  extent,  we know already what will be said. We do not know      |     |     |  <noun phrase>   |      |    <noun phrase>
 exactly what,  but  we  know  something  about  it.  A  linguist      |     |     |       |          |      |          |
 referred  to  syntax  as  the  "traffic  rules of the language".      |     |     └-------|          |      |          |
 Various  affixes,  spelling  rules,  conjugation  rules,   etc.,      |     |             |          |      |          |
 perform this function.                                                |     |        <noun phrase>   |      |          |
                                                                       |     |             |          |      |   <direct object>
      Redundancy  also  helps  us   to   overcome   uncertainties      |     └-------------|          |      |          |
 resulting from accent or handwriting. Because of inadequacies of      |                   |          |      |          |
 a language or of the speaker we may need  to  express  the  same      |              <noun phrase>   |      └----------|
 thought  in  several  different  ways  to make sure that we have      |                   |          |                 |
 conveyed our meaning. "Repeating oneself" is another  source  of      └-------------------|          |          <direct object>
 redundancy  in  languages. In fact, direct repetitions are often                          |          |                 |
 used when we communicate under difficulties, as when  conversing                     <noun phrase>   └-----------------|
 over a noisy telephone line.                                                              |                            |
                                                                                        <subject>                  <predicate>
      Ideally we would  like  to  be  able  to  communicate  with                          |                            |
 computers  in  the  same  manner  as we communicate with people,                          └----------------------------┘
 e.g., in a natural language that we already understand. While we                                        |
 are  able  to  understand ambiguous sentences we do not yet know                                    <sentence>
 how to specify an algorithm, i.e., a  sequence  of  well-defined
 steps  for  resolving  ambiguity.  We do not yet know how to use                 Figure 2.2.1  A Sentence Diagram
 redundancy systematically to resolve  English  ambiguity.  (This
 falls  into  the  category  of as yet undiscovered algorithms of         How can one learn the rules for determining whether a given
 Chapter I.) Further we would like the language for communication    string  of  characters is a valid sentence of a language? Either
 with  computers  to  be  concise with as little redundancy as is    by unsystematic methods as taught in elementary  schools  or  by
 consistent with reliable operation. This  implies  that  such  a    formal methods where the rules are given as precise definitions.
 language  should  also be unambiguous because one cannot resolve    Of the many attempts to  formalize  the  rules  of  the  English
 ambiguity without redundancy.                                       grammar,  one  proposed by Chomsky has proved to be very useful.
                                                                     It is a simple and precise notation for describing the structure
                                                                     of  languages.  In  this text we shall use a slight variation of
 2.2 STRUCTURE OF LANGUAGES                                          that notation as formulated by Backus and Naur.

      Since the 1950's there has been  considerable  interest  in
 the  formal aspects of communication, languages and structure of    2.2.2 Backus Naur Form - BNF
+                                                                          ______________________
 languages. There have been many developments, one  of  which  is
 the  development  of  notations  for  precise description of the
1                                                                                                                           815   902

      How does one describe the  structure  of  a  language?  For    adjectives the above production would essentially  be  unending.
 example, we might want to state that a sentence is defined to be    In  a  formal and precise system for describing languages such a
 a subject followed by a predicate and that the terms subject and    construct would be unacceptable. This difficulty can be overcome
 predicate  themselves  have  a  predetermined structure. One can    by  the use of a recursive definition in which a term appears in
 write the description in English itself as we have done  in  the    its own definition. E.g.,
 preceding  sentence.  This  can  be long-winded. In BNF we would
 state the same fact this way:                                            <noun phrase> ::= <noun> | <adjective> <noun phrase>

      <sentence> ::= <subject><predicate>                            Thus the noun 'boy' is a noun phrase. The phrase 'nasty boy'  is
                                                                     an  adjective  followed  by a noun phrase and, therefore, a noun
 Definitions in BNF, such as the above, are  called  productions.    phrase itself. Similarly the term 'tall nasty boy'  is  again  a
 The  above  production  introduces much of the symbolism of BNF.    noun  phrase.  Using a recursive definition, one can specify all
 Instead of writing 'is defined to be' every  time,  we  use  the    the possible constructs of a  noun  phrase.  Note  that  in  any
 symbol  '::='  .  Instead  of writing 'the structure of the term    recursive BNF production, there must be at least one alternative
 "sentence" of the language' we write  <sentence>.  Juxtaposition    rule  that  does  not  contain  the  term  being  defined.  This
 of  the  terms  <subject>  <predicate>  means  that <subject> is    particular  construct  provides  the necessary starting point in
 followed by <predicate>. Whenever the term  appears  within  the    sentence diagramming.
 angular brackets <...> it is defined elsewhere, i.e., it appears
 on the left hand side of some BNF  production.  Such  terms  are         A simplified grammar of English  in  Backus  Naur  Form  is
 called  non-terminal  symbols  of  the  language.  Terms such as    given in Figure 2.2.2.
 'boy', 'apple', and 'ate' which only appear on  the  right  hand
 side  of  the  productions  are  called  terminal symbols of the         <sentence>      ::= <subject> <predicate>
 language.                                                                <subject>       ::= <noun phrase>
                                                                          <noun phrase>   ::= <noun> | <adjective> <noun phrase>
      Consider the sentences 'The boy ate' and 'The  boy  ate  an         <noun>          ::= boy | apple | ...
 apple'.  In  the first sentence the predicate is the verb 'ate'.         <adjective>     ::= a | an | the | nasty | tall | ...
 In the second, the predicate is 'ate an  apple',  i.e.,  a  verb         <predicate>     ::= <verb> | <verb> <direct object>
 followed  by  a direct object. Thus, in English, a predicate can         <verb>          ::= ate | ...
 mean either a verb or a verb followed by a direct object. In BNF         <direct object> ::= <noun phrase>
 one would state this fact as
                                                                             Figure 2.2.2  Backus-Naur Form Grammar for a Set
      <predicate> ::= <verb> | <verb> <direct object>                                      of English Sentences.

 The  vertical  slash  symbol  '|'  is  used  in  BNF  to  define    Exercise 2.2.1
 alternative  constructs of a language. One could of course write         Parse (construct a BNF diagram of) the following  sentence.
 this as two productions, without using the vertical slash '|':           "Parsing is tedious work."

      <predicate> ::= <verb>                                         Exercise 2.2.2
      <predicate> ::= <verb> <direct object>                              Extend the grammar to include adverbs,  compound  subjects,
                                                                          compound  predicates,  and  compound sentences. Then parse:
                                                                          "both men and machines parse sentences but machines  do  it
 2.2.3 Recursive Definitions in BNF                                       quickly and seldom make mistakes."
+      ____________________________

      In English a  noun  can  be  qualified  by  any  number  of    Exercise 2.2.3
 adjectives.  Thus  'The  boy',  'The nasty boy', 'The tall nasty         We are going to  use  the  grammar  in  Exercise  2.2.2  to
 boy' would all be valid noun phrases. How can one define all the         generate  a sentence. Write <sentence> on a piece of paper.
 possible constructs for a noun phrase? One can state:                    Then roll a die and use the value to  pick  an  alternative
                                                                          from  the  defining rules for <sentence>. (If there is only
      <noun phrase> ::= <noun> | <adjective> <noun>                       one, the choice is easy.) Substitute the right side of  the
                      | <adjective> <adjective> <noun>                    rule for <sentence>. Now there are other bracketed symbols.
                      | <adjective> <adjective> <adjective>               Pick one and repeat the  process,  etc.  Will  the  process
                        <noun> ... and so on.                             necessarily terminate? Will it usually terminate?

 Thus one writes out a separate construct for each case of 0,  1,    Exercise 2.2.4
 2,  3,  4  ...  adjectives.  Since  there  can  be any number of         Add an interesting set of nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. to
1                                                                                                                           902   995

      the  English grammar (for example: donkey, elephant, party,    they could not conveniently express some concept in FORTRAN they
      vote, mad, chew, love,  Republican,  Democrat,  agree)  and    added new constructs to the language. In this way, the number of
      repeat Exercise 2.2.3 several times. Be imaginative.           different "dialects" of FORTRAN increased to the point  that  it
                                                                     is difficult to keep track of all the variations.

 2.3 THE LANGUAGE PL                                                      A group of computer scientists from Europe and  the  U.S.A.
                                                                     met  together  in  1958  and  in 1960 to develop a language more
      There have been  many  different  languages  developed  for    powerful  and  better  defined  than  FORTRAN.   The   resulting
 communication  with  computers.  As  the  problems  to be solved    language, ALGOL 60 (ALGOrithmic Language), was another important
 increased in difficulty and complexity, programmers  found  that    step  in  the  evolution  of  programming  languages.  ALGOL  60
 there  was  no  single language which could be used to solve the    significantly  extended  and  improved  the  constructs  of  the
 wide variety of problems. So while  users  solving  mathematical    language (block-structure, recursion, etc.). It also provided  a
 problems  used  languages  like  FORTRAN  and  ALGOL, users with    means  for  precisely  defining  the  syntax  of a language (see
 business problems used COBOL or RPG, and so on. Other  languages    Section 2.2).
 like  LISP  and  SNOBOL  were  developed for symbol manipulation
 (more like algebra than arithmetic). There are a host of problem         Another development, similar to the ALGOL  60  effort,  was
 oriented  languages like SIMSCRIPT, GPSS, AED, and so forth. Why    initiated by the users interested in the commercial applications
 are there so  many  different  languages?  It  is  very  simple.    of computers. They  found  that  FORTRAN  did  not  provide  the
 Languages,   natural   or   programming,   evolve   and  develop    flexibility   required  for  commercial  applications.  CODASYL,
 continuously. New words are added  to  the  vocabulary  and  new    (COnference on DAta SYstems Languages), a committee composed  of
 constructs  to the language. Such modifications and additions to    several  large  users,  the  Federal  Government,  and  computer
 a  language  are  necessary  because  the  sum  total  of  human    manufacturers  developed   COBOL   (COmmon   Business   Oriented
 knowledge  increases  every  day and, as it becomes necessary to    Language), primarily for use in commercial applications.
 communicate and understand  the  new  concepts,  new  words  and
 phrases  are coined. In natural languages these additions result         After several years of use of FORTRAN,  ALGOL,  and  COBOL,
 in somewhat haphazard development of the language. The  same  is    many  users realized that the differences between commercial and
 true  of programming languages: programmers added new constructs    scientific applications  are  mainly  superficial.  As  problems
 to the languages as they saw fit,  resulting  in  a  bewildering    increased  in  complexity, the users found that many features in
 number of dialects of the languages.                                the other languages  would  have  been  useful.  This  sentiment
                                                                     brought  about the development of the language PL/I (Programming
                                                                     Language / I).
 2.3.1 History of Programming Languages
+      ________________________________
                                                                          PL/I was developed through a cooperative effort  undertaken
      Many languages have been developed for  communication  with    by  IBM and two computer user groups, SHARE and GUIDE. A team of
 computers.  Here  we will describe the evolution of a few widely    experts  representing  these  groups  attempted  to  unify   the
 used computer languages: FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, and PL/I.           fundamental concepts underlying the other higher level languages
                                                                     so that a single language could be used to write both scientific
      FORTRAN is an abbreviation for FORmula TRANslator . It  was    and commercial programs. Did they succeed? Almost. The resulting
 developed  by John Backus and his colleagues at IBM around 1956.    language, while basically very good, has a few ad  hoc  and,  at
 It was widely accepted because it was easier to  learn  and  use    times,  conflicting features. While these features may be useful
 than  any  other  programming language then in use. Prior to the    for  some  specific  applications,  the  resulting  language  is
 development  of  FORTRAN,  a  programmer  had  to  specify  each    sometimes incoherent and lacks a unified structure. These short-
 individual  machine  operation,  by  writing  the  corresponding    comings are but passing difficulties; it is hoped that  many  of
 operation  code,  either  as  a  sequence  of  numbers  (machine    the  annoying features will disappear in time. In any case, PL/I
 language)  or  as  a mnemonic code (symbolic assembly language).    is the best language generally  available  and  is  the  obvious
 Conceptually  simple  operations  (such  as  those  of  ordinary    choice for this book.
 arithmetic)  may  require  from  two  to  half  a dozen of these
 operation codes, and a machine  language  or  symbolic  assembly         In  this  book  we  will  introduce  the  reader  to  those
 language  program  bears  very little resemblance to English. In    constructs  of  the  language  which  we  consider essential for
 FORTRAN, some of the commoner constructs (arithmetic operations,    communication  with  the  machine.  Certain  constructs  of  the
 if-then,   etc.,)   were   written   in  a  form  more  or  less    language  are simplified and a few new ones are introduced. Such
 corresponding to ordinary mathematical notation, and the machine    deviations from the original language specification are few  and
 translated  these  expressions into the appropriate sequences of    are  introduced  only when they are considered to be significant
 machine  instructions.   Its   development   and   growth   have    improvements to the language. Appendix  II  contains  a  precise
 understandably  been  somewhat  haphazard.  As people found that    statement  of  all  the  additions  to,  modifications  of,  and
1                                                                                                                           995  1077

 omissions  from  the  original  language  specification.   After    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 understanding the contents of this book, the student should have    | /* This program executes the Euclidean algorithm for finding |
 little trouble applying his skill in  other  dialects  of  PL/I.    | the greatest common divisor of any two positive integers */  |
 Henceforth, we will refer to this language by the letters PL.       |                                                              |
                                                                     |DECLARE (a,b,c) FIXED;                                        |
 Exercise 2.3.1                                                      |a = INPUT;                                                    |
      Write a brief resume of the history of ALGOL  60.  See  the    |b = INPUT; /* get  a,b  from cards */                         |
      Revised  Report  on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60, Naur    |IF a < b THEN /* interchange the values */                    |
      et al, Comm. ACM, Vol. 6 (January 1963), pp. 1-17.             |    DO;                                                       |
                                                                     |         c = a; /* save  a  temporarily */                    |
                                                                     |         a = b; b = c;                                        |
 2.3.2 Structure of PL                                               |    END;                                                      |
+      _______________
                                                                     |ELSE c = a; /* in case  a  already was >= b */                |
      Whether we write a note in English or a program  in  PL  we    |DO WHILE c ^= 0;                                              |
 must  follow  certain  rules  and  adhere  to  a certain overall    |    c = MOD(a,b); /* remainder of  a/b */                     |
 structure. When one writes  a  passage  in  English,  a  certain    |    a = b; /* g.c.d. when  c = 0 */                           |
 predetermined format is followed: the passage would consist of a    |    b = c;                                                    |
 sequence of sentences; sentences would be delimited by  periods;    |END;                                                          |
 sentences  may be either simple sentences or compound sentences;    |OUTPUT = a;                                                   |
 one may add footnotes to  explain  certain  statements;  and  so    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 forth.                                                                   Figure 2.3.2  The Euclidean algorithm in PL.

      A PL program has an analogous structure.  A  program  is  a
 sequence  of statements; statements are delimited by semicolons;    A program might consist of a single statement or a  sequence  of
 statements may  be  basic  statements  or  compound  statements;    statements. This follows from the recursive definition in BNF:
 special  paragraphing rules must be followed; comments are added
 to explain the  function  of  various  statements.  Table  2.3.1         <program> ::= <statement list>
 summarizes these similarities.                                           <statement list> ::= <statement>
                                                                                              | <statement list> <statement>
                                  English          PL
      ---------------------------------------------------                 The gcd algorithm given in Figure 2.3.2 illustrates the use
      structural element        sentence       statement             of  several different statements. (The reader is not expected to
      delimiter                 .              ;                     understand the precise significance of each of these  statements
      types of statements       simple and     basic and             at  this  time.  We shall discuss them in the next few chapters.
                                 compound       compound             However, one can deduce the function of each of these statements
      explanations              footnotes      comments              from  the comments and by looking at the corresponding algorithm
      paragraphing              applicable     applicable            given in English in Figure 1.1.2.)

          Figure 2.3.1  Analogy between a passage in                      Statements in PL  must  follow  grammatical  rules,  as  do
                        English and a program in PL.                 sentences  in  English; the only difference is that the rules of
                                                                     PL must be followed to the letter. These rules form  the  syntax
      Let us illustrate the structure of programs by  a  concrete    of  the language. Figure 2.3.3 gives a simplified version of the
 example.  Figure  2.3.2 shows the GCD algorithm given in Section    syntax of PL. This syntax is sufficient to introduce many of the
 1.1.2 written in PL.                                                basic concepts in the language.

                                                                                               Figure 2.3.3
                                                                              STUDENT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE REFERENCE SYNTAX

                                                                     <PROGRAM> ::= <STATEMENT LIST>
                                                                     <STATEMENT LIST> ::= <STATEMENT>
                                                                                        | <STATEMENT LIST><STATEMENT>
                                                                     <STATEMENT> ::= <BASIC STATEMENT>
                                                                                   | <CONDITIONAL STATEMENT>
                                                                     <BASIC STATEMENT> ::= <ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT> ;
1                                                                                                                          1077  1187

                     | <GO TO STATEMENT> ;                           <GO TO STATEMENT> ::= GO TO <VARIABLE> ;
                     | <RETURN STATEMENT> ;                                              | GOTO <VARIABLE> ;
                     | <CALL STATEMENT> ;                            <RETURN STATEMENT> ::= RETURN
                     | <DECLARATION STATEMENT> ;                                          | RETURN <EXPRESSION>
                     | <BLOCK> ;                                     <CALL STATEMENT> ::= CALL <VARIABLE>
                     | <GROUP> ;                                     <ALLOCATION STATEMENT> ::= ALLOCATE <ALLOCATION LIST>
                     | <PROCEDURE DEFINITION> ;                      <ALLOCATION LIST> ::= <ALLOCATION ELEMENT>
                     | <ALLOCATION STATEMENT> ;                                          | <ALLOCATION LIST> , <ALLOCATION ELEMENT>
                     | <FREE STATEMENT> ;                            <ALLOCATION ELEMENT> ::= <IDENTIFIER> ( <BOUNDS LIST> )
                     | ;                                             <BOUNDS LIST> ::= <BOUND>
                     | <LABEL DEFINITION><BASIC STATEMENT>                           | <BOUNDS LIST> , <BOUND>
                           | <IF CLAUSE> then <BASIC STATEMENT>                | <EXPRESSION> : <EXPRESSION>
                             else <STATEMENT>                        <FREE STATEMENT> ::= FREE <FREE LIST>
                           | <LABEL DEFINITIONS>                     <FREE LIST> ::= <IDENTIFIER>
                              <CONDITIONAL STATEMENT>                              | <FREE LIST>,<IDENTIFIER>
 <IF CLAUSE> ::= IF <EXPRESSION>                                     <GROUP HEAD> ::= <CONTROL CLAUSE>;
 <BLOCK HEAD> ::= BEGIN;                                                                | <CONTROL CLAUSE><CASE SELECTOR>
 <LABEL DEFINITION> ::= <IDENTIFIER> :                               <REPETITION CONTROL> ::= <WHILE LIST>
 <ENDING> ::= END                                                                           | <ITERATION LIST>
            | END <IDENTIFIER>                                       <WHILE CLAUSE> ::= WHILE <EXPRESSION>
            | <LABEL DEFINITION><ENDING>                             <WHILE LIST> ::= DO
                             <ENDING>                                <ITERATION LIST> ::= DO <VARIABLE>=<ITERATION ELEMENT>
             | <LABEL DEFINITION> PROCEDURE <FORMAL PARAMETERS>                                 | BY <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
               <ATTRIBUTE LIST>;                                                                | TO <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
 <FORMAL PARAMETERS> ::= ( <PARAMETER LIST> )                                                     BY <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
 <PARAMETER LIST> ::= <IDENTIFIER>                                                              | BY <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
                    | <PARAMETER LIST>,<IDENTIFIER>                                               TO <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
 <ATTRIBUTE LIST> ::= <ATTRIBUTE>                                    <EXPRESSION> ::= <LOGICAL FACTOR>
                    | <ATTRIBUTE LIST><ATTRIBUTE>                                   | <EXPRESSION>|<LOGICAL FACTOR>
 <ATTRIBUTE> ::= (<ASTERISK LIST>)                                   <LOGICAL FACTOR> ::= <LOGICAL SECONDARY>
               | <TYPE>                                                                 | <LOGICAL FACTOR>&<LOGICAL SECONDARY>
               | ENTRY                                               <LOGICAL SECONDARY> ::= <LOGICAL PRIMARY>
               | LABEL                                                                     | ^ <LOGICAL SECONDARY>
                    | <DECLARATION LIST> , <DECLARATION ELEMENT>     <RELATION> ::= <
 <DECLARATION ELEMENT> ::= <DECLARATION PRIMARY>                                  | >
                         | <DECLARATION PRIMARY><ATTRIBUTE LIST>                  | =
 <DECLARATION PRIMARY> ::= <IDENTIFIER>                                           | <=
                         | ( <DECLARATION LIST> )                                 | >=
 <ASTERISK LIST> ::= *                                                            | ^<
                   | <ASTERISK LIST> , *                                          | ^>
 <TYPE> ::= BIT                                                                   | ^=
          | FIXED                                                    <STRING EXPRESSION> ::= <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
          | FLOAT                                                                   | <STRING EXPRESSION> || <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>
          | CHARACTER                                                <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION> ::= <TERM>
 <ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT> ::= <VARIABLE> = <EXPRESSION>                                          | <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>+<TERM>
                          | <VARIABLE> , <ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT>                                | <ARITHMETIC EXPRESSION>-<TERM>
1                                                                                                                          1187  1276

 <TERM> ::= <FACTOR>                                                      Compare, for example, the following program (Figure  2.3.4)
          | <TERM>*<FACTOR>                                          with Figure 2.3.2.
          | <TERMS>/<FACTOR>
 <FACTOR> ::= <PRIMARY>                                                 ┌-------------------------------------------------------┐
            | <PRIMARY>**<FACTOR>                                       |DECLARE afuz FIXED; afuz =                             |
            | +<FACTOR>                                                 |INPUT; DECLARE (bfoo, c12c9) FIXED;                    |
            | -<FACTOR>                                                 |bfoo = INPUT; IF afuz < bfoo THEN DO;                  |
 <PRIMARY> ::= <CONSTANT>                                               |c12c9 = afuz; /* sec? */ afuz = bfoo;                  |
             | <VARIABLE>                                               |bfoo                          = c12c9; END; ELSE       |
             | (<EXPRESSION>)                                           |c12c9 = afuz; DO WHILE c12c9 ^=                        |
 <VARIABLE> ::= <IDENTIFIER>                                            |0                                                      |
              | <IDENTIFIER>(<SUBSCRIPT LIST>)                          |;                                                      |
 <SUBSCRIPT LIST> ::= <SUBSCRIPT>                                       |c12c9 = MOD(                                           |
                    | <SUBSCRIPT LIST>,<SUBSCRIPT>                      |afuz, bfoo); afuz = bfoo; bfoo = c12c9; END;           |
 <SUBSCRIPT> ::= <EXPRESSION>                                           |                          OUTPUT = afuz;               |
               | *                                                      └-------------------------------------------------------┘
                                                                                     Figure 2.3.4  A messy program

                                                                          Even without knowing the language, it is  clear  that  this
 2.3.3 Style of Programming in PL                                    example  is  much  less  readable and clear. This is no joke. An
+      __________________________
                                                                     experienced programmer can be  much  more  obscure.  Consider  a
      Statements in PL are separated by the  symbol  ";"  and  by    program of 3000 lines written this way.
 convention a new statement normally begins a new line. The first
 is a requirement of the language; the  second  is  a  matter  of
 style.  On  card-oriented  systems,  each line of the program is    2.3.4 Paragraphing in PL
+                                                                          __________________
 punched on a  separate  card.  The  convention  facilitates  the
 removal  or  modification of any statement without affecting any         The paragraphing of a  set  of  sentences  is  a  means  of
 other statement. This consideration becomes less important  when    grouping  together all the sentences that are intended to convey
 one has a small set of very short statements. Thus                  a particular concept. Paragraphing of  a  set  of  sentences  in
                                                                     English  is  indicated  by  starting  the  first sentence of the
           c = a;                                                    paragraph on a new line and indenting it by a few spaces. In  PL
           a = b;                                                    conceptually  related  statements  are  indented  by (say) three
           b = c;                                                    spaces as a group. The following two examples drawn from the gcd
                                                                     algorithm illustrate the use of paragraphing.
 might reasonably be placed on one line:
                                                                               ┌---------------┐     ┌-------------------┐
           c = a; a = b; b = c;                                                | IF a < b THEN |     | DO WHILE c ^= 0;  |
                                                                               |    DO;        |     |    c <- MOD(a,b); |
 If a statement is too long to fit on a single card,  it  may  be              |       c = a;  |     |    a <- b;        |
 continued  on  succeeding  cards;  the  end  of  the card is not              |       a = b;  |     |    b <- c;        |
 significant.                                                                  |       b = c;  |     | END;              |
                                                                               |    END;       |     |                   |
      Primarily,  programs  are  used  as  instructions  to   the              └---------------┘     └-------------------┘
 computer. Often, however, it may be necessary for another person              Figure 2.3.5   An illustration of paragraphing.
 (or  yourself  several  weeks  later)  to  follow  through  such
 programs and make additions or modifications. Even for an expert         The first rule of paragraphing has to  do  with  groups  of
 it requires considerable effort  to  comprehend  someone  else's    statements bracketed by one of the pairs:
 program.  This  process  may  be  facilitated by the addition of
 comments  or  explanatory  notes,  comparable  to  footnotes  in         DO; ... END;
 English.  In PL these notes may consist of ordinary sentences or         BEGIN; ... END;
 anything else the programmer  may  choose,  placed  between  the         PROCEDURE; ... END;
 bracketing  symbol  pairs  /*...*/.  Comments  make the programs
 readable, and they are  useful  to  the  programmer  himself  in    In order to make absolutely clear which two symbols form a pair,
 understanding previously written parts of the program while more    they  must start in the same column of the program (e.g., DO and
 is being written.                                                   END in the previous examples). The statements  enclosed  by  the
1                                                                                                                          1276  1366

 pair are related, thus are indented.                                     Constants have a fixed meaning which is defined by the very
                                                                     same characters used in denoting them. For example:
      Similarly, the symbol IF denotes a condition  that  applies
 to  the  following  statements only. To make it visually obvious         179, 393.69, 'ABRA KA DABRA'
 which statement is affected, the  whole  statement  is  indented
 (again, see the previous example).                                  are constants. The meaning of the first two elements is  obvious
                                                                     to  anyone  familiar with decimal notation. The element 'ABRA KA
      Paragraphing  conventions  will  become   clearer   as   we    DABRA' is also a constant.  It  represents  a  fixed  unchanging
 introduce the basic constructs of PL. All that we wish to convey    sequence of characters contained within the quote marks.
 at this point is that there are paragraphing  conventions  which
 are   essential  in  preserving  programming  style.  Consistent         There are four types of constants  which  are  particularly
 indentations of (say) three spaces as indicated  above  are  the    useful in programming: integer and real numbers, logical values,
 most  important.  The  machine,  of  course,  does  not use this    and strings of characters. These primitives  are  chosen  for  a
 indentation information and will obey Figure 2.3.4 as readily as    variety of reasons. Most important, they are quantities that are
 Figure 2.3.2.                                                       directly meaningful to people. We count with  integers,  measure
                                                                     with   real   numbers,  record  the  truth  or  falseness  of  a
                                                                     proposition as a binary digit (1 = true, 0 =  false),  and  read
 2.4 ELEMENTS OF PL                                                  and  write text. Some examples of numbers that we use day to day
      Like other languages, PL has an alphabet, a  vocabulary  of                     30
 words formed using the alphabet, and a set of rules (syntax) for         77, -539, 10  ,
 forming statements using the vocabulary. We  have  already  seen         -319.83, .5894, 0158, 009.423,
 the  syntax  (Figure  2.3.3)  in  connection  with  the  overall                                         -7
 structure of the language. In this section we will describe  the         -156000000, 0.00000000000357, 10  , etc.
 basic building blocks used in making up the statements.
                                                                          One writes constant numbers in PL in almost  the  same  way
                                                                     one normally writes them for arithmetic calculations, except for
 2.4.1 The Alphabet
+      ____________
      The alphabet of PL  is  similar  to  that  of  the  English    numbers of the form 156 x 10 .  Because computers usually do not
 language.  Note  that  PL  is  a contrived language specifically    accept off-the-line notation (exponents, fractions), we use an
 designed for human communication with the  computers.  Since  we
 are  already  familiar  with  the  alphabet  of  English,  it is                                            6
 reasonable to have the machine recognize the same alphabet. This    in-line notation.  For example, 156 x 10   is written as 156E6 .
 alphabet usually consists of the letters                            Thus in PL, 77, -539, -319.83, .5894, 156E6, and .3E-7 are all
      A B C D ... Z  and
      a b c d ... z;                                                                         5          -12
 the digits                                                          valid constants.  3/2, 9 , 156 x 10    are not.   How does one
      0 1 2 ... 9                                                    recognize what is a valid number and what is not? Here is  where
 and some special symbols                                            a precise BNF definition is useful.
      + - * / . ; . : <-
      ( ) = > < ^ & | $ _ # @                                             <number> ::= <unsigned number>
 On  card-oriented  systems  the  lower  case letters are usually                    | + <unsigned number>
 omitted. In terminal-oriented systems many other special symbols                    | - <unsigned number>
 such  as  ≥, ≤, #, brackets, etc., may be included. Exactly what         <unsigned number> ::= <decimal number>
 the alphabet is will  be  dependent  upon  the  computer  system                             | <decimal number> <exponent part>
 available for use. For the purposes of this book we will attempt         <decimal number> ::= <unsigned integer>
 to use an alphabet which will  make  the  example  programs  and                            | <decimal fraction>
 exercises  most readable. Our readers will have to determine the                            | <unsigned integer> <decimal fraction>
 association of characters on  their  equipment  and  those  used         <exponent part> ::= E<integer>
 here.                                                                    <decimal fraction> ::= .<unsigned integer>
                                                                          <integer> ::= <unsigned integer>
                                                                                      | + <unsigned integer>
 2.4.2 Constants                                                                      | - <unsigned integer>
+      _________
                                                                          <unsigned integer> ::= <digit>
1                                                                                                                          1366  1445

                           | <unsigned integer> <digit>              .         3          1      4      1      6   E +       1
      <digit> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9                  |         |          |      |      |      |   | |       |
                                                                     |      <digit>    <digit><digit><digit><digit>| |    <digit>
      For example, let us parse the following:                       |         |          |      |      |      |   | |       |
                                                                     | <unsigned integer> |      |      |      |   | | <unsigned int>
                   5                 4           2                   |         |          |      |      |      |   | |       |
                   |                 |           |                   |         |----------┘      |      |      |   | └-------|
                <digit>           <digit>     <digit>                |         |                 |      |      |   |         |
                   |                 |           |                   | <unsigned integer>        |      |      |   |     <integer>
           <unsigned integer>        |           |                   |         |                 |      |      |   |         |
                   |                 |           |                   |         |-----------------┘      |      |   └---------|
                   |-----------------┘           |                   |         |                        |      |             |
                   |                             |                   | <unsigned integer>               |             <exponent part>
           <unsigned integer>                    |                   |         |                        |      |             |
                   |                             |                   |         |------------------------┘      |             |
                   |-----------------------------┘                   |         |                               |             |
                   |                                                 | <unsigned integer>                      |             |
           <unsigned integer>                                        |         |                               |             |
                   |                                                 |         |-------------------------------┘             |
            <decimal number>                                         |         |                                             |
                   |                                                 | <unsigned integer>                                    |
           <unsigned number>                                         |         |                                             |
                   |                                                 └---------|                                             |
                <number>                                                       |                                             |
                                                                       <decimal fraction>                                    |
              Example 1.  Parse of the <number> 542                            |                                             |
                                                                        <decimal number>                                     |
                                                                               |                                             |
                                                                                            <unsigned number>

                                                                                    Example 2.  Parse of the number .31416E+1

                                                                     Exercise 2.3.1
                                                                          Which of the following are valid numbers in PL?

                                                                                                  -5               7
                                                                          -317, 0.0000317, 3.17*10  , 2E-14, 3/7, 3 ,
                                                                          -317.893, -317.-893

                                                                          Although we are perhaps less familiar with  logical  values
                                                                     and strings of characters, they are nevertheless as important as
                                                                     numeric constants in problem solving with a computer. There  are
                                                                     only  two  logical constants, true and false. Statements such as
                                                                     "you are a girl", "John is taller than Steve", and  "A  is  less
                                                                     than B" can only have one or two values, true or false. (Instead
                                                                     of writing true and false one may use the  digits  1  and  0  to
                                                                     represent  these  constants.  This  representation  is  merely a
                                                                     notational convenience (but it  will  cause  type  conversions);
                                                                     many  other  representations are used in the scientific notation
                                                                     in other fields: zero and non-zero, positive and negative, etc.)
1                                                                                                                          1445  1534

      A string constant is any string of characters within  quote    2.4.4 Identifiers
+                                                                          ___________
 marks,  e.g.,  'KHAN  KUBLA  KHAN', 'My name is Tom Dick Harry',
 'A3B7C6', '123.76'. Any valid character of the alphabet  may  be         In English we are constantly modifying, adding, and coining
 included  in  the  string. The one exception is a quotation mark    new  words,  e.g., pundit, nitwit, debugging, etc. Even in PL we
 since it is used to signify the end of the string constants. You    coin new words: while writing a program we coin words to  denote
 may,  however, specify a quotation mark in the string by placing    entities  which  we  wish  to  deal  with in the program. A main
 two quote marks one after the other, e.g.,                          difference between natural and  programming  languages  is  that
      'JOHN SAID ''I AM FINE''.'                                     when  we  coin  a  new  word  in  English  it  usually becomes a
 which will be stored in the computer as                             permanent addition to the language with its own special meaning.
      JOHN SAID 'I AM FINE'.                                         In  programming  languages  when  we  coin a new word it is only
                                                                     meaningful within the program in which it exists. The  usage  is
                                                                     similar  to  that  of  mathematics where one commonly introduces
 2.4.3 The Reserved Vocabulary                                       symbols with a new meaning which is to be valid only in a  local
+      _______________________
                                                                     context.  In  mathematics,  however,  the  tradition is to use a
      In  English,  certain   words   serve   the   function   of    single hieroglyphic instead of a word.
 connectives:  in,  of, to (prepositions); and (conjunctions); a,
 an, the, (articles); etc. While the meaning of a sentence may be         There is a predetermined format in PL for  the  coining  of
 clear  even  without  the  use of these words, they permit us to    new words. These new words are called identifiers. An identifier
 anticipate what might  be  said  next.  (See  Section  2.1.2  on    must begin with a letter and may be followed by  any  number  of
 redundancy).  In  PL we have similar sets of words, the reserved    letters  or  digits  or  <break character>s. Using the recursive
 words, which have special meanings when used in a program. These    definition of BNF we can state this fact formally.
 are given in Figure 2.4.1.
                                                                          <identifier> ::= <letter>
      The meaning and usage of the  reserved  words  will  become                        | <identifier> <letter>
 clear  during  the  next  few  chapters.  All  that  we  wish to                        | <identifier> <digit>
 emphasize at this point is that these reserved words serve  some                        | <identifier> <break character>
 predetermined functions and may not be used otherwise. One might         <break character> ::= # | _ | @
 argue that in English 'And is the subject of the sentence' is  a
 perfectly  valid sentence and that 'and' need not always be used    Let  us  parse  'BIG',  'B2/N', and '5_BNF' to discover which of
 as a conjunction. In PL one does not have that flexibility.         these are acceptable as identifiers.

      In this text, we will distinguish reserved words  from  the         1.   Parse BIG
 rest by printing them in bold face. Such a distinction makes for
 more readable programs. (Most computers have  no  provision  for                    B          I        G
 reading  bold face and therefore do not distinguish between bold                    |          |        |
 face type and regular type.)                                                    <letter>       |        |
                                                                                     |          |        |
                ALLOCATE            FLOAT                                      <identifier>     |        |
                BEGIN               FREE                                             |      <letter>     |
                BIT                 GO                                               |          |        |
                BY                  GOTO                                             |__________|        |
                CALL                IF                                                     |             |
                CASE                INITIAL                                          <identifier>        |
                CHARACTER           LABEL                                                  |             |
                DECLARE             PROCEDURE                                              |_____________|
                DO                  RETURN                                                        |
                ELSE                THEN                                                    <identifier>
                END                 TO
                ENTRY               WHILE

                 Figure 2.4.1  List of Reserved Words

1                                                                                                                          1534  1600

      2.   Parse B2/N                                                D.C. There are many similar  terms  in  English:  "The-Queen-of-
                                                                     England",  "Baseball-pitcher-of-the-year", "Wimbledon-champion",
                 B         2        /           N                    "Senior-Senator-from-California",  etc.  Such   terms   may   be
                 |         |        |           |                    collectively called abstract nouns.
             <letter>      |        |           |
                 |         |        |           |                         The  analogous  term  in  programming  languages   is   the
           <identifier> <digit>     |           |                    variable.  A variable has three terms associated with it: a name
                 |         |        |           |                    (the President of the U.S.), an address  (White  House),  and  a
                 |_________|        |           |                    value (Abraham Lincoln). A variable can take on different values
                      |             |           |                    at different times and is stored in the  computer  memory  at  a
                <identifier>     neither  <letter> nor <number>      location  given  by  the  address  and  it is referred to in the
                hence not an <identifier>                            higher level languages by its name. The name and the value of  a
                                                                     variable  are  two  different  entities.  However,  the  name is
                                                                     sometimes used imprecisely to denote the value  associated  with
      3.   Parse 5_BNF                                               the   name   just   as  "The  President  of  U.S."  without  any
                                                                     qualification usually refers to the person holding the office at
               5    _  B  N  F                                       the  present  time.  In contrast, the name of a constant denotes
               |    .  .  .                                          the value and the concept of address is irrelevant.
           <number> .  .  .
           not an <identifier>                                            We coin variable names as we  need  them  while  writing  a
                                                                     program.  Any  valid  identifier  can  be  used as the name of a
                                                                     variable. In this text we will distinguish names from  the  rest
                                                                     by printing them in small letters.
 2.4.5 Variables
+      _________

      In PL, identifiers are mainly used as names of variables to
 be  used  in  a  program.  Thus  you may coin any names that you
 consider appropriate for the  problem  at  hand,  e.g.,  'root',
 'prime',  'president',  etc.  A  variable is an entity which can
 take different values at different points in the computation and
 is stored in a specific location(s) in the computer memory.

      We have seen in Chapter I that every computer has a  memory
 or  storage  unit.  This memory is divided into chunks (or bits)
 called words that we can refer to all at once. Each word  has  a
 preassigned  address,  say  for  example, a number between 0 and
 65,535 (i.e., assuming that the memory is in fact  divided  into
 65,536  words). A computer word is a place to store information.
 The information we wish to store may be an  instruction  of  the
 algorithm  or  an  item  of  data  to  be  operated  upon by the
 algorithm. One can uniquely refer to or  alter  the  information
 stored in a word in a single operation.

      Whenever new information is stored in a word, the  previous
 information  is  lost. This is called destructive read-in and is
 analogous to overwriting  old  songs  by  new  ones  on  a  tape
 recorder.  One can, however, refer to the information any number
 of times just as one can listen to the tape recorder any  number
 of times without destroying the song on the tape. This is called
 non-destructive read-out .

      We can illustrate the role of a  variable  by  an  analogy.
 Consider the term "The-President-of-United States". Depending on
 the era he may have  been  Washington  or  Lincoln  or  Taft  or
 Roosevelt  or  ...  His  address is the White House, Washington,
1                                                                                                                          1600  1687

                           CHAPTER III                                         DECLARE mean FLOAT;
                                                                               DECLARE variance FLOAT;
                         STATEMENTS IN PL
                                                                     Every  declaration  statement  begins  with  the  reserved  word
                                                                     DECLARE  and  is  followed  by the name to be introduced and its
      We have already seen  the  basic  building  blocks  of  PL:    data type. If we wish to introduce a lot of names  it  would  be
 alphabet, arithmetic expressions, constants, variables, reserved    tedious  to  repeat  DECLARE  each  time,  and  therefore PL has
 words, etc. In this chapter we will learn how one can use  these    facilities for introducing  several  names  in  one  declaration
 basic elements to construct statements and how one can use these    statement.  For example, the above statements can be combined to
 statements in formulating algorithms. The statements of PL  must    form a single declaration statement:
 follow  certain  grammatical  rules,  as  must  statements  in a
 natural language such as English (see Figure 2.3.3).                     DECLARE mean FLOAT, variance FLOAT;

      We have seen that a variable is an entity which can  assume    Suppose we also wish to use 'a',  'b',  and  'c'  as  names  for
 different  values,  is stored at a unique address in memory, and    integer  valued  variables  and  'text' as a string variable. We
 can be referred to by its name. Thus the first thing  we  should    could extend the previous declaration statement to read:
 learn  is  how to inform the machine of the names we wish to use
 in our program.                                                          DECLARE mean FLOAT, variance FLOAT, a FIXED, b FIXED,
                                                                               c FIXED, text CHARACTER;

                                                                     Now we can give a formal definition of the facts we know about a
      We introduce the names  we  wish  to  use  by  means  of  a    declaration statement.
 declaration  statement.  It  is not enough to merely declare the
 names; we must qualify the  names  by  specifying  one  or  more         <declaration statement> ::= DECLARE <declaration list>;
 attributes  for  them.  We  have  learned  that  there  are four         <declaration list> ::= <declaration element>
 different types of  constants:  integers  to  count  with,  real                       | <declaration list> , <declaration element>
 numbers to measure with, logical constants to indicate the truth         <declaration element> ::= <identifier><type>
 and falsity of statements, and character strings with  which  to         <type> ::= FIXED | FLOAT | CHARACTER | BIT
 read and write. A particular variable may hold any of the values
 of just one of these four types, so when we introduce a variable    Example:
 name  we  must  also  give  it  the appropriate attribute, viz.,         DECLARE       x1                FLOAT   ;
 either FIXED, FLOAT, BIT, or CHARACTER.                                     |           |                  |     |
                                                                             |      <identifier>          <type>  |
     ┌----------------------------------------┐                              |           |                  |     |
     | attribute     value type and use       |                              |           |__________________|     |
     |----------------------------------------|                              |                     |              |
     | BIT           logical; true and false  |                              |           <declaration element>    |
     | FIXED         integer; counting        |                              |                     |              |
     | FLOAT         real; measuring          |                              |             <declaration list>     |
     | CHARACTER     text; communicating      |                              |                     |              |
     └----------------------------------------┘                              |_____________________|______________|
        Figure 3.1.1  Correspondence between                                                       |
          data types and attributes in PL                                             <declaration statement>

 The terms used for the attributes are  indicative  (as  we  will         This declaration statement  informs  the  machine  that  it
 later  see)  of the computer representation of the corresponding    should  expect  to  encounter  something called 'x1', and that a
 data  types,  and  that   correspondence   should   be   clearly    memory location suitable for real numbers should  be  set  aside
 understood.                                                         for  'x1'  to  occupy -- rather like an advance reservation at a
                                                                     hotel: "Smith, Mr. and Mrs.", meaning "hold a double room in the
      Let us consider some  examples  of  declaration  statements    name  of  Smith".  Declaration  statements are thus in a special
 before giving a formal definition. We can indicate our intention    category in that they do not do anything to  the  variables  but
 to use the names 'mean' and 'variance' to  represent  two  real-    rather  are  a  preliminary  to doing something. The real action
 valued variables by the statements:                                 begins when 'x1' (or Smith) arrives on the scene. At that  point
                                                                     we encounter the subject of Section 3.2.
1                                                                                                                          1687  1754

 3.1.1 Factoring of Attributes                                       DECLARE (    mean     ,   variance  ) FLOAT ,  text  CHARACTER ;
+      _______________________
                                                                        |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |    |       |     |
      Consider the declaration statement:                               |    |<identifier> |<identifier> |<type> | <ident.> <type>  |
                                                                        |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |    |       |     |
      DECLARE mean FLOAT, variance FLOAT, a FIXED, b FIXED,             |    |<decl. prim.>|<decl. prim.>|   |   |<decl.prim.>|     |
         c FIXED, d FIXED, text CHARACTER;                              |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |    |       |     |
                                                                        |    |<decl. elem.>|<decl. elem.>|   |   |    |_______|     |
                                                                        |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |        |         |
 Several of the names in this declaration statement have the same       |    |<decl. list> |      |      |   |   |        |         |
 attributes.  Could  we  not  avoid repeating types like a broken       |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |  <decl. elem.>   |
 record? Indeed we can, by factoring the types.  In  the  example       |    |      |      |      |      |   |   |        |         |
 above we can group together 'mean' and 'variance', both of which       |    |      |______|______|      |   |   |        |         |
 have the type FLOAT, and 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd',  all  of  which       |    |             |             |   |   |        |         |
 have the type FIXED. By placing all the names with the same type       |    |       <decl. list>        |   |   |        |         |
 within parentheses we can avoid repeating ourselves.                   |    |             |             |   |   |        |         |
                                                                        |    |_____________|_____________|   |   |        |         |
      DECLARE (mean, variance) FLOAT, (a,b,c,d) FIXED,                  |                  |                 |   |        |         |
         text CHARACTER;                                                |            <decl. prim.>           |   |        |         |
                                                                        |                  |                 |   |        |         |
                                                                        |                  |_________________|   |        |         |
 We must modify the formal definition to  accommodate  factoring.       |                           |            |        |         |
 We do this by rewriting the definition of declaration element as       |                     <decl. elem.>      |        |         |
 follows:                                                               |                           |            |        |         |
                                                                        |                     <decl. list>       |        |         |
      <declaration element> ::= <declaration primary>                   |                           |            |        |         |
                              |<declaration primary><type>              |                           |____________|________|         |
      <declaration primary> ::= <identifier>                            |                                        |                  |
                              | ( <declaration list> )                  |                               <declaration list>          |
                                                                        |                                        |                  |
 Let us parse DECLARE  (mean,  variance)  FLOAT,  text  CHARACTER                                                |
 according  to the above definition and discover if the statement                                     <declaration statement>
 is syntactically correct.
                                                                     Exercise 3.1.1
                                                                          Verify in detail the parse tree in the preceding diagram.

                                                                     Exercise 3.1.2
                                                                          Parse  DECLARE (mean, variance) FLOAT, (a,b,c) FIXED,
                                                                                     text CHARACTER;

                                                                     3.2 ASSIGNMENT STATEMENTS

                                                                          An assignment statement is a command  to  the  computer  to
                                                                     perform  some  operations  on  data and assign the result as the
                                                                     value of a variable.

                                                                          <assignment statement> ::= <variable> = <expression>;

                                                                     The expression on  the  right  side  of  the  'equals'  sign  is
                                                                     evaluated and the result is stored in the computer memory at the
                                                                     address corresponding to a variable name. The previous value  of
                                                                     the variable is erased.

1                                                                                                                          1754  1840

      Let us illustrate the function of the assignment  statement              tom = dick / tom;
 by  means  of  a  post-office-box analogy. Suppose we have boxes              tom = tom + dick - harry;
 labeled 'tom', 'dick',  and  'harry'.  Let  each  of  the  boxes              harry = harry / 2
 contain  a  card  with  a number written on it, say, 4, 2, and 9
 respectively.                                                            If you have performed the  above  exercise  correctly,  the
                                                                     boxes  'tom',  'dick',  and 'harry' should contain 26, 25, and 2
      ┌---------┐  ┌----------┐  ┌---------┐                         respectively. The statement tom = tom + 1 might appear to  be  a
      |   tom   |  |   dick   |  |  harry  |                         contradiction.  But  note  that  the  assignment  statement is a
      |   ┌-┐   |  |   ┌-┐    |  |   ┌-┐   |                         command, not a statement of algebraic equality. While a = b  and
      |   |4|   |  |   |2|    |  |   |9|   |                         b  =  a  imply  the  same  fact  in  algebra  it is not so in an
      |   └-┘   |  |   └-┘    |  |   └-┘   |                         assignment statement. a = b commands the computer to replace the
      └---------┘  └----------┘  └---------┘                         value  of 'a' by that of 'b', and b = a, the opposite. While the
                                                                     values of 'a' and 'b' will be equal after the execution  of  the
 Now the effect of the assignment statement                          command,  the common value will be the prior value of 'b' in the
                                                                     case of a = b, and that of 'a' in the case of b = a.
      dick = 12;

 will be to open the box labeled 'dick', erase the  number  2  on    3.2.1 Expressions
+                                                                          ___________
 the  card  and  write  the  number  12  in its place. So the new
 numbers in the boxes will then be 4, 12, and 9.                          There are three types of expressions that may appear on the
                                                                     right  side of the assignment statement: arithmetic expressions,
      ┌---------┐  ┌----------┐  ┌---------┐                         string  expressions,  and  logical  expressions.  An  expression
      |   tom   |  |   dick   |  |  harry  |                         describes  an  algorithm  for computing a value. If the value of
      |   ┌-┐   |  |   ┌--┐   |  |   ┌-┐   |                         the expression is a number (either integer  or  real)  then  the
      |   |4|   |  |   |12|   |  |   |9|   |                         expression is called an arithmetic expression; if the value is a
      |   └-┘   |  |   └--┘   |  |   └-┘   |                         string of characters then the  expression  is  called  a  string
      └---------┘  └----------┘  └---------┘                         expression;  if  the  value is either TRUE or FALSE then it is a
                                                                     logical expression.
 Now suppose we say harry = tom + 3. The machine knows how to  do
 arithmetic,  so  the  effect  will  be  to  add  3 to the number         An expression  may  consist  simply  of  a  constant  or  a
 contained in 'tom' (4 + 3 = 7) and store the result in  'harry',    variable as on the right of the assignments "dick = 12;", "harry
 i.e.,  erase  the  old number (9) and store the new one (7). The    = tom;", and "name = 'John Smith';". In such cases the value  of
 contents of the boxes will then be as follows:                      the  expression  is  that  of  the  constant or the variable. An
                                                                     expression may also consist of a  succession  of  operators  and
      ┌---------┐  ┌----------┐  ┌---------┐                         operands;  in this case it is a command to perform the specified
      |   tom   |  |   dick   |  |  harry  |                         operations on the specified operands, and the result is taken to
      |   ┌-┐   |  |   ┌--┐   |  |   ┌-┐   |                         be the value of the expression.
      |   |4|   |  |   |12|   |  |   |7|   |
      |   └-┘   |  |   └--┘   |  |   └-┘   |                              The operators that may appear in expressions can be grouped
      └---------┘  └----------┘  └---------┘                         into three classes as shown below.

 Thus, one can perform various operations on the number contained         resulting value  |  operators
 in any of the boxes and store the result back in any box.                -----------------┼----------------------------------
                                                                          arithmetic       |  +, -, * (multiplication), /,
 Exercise 3.2.1.                                                                           |  ** (exponentiation)
      Suppose the boxes  'tom',  'dick',  and  'harry'  have  the         string           |  || (catenation)
      attribute  FIXED  and  contain  numbers 4, 7, and 9, and we         logical          |  <, <=, =, >=, >, ^ (not), ^=,
      perform in succession the following  assignment  statements                          |  | (or), & (and)
      using  them.  Fill  in  the new contents of the boxes after
      performing each of these statements.                           The following examples illustrate the use of  the  operators  in
           dick = tom + harry - 3;
           tom = tom + 1;
           harry = harry - tom;
           dick = tom * tom; /* multiplication */
1                                                                                                                          1840  1936

     Expression                   Remarks                            precedence levels and mixed expressions.
     ----------                   -------
 1.  a + b/c - 4.7             Add the value of 'b' divided by            The variable on the left side of the  assignment  statement
                               'c' to the value of 'a' and           should  normally  be  of  the  same  data  type  (FIXED,  FLOAT,
                               subtract 4.7 from the result.         CHARACTER, or BIT) as the value of the expression on the  right.
 2.  (a + b)/c                 Divide the value of 'a' plus 'b'      If  the  data  types  are  different,  then  the  value  of  the
                               by the value of 'c'.                  expression is converted to the data type of the variable  before
 3.  'MY NAME IS ' || 'JOHN'   Value is 'MY NAME IS JOHN'            storing.  However,  if  the  conversion is meaningless, an error
 4.  'MEAN = ' || a + b        If the value of a + b is 3.7, then    indication will be printed. The  following  example  illustrates
                               the value of the expression is        various type conversions.
                               'MEAN = 3.7'.
 5.  a + b < c + d             TRUE if a + b is less than c + d;          ┌---------------------------------------------┐
                               FALSE otherwise.                           | DECLARE a FLOAT, b FIXED, c CHARACTER;      |
 6.  name ^= 'Smith'           TRUE if  name is not equal to              | a = 5.4;                                    |
                               'Smith'; otherwise FALSE.                  | b = 3;                                      |
                                                                          | c = 'nothing';                              |
 Arithmetic operations are performed  before  string  operations,         | c = a; /* result is '5.40000' */            |
 and  logical  operations  are performed last (see examples 4 and         | a = c; /* result is 5.40000 */              |
 5). Even within each  class  certain  operations  are  performed         | b = a; /* result is 5 */                    |
 before  others (see example 1 where division is performed before         | a = b; /* result is 5.00000 */              |
 addition and subtraction). Figure  3.2.1  gives  the  precedence         └---------------------------------------------┘
 levels  for  all  the operators indicating the sequence in which
 various operations are performed. This precedence of  operations    Exercise 3.2.2.
 can   be   superseded   by   enclosing   any  expression  within         Why are the following assignment statements syntactically
 parentheses. In  such  cases  the  parenthesized  expression  is         incorrect?
 evaluated before it is used as an operand.                                    2 = 2;
                                                                               b*b-4*a*c = discriminant;
 | level      symbol                                            |    Exercise 3.2.3.
 |--------------------------------------------------------------|         Determine which of the following are syntactically
 |first   |  prefix + and -, exponentiation:  **                |         correct.  If incorrect, what are the errors?
 |second  |  multiply and divide:  *, /                         |              (a)  DECLARE 2.3a CHARACTER;
 |third   |  infix + and -                                      |              (b)  DECLARE a FIXED;
 |fourth  |  ||                                                 |              (c)  Suppose 'a' has been declared as in (b) above.
 |fifth   |  relational operators:  <, <=, =, >=, >, ^<, ^=, ^> |                   a = 2.3;
 |sixth   |  not operator:  ^                                   |
 |seventh |  and  operator>  &                                  |    Exercise 3.2.4.
 |eighth  |  or operator:  |                                    |         What is the value of 'a' as the result of the following
 |________|_____________________________________________________|         sequence of statements?
          Table 3.2.1  Precedence levels of operators                     DECLARE a FIXED;
                                                                          a = 0; a = 1; a = a + 1; a = 2 * (a + 1); a = 3 * a - 1;
 A prefix + or - precedes a constant  or  variable,  showing  the              (answer:  17)
 value  to  be  either positive or negative as in the expressions
 -a, +b. An infix +  or  -  is  an  arithmetic  operation  symbol
 denoting addition or subtraction as in the expression a + b.        3.2.2 Temporary Variables
+                                                                          ___________________

      If an expression contains operands of different data types,         Sometimes we need to exchange the values of  two  variables
 then  the  operands  are  converted  to an appropriate data type    (see  GCD algorithm, Figure 1.1.2). Suppose we wish to store the
 before the operation takes place. Since unnecessary use of mixed    value of 'a' in 'b' and the value of 'b' in  'a'.  Consider  the
 data  types  in  an  expression  leads to inefficient use of the    effect of the following statement sequence.
 computer, in some systems a warning message is printed on  every
 occurrence of a mixed expression.                                        b = a; /* store the value of 'a' in 'b' */
                                                                          a = b; /* store the value of 'b' in 'a' */
      Sections 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 provide a precise definition  of
 various  types of expressions, and a more detailed discussion of    Let us do a hand simulation of the above sequence using 10.5 and
1                                                                                                                          1936  2019

 3.6 as values of 'a' and 'b'.                                            We may not store any result into INPUT, i.e., the  variable
                                                                     INPUT  may  not  appear  on  the  left  side  of  an  assignment
            Initial                                                  statement. Similarly we may  not  refer  to  the  value  of  the
             Value     after b = a     after a = b                   variable  OUTPUT,  i.e.,  OUTPUT  may not appear in expressions.
            -------    -----------     -----------                   This restriction will be clearly understood if one considers the
      a       10.5        10.5            10.5                       possibility  that  variables  may  have  addresses in read-only,
      b        3.6        10.5            10.5                       write-only, and read-write memories. INPUT is a variable  stored
                                                                     in  read-only  memory and, therefore, one must not try to change
 Note  that  we have not achieved our objective of exchanging the    its value by letting  INPUT  appear  on  the  left  side  of  an
 values of 'a' and 'b'.                                              assignment  statement.  Similarly OUTPUT is in write-only memory
                                                                     and, while one may change its value, one may not try to refer to
      The difficulty arises  from  the  sequential  execution  of    the  value  (in  an expression). All the user-declared variables
 statements.  What  we  need is simultaneous assignment of 'a' to    are stored in read-write memories.
 'b' and 'b' to 'a', but there is no such  facility  in  PL.  The
 next  best  thing is to save the value of 'b' (in the above hand    Exercise 3.2.6
 simulation example) in a temporary variable to make it available         Write a program to read four  numbers  and  store  them  in
 for  later  computations.  The following statement sequence will         variables  'a',  'b',  'c', and 'd', add them and store the
 exchange the values of 'a' and 'b' as desired.                           result in 'sum', and print the result 'sum'. (At this point
                                                                          the  reader  should  be  able  to start writing and running
      temp = a; /* save the value of 'a' in  temp  */                     simple programs on a computer. Before doing  so  he  should
      a = b; /* overwrite 'a' by the value of 'b' */                      read Sections 4.1 and 5.1.)
      b = temp; /* store the former value of 'a' (in 'temp')
                    in 'b' */
                                                                     3.2.4 Input Data
+                                                                          __________
 We must save the value of a variable in a temporary variable  if
 we  need  it  for  some  future  computation  and  if it will be         We have stated that if the variable INPUT occurs within  an
 destroyed in an intermediate step.                                  expression the next data item in the queue at the standard input
                                                                     device is used as its value. Data might be punched in  cards  or
                                                                     entered  from  the  keyboard. Data items are separated by one or
 3.2.3 Input, Output, and Assignment                                 more blank spaces or a comma.  Integers  and  real  numbers  are
+      _____________________________
                                                                     punched  (or typed) in the form similar to the constants and may
      In PL there are two special variables 'INPUT' and  'OUTPUT'    also have a sign associated with them: 5.3, 6, 7.893E-9, -0.008,
 which  are  not  declared.  Like other variable names these also    etc.  Logical data are punched as TRUE or FALSE. String data are
 have both an address and a value associated with them.  However,    enclosed within quote marks, e.g., 'I am Foyt'.
 unlike  other  variables, the address is not a specific location
 in the computer memory. The address of the variable INPUT is the         When we say
 standard  input  device attached to the computer (card reader or              a = INPUT;
 terminal). The address of the variable OUTPUT  is  the  standard    the next data item from the input device is obtained and  stored
 output   device  attached  to  the  computer  (line  printer  or    in 'a'. A check is made to see if a type conversion is required,
 typewriter). The value of INPUT is the next data item  available    and if so, it is done.
 from the input device.

      The variables INPUT and OUTPUT are used to read  data  from    3.2.5 Multiple Assignments
+                                                                          ____________________
 the  input  device and print results on the output device, i.e.,
 for communication between man and computer. When we want to read         It is possible to assign the value of an expression to more
 a  data  item  from  the  input  device and put it in a variable    than one variable. For example,
 'height', we say                                                              a, b, c = 0;
                                                                     sets the value of the variables 'a', 'b', and 'c' to 0. Thus  we
           height = INPUT;                                           must modify the definition of an assignment statement:

 When  we  want  to  print  the  result  stored  in  a   variable         <assignment statement> ::= <variable> = <expression>;
 'mean_height', we write                                                                         | <left part><assignment statement>
                                                                          <left part> ::= <variable> ,
           OUTPUT = mean_height;
                                                                     Exercise 3.2.9.
1                                                                                                                          2019  2108

      Parse a, b, c = (a + b + c)/3 .                                multiplication causes  confusion.  This  expression  can  denote
                                                                     either  |a| x b x |c| or |a x |b| x c|. A less serious source of
 In the above exercise, if 'a', 'b', and 'c'  were  of  different    confusion is the letter 'x' and the multiplication sign 'x'.  In
 data  types,  then  the  values 'a', 'b', and 'c' may not be the    PL  we  avoid  these  possible  ambiguities  by allowing neither
 same. For example                                                   juxtaposition nor the use of 'x' to  denote  multiplication.  We
                                                                     use instead only the symbol '*'.
           DECLARE (a, c) FLOAT, b FIXED;
           a, b, c = 3.7;                                                 Another source of difficulty is  the  use  of  off-the-line
                                                                     notation,  e.g.,  subscripts,  superscripts, and prescripts. The
 will result in                                                      terms

      ┌---------┐  ┌---------┐  ┌---------┐                                                  d
      |    a    |  |    b    |  |    c    |                                                 c
      |  ┌---┐  |  |  ┌---┐  |  |  ┌---┐  |                            a + bx              b
      |  |3.7|  |  |  | 3 |  |  |  |3.7|  |                          ------------   and   a     provide an indication of the problems
      |  └---┘  |  |  └---┘  |  |  └---┘  |                              d + ex            i
      └---------┘  └---------┘  └---------┘                          c + ------             j
                                                                         f + gx              k

 This is because the statement                                       involved. Computers do not usually have facilities for input and
           a, b, c = 3.7;                                            output using off-the-line notation. In PL we  will  use  '/'  to
 is equivalent to                                                    denote  division  and  '**'  to denote exponentiation. Subscript
           a = 3.7; b = 3.7; c = 3.7;                                notation will be introduced in a later section.
 with all the assignments taking place simultaneously. The  right
 side is evaluated only once.                                             As in mathematical notation, expressions in PL can  contain
                                                                     certain  functional  forms (to be described below). For example,
 Exercise 3.2.10.                                                    the following are valid arithmetic expressions in PL.
      Punch a card according to the following grammar:
                                                                          a + SIN(b)
           <student card> ::= <name><address><class><major>               a * SIN(b) + c
           <name> ::= <last name><first name>                             LOG(a) + SIN(b) * EXP(c) - 10
           <address> ::= <number><street>                                 ABS(a) * SQRT(a + b)
                         | <room number><building>
           <class> ::= 13 | 14 | 15 | 16                             There are two important differences. One  may  not  use  special
                                                                     functional  symbols  such  as  the  square  root  sign and '| |'
      where <last name>, <first name>, <street>, <building>,  and    (absolute value), and one must always enclose function arguments
      <major>  are character strings describing you, and <number>    in parentheses.
      and <room number>  are  the  appropriate  integers.  Spaces
      should  separate  the  items.  Write  a program to read the         The following table indicates the  correspondences  between
      card, then print it in a readable form.                        mathematical notation and PL notation.
                                                                                   |    Mathematical Notation  |        PL
 3.3 ARITHMETIC EXPRESSIONS                                                        |---------------------------┼---------------------
                                                                     Operation     |Operator   |Example        |Operator|Example
      A  number-valued  expression  is   called   an   arithmetic    --------------┼-----------┼---------------┼--------┼------------
 expression   (see   3.2.1).   The  notation  used  to  represent    addition      |   +       |a + b          |   +    |a + b
 arithmetic expressions resembles ordinary mathematical notation,    subtraction   |   -       |x - y          |   -    |x - y
 but with certain restrictions which we shall now consider.          multiplication|x,.,nothing|axx+b.y+cz     |   *    |a*x+b*y+c*z
                                                                                   |           |      b        |        |
      Mathematical  notation  can  be  ambiguous.  Consider   the    division      |/ , -,     |a/x + - + c / z|   /    |a/x+b/y+c/z
 expression  seven/ten. What is its value? It can be 0.7 or sev/t                  |           |      y        |        |
 depending on whether you are doing arithmetic or algebra. (Why?)                  |           |  2            |        |
 Use  of  juxtaposition  to  denote  multiplication  can  lead to    exponentiation|           |(b  - 4ac)     |   **   |(b**2-4*a*c)
 ambiguity. Consider  another  expression  '|a|b|c|',  where  the    ______________|___________|_______________|________|____________
 combination   of  the  absolute  value  operation  and  implicit
1                                                                                                                          2108  2192

 Exercise 3.3.1.                                                     FUNCTION       FUNCTION VALUE
      Which of the following expressions are valid in  PL?  Write    --------       --------------
      down a correct form for those that are not.                    ABS(x)         absolute value of the argument
                                                                     ATAN(x)        arctangent(x), 'x' must be in radians
           (a+bx)/(c+dx)                                             COS(x)         cosine(x), 'x' must be in radians
                2                                                    EXP(x)         e
           a+b*x                                                     FIXED(x)       'x', converted to an integer number by truncating
           ------                                                                   the fractional part
                2                                                    FLOAT(x)       'x', converted to a real number
           c+d*x                                                     INDEX(t,s)     the starting position of string 's' when imbedded
                                                                                    in string 't'
           1.12c * (r*sin(x))/(s*cos(x))                             LENGTH(x)      number of characters in the string 'x'
                                                                     LOG(x)         ln(x)  (Error if  x <= 0 .)
           a**b**c                                                   MAX(x,y,...)   maximum of all the arguments
                                                                     MIN(x,y,...)   minimum of all the arguments
                                                                     MOD(x,y)       remainder after division of 'x' by 'y' to yield
 3.3.1 Arithmetic Functions                                                         an integer quotient
+      ____________________
                                                                     RANDOM         a random number uniformly distributed
      In mathematical notation a function  is  defined  to  be  a                   between 0 and  1
 relation  of  the form y = f(x) in which 'y' is uniquely defined    SIGN(x)        1, 0, or -1  depending on whether 'x' is
 given 'x'. In PL  the  statement  y  =  f(x)  is  a  command  to                   positive, zero, or negative
 calculate  the function 'f' of the current value of the variable    SIN(x)         sine(x), 'x' must be in radians
 'x' and store the result in 'y'. The function 'f'  is  evaluated    SQRT(x)        the non-negative square root of 'x'  (Error
 before   any  arithmetic  operations  are  performed  using  it.                   if x < 0 .)
 Further, an argument of the function need not be a variable;  it
 can  be any valid expression. Of course, a function may have any         (If 'r' is the radius of a circle, then the  angle  at  the
 number of arguments (including none at all).  All  the  function    center of the circle subtended by an arc of length 'r' is called
 names  must  be  valid  identifiers and one usually avoids using    a radian. An angle can be converted to radians by using the
 long function names such as 'square-root' and abbreviates  to  a
 name  like  'sqrt'.  We can formalize some of the above facts by              n  x  3.14159265
 the following definition:                                           formula  ------------------  where 'n' is the number of degrees
      <function designator> ::= <identifier>
                                |<identifier>(<argument list>)       in the angle and 3.14159265 is the approximation of pi.)
      <argument list> ::= <argument>
                           |<argument list> , <argument>                  The functions we have specified here  are  mainly  used  to
      <argument> ::= <expression>                                    perform  operations on numeric data (integers and real numbers).
                                                                     There  are  other  built-in  functions  in  PL  which  will   be
 Exercise 3.3.2.                                                     introduced  in Sections 3.4 and 3.5. A complete list of built-in
      Determine which of these are  valid  function  designators:    functions is given in Appendix III.
      RANDOM, x, SQRT(x), |x|, MAX(x*x,4*a*c).
                                                                     Exercise 3.3.3.
 The following built-in (implicitly  defined)  arithmetic  valued         Write a program to spot-check the built-in functions  SQRT,
 functions are available in PL.                                           SIN,  and  COS for accuracy. Be sufficiently clever so that
                                                                          you do not have to look up any values in a table.

                                                                     3.3.2. Hierarchy of Operations in Arithmetic Expressions
+                                                                           _________________________________________________

                                                                          We have illustrated the structure of arithmetic expressions
                                                                     by  means  of  examples and by showing that they are almost like
                                                                     algebraic expressions except for a few  notational  differences.
                                                                     The  fact  that  arithmetic expressions are similar to algebraic
                                                                     expressions does not obviate the need for a precise  definition.
1                                                                                                                          2192  2278

 Consider the simple expression a + b/c. Does it mean (a+b)/c        2.   In an expression without parentheses the precedence is
                                                                     implicitly defined.
 or  a + (-) ?                                                       Attempt 1
          c                                                                       a       +      b       *      c
                                                                                  |       |      |       |      |
      Arithmetic operations can be defined so that the  order  of             <variable>  |  <variable>  |  <variable>
 operations  is  implicit  within  the  definition.  We have been                 |       |      |       |      |
 taught that in an expression such as a + b *  c,  multiplication             <primary>   |  <primary>   |  <primary>
 is  to be performed before addition (see also Section 3.2.1). We                 |       |      |       |      |
 then say that mulitplication has precedence  over  addition.  We              <factor>   |   <factor>   |   <factor>
 can  order  the  arithmetic  operations in the sequence in which                 |       |      |       |      |
 they  must  be  performed:  exponentiation,  multiplication  and               <term>    |    <term>    |    <term>
 division,  addition  and subtraction. This hierarchy is implicit                 |       |      |       |      |
 in the following BNF definition of arithmetic statements.                        └-------┼------┘       |      |
                                                                                          |              |      |
      <arithmetic expression> ::= <term>                                            <arith.exp.>         |      |
                             |<arithmetic expression> + <term>                            |              |      |
                             |<arithmetic expression> - <term>                            └--------------┼------┘
      <term> ::= <factor>|<term> * <factor>|<term> / <factor>                                            |
      <factor> ::= <primary>|<primary> ** <factor>                                                       ?
                   | + <factor>| - <factor>                                                            FAILURE
      <primary> ::= <constant>|<variable>|<function designator>
                    |(<arithmetic expression>)                       Attempt 2
                                                                                  a       +      b       *      c
 The above definition provides  for  various  possible  forms  of                 |       |      |       |      |
 arithmetic expressions.                                                      <variable>  |  <variable>  |  <variable>
                                                                                  |       |      |       |      |
 1.   A constant or a variable by itself is an arithmetic                     <primary>   |  <primary>   |  <primary>
 expression.                                                                      |       |      |       |      |
                                                                               <factor>   |   <factor>   |   <factor>
           2.47               sum                                                 |       |      |       |      |
            |                  |                                                <term>    |    <term>    |      |
        <constant>         <variable>                                             |       |      |       |      |
            |                  |                                                  |       |      └-------┼------┘
        <primary>          <primary>                                              |       |              |
            |                  |                                                  |       |           <term>
         <factor>           <factor>                                              |       |              |
            |                  |                                                  └-------┼--------------┘
          <term>             <term>                                                       |
            |                  |                                                     <arith.exp.>
       <arith.exp.>       <arith.exp.>
                                                                     The first attempt fails because there is no  production  in  the
                                                                     definition   above   which   has  '*'  following  an  arithmetic
                                                                     expression. In the second attempt we have been able to parse the
                                                                     expression  a+b*c  into  an arithmetic expression. How does this
                                                                     define the sequence in which operations are performed?  Consider
                                                                     the  condensed parse tree of Attempt 2 without any of the labels
                                                                     used in parsing; the structure

1                                                                                                                          2278  2365

                a  +  b  *  c                                             a  +  b  *  c  +  d  *  e  /  f     parse tree 3
                |  |  |  |  |                                             |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
                |  |  └--┼--┘                                             |  |  └--┼--┘  |  |  |  └--┼--┘
                |  |     |                                                |  |     |     |  |  |     |
                |  |    b*c                                               └--┼-----┘     |  |--┘     |
                |  |     |                                                   |           |  |        |
                └--┼-----┘                                                   |           |  |--------┘
                   |                                                         |           |  |
                 a+b*c                                                       └-----------┼--┘

 indicates that multiplication is performed between 'b'  and  'c'         a  +  b  *  c  +  d  *  e  /  f     parse tree 4
 and  the  result is added to 'a'. By similarly considering other         |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 examples we can show that  exponentiation  has  precedence  over         |  |  └--┼--┘  |  |  |  └--┼--┘
 multiplication  and  division which in turn have precedence over         |  |     |     |  |  |     |
 addition and subtraction. (See also Figure 3.2.1.)                       |  |     |     |  |--┘     |
                                                                          |  |     |     |  |        |
 3.   Consider the expression a + b * c + d * e / f. There are            |  |     |     |  |--------┘
 several  different  parse  trees  all  which  are mathematically         |  |     |     |  |
 equivalent, i.e., one can perform the operations in any  of  the         |  |     └-----┼--┘
 four  sequences  indicated by the following four parse trees and         |  |           |
 still obtain the same result. (In a computer the results may not         └--┼-----------┘
 be  identical  because  of  errors resulting from rounding after            |
 each operation or from the different  interpretations  of  "/".)
 But only one of them satisfies our definition. Which one?           If you parse the expression you will find that all except  parse
                                                                     tree  1  are  impossible  to  obtain within the framework of our
      a  +  b  *  c  +  d  *  e  /  f     parse tree 1               formal definition. This is because the  BNF  definition  ensures
      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                that  operations  of  equal hierarchy are performed from left to
      |  |  └--┼--┘  |  └--┼--┘  |  |                                right in the case of infix operators +, -, *, and /.
      |  |     |     |     |     |  |
      └--┼-----┘     |     └-----┼--┘                                     For exponentiation, prefix +, and prefix -, the  operations
         |           |           |                                   of   equal  hierarchy  are  performed  from  right  to  left  as
         └-----------┼-----------┘                                   illustrated by forming parse trees for terms a**b**c and x---5 :
                                                                                   a      **     b      **     c
      a  +  b  *  c  +  d  *  e  /  f     parse tree 2                             |      |      |      |      |
      |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |                                          <variable> |  <variable> |  <variable>
      |  |  └--┼--┘  |  └--┼--┘  |  |                                              |      |      |      |      |
      |  |     |     |     |     |  |                                          <primary>  |  <primary>  |  <primary>
      |  |     |     |     └-----┼--┘                                              |      |      |      |      |
      |  |     |     |           |                                                 |      |      |      |   <factor>
      |  |     └-----┼-----------┘                                                 |      |      └------┼------┘
      |  |           |                                                             |      |             |
      └--┼-----------┘                                                             |      |          <factor>
         |                                                                         └------┼-------------┘

1                                                                                                                          2365  2467

               x        -      -     -      5                        3.3.3. Arithmetic in PL
+                                                                           ________________
               |        |      |     |      |
           <variable>   |      |     |  <constant>                        It is not merely the notation of arithmetic which  must  be
               |        |      |     |      |                        modified  in PL, but also the concepts of addition, subtraction,
           <primary>    |      |     |  <primary>                    multiplication, and division themselves. Would you believe that:
               |        |      |     |      |
            <factor>    |      |     |   <factor>                              0.1 + 0.1 < 0.2
               |        |      |     └------|
             <term>     |      |            |                                    20     -20     20
               |        |      |         <factor>                              10   + 10    = 10
          <arith.exp.>  |      |            |
               |        |      |------------┘                                    20     -20     20
               |        |      |                                               10   - 10    = 10
               |        |  <factor>
               |        |      |                                                 40     40
               |        |   <term>                                             10   * 10    is undefined
               |        |      |
               └--------┼------┘                                                 -40     -40
                        |                                                      10    * 10     is undefined
                  <arith.exp.>                                                 1/3 = 0
                                                                               10 * 75/50  is not equal to  10/50 * 75
 4.   When an expression is enclosed within parentheses it is                  3.1 / 5  is not equal to  31/50
 evaluated first before the adjacent operations are performed.       and
                                                                               3.0 * 17/15  is not equal to  3 * 17/5 ?
      (        a         +         b      )   *     c
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |                Some of these features are not matters of life or death  in  day
      |     <var.>       |      <var.>    |   |   <var.>             to day computation; others can be avoided by being careful. They
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |                result from the difficulties involved in representing numbers in
      |     <prim.>      |      <prim.>   |   |  <prim.>             finite  word-length machines. Without going into the intricacies
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |                of computer organization, we will discuss the  source  of  these
      |    <factor>      |     <factor>   |   |  <factor>            errors.
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |
      |     <term>       |      <term>    |   |     |                     Errors of the type, 0.1  +  0.1  <  0.2,  result  from  the
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |                inability  to  represent  most  decimal  real numbers exactly in
      |  <arith.exp.>    |         |      |   |     |                binary notation. This is a round-off error similar to the errors
      |        |         |         |      |   |     |                that result when we just take the first few digits of irrational
      |        └---------┼---------┘      |   |     |                numbers 'e' and 'pi' and  the  repeating  fraction  0.33333  (to
      |                  |                |   |     |                represent  1/3).  In  binary  notation, 1/10 is also a repeating
      |             <arith.exp.>          |   |     |                fraction;  therefore any finite representation will be in error.
      |                  |                |   |     |
      └------------------┼----------------┘   |     |                                            20     -20     20
                         |                    |     |                     Errors of the type,  10   + 10    = 10     and
                     <primary>                |     |
                         |                    |     |                  20     -20     20
                     <factor>                 |     |                10   - 10    = 10    result from rounding-off numbers and
                         |                    |     |                keeping only  those  significant  digits  that  will  fit  in  a
                      <term>                  |     |                computer  word. Most of us also perform such rounding operations
                         |                    |     |                in day-to-day computation; these errors are not usually serious.
                                              |                                                   40     40
                                            <term>                        Errors of the type,  "10   * 10    is undefined"  and
                                              ?                         -40     -40
                                                                     "10    * 10     is undefined" concern the range of numbers that
                                                                     can be represented in a computer. The range depends on the  data
1                                                                                                                          2467  2563

 type  and differs from computer to computer. For an IBM 360, the    subsequent paragraph.

                                      31        31                        Our  efforts  to  preserve   closure   leads   to   another
 range of valid integer numbers is  -2    to  +2                     difficulty.  In PL, (a*b)/c is not equal to (a/c)*b, and we have
                                                                     lost the associativity of arithmetic. Let a = 10, b = 75, and
                        9                                            c = 50. Then a*b = 750, a/c = 0, and  b/c  =  75/50  =  1.  Thus
 (approximately  *2 * 10 ), and the range of valid real numbers      (a*b)/c = 15 is not equal to (a/c)*b = 0 and neither is equal to
                                                                     a*(b/c) = 10. All this leads  to  an  important  hint:  be  very
                      75         75                                  careful  when  performing  integer arithmetic with division! One
 is approximately  -10    to  +10  .  Thus the result of the         can predict exactly what the result will be knowing the sequence
                                                                     in which the operations will be performed. One can determine the
                40     40      80                                    sequence of operations by parsing the expression. When in  doubt
 computation  10   * 10   (= 10  )  is too large to be               one   can  always  use  parentheses  to  override  the  implicit
 represented on an IBM 360.                                          precedence.

      While  one can exactly represent every integer in the range         Until now we have considered  operations  between  elements
                                                                     having  the  same  data  type. What happens when operands are of
   31                                                                different data types? It is meaningless  to  add  numbers  to  a
 *2  , one cannot exactly represent all the real numbers in the      string,  e.g., 'Jones' + 10. On the other hand, it is reasonable
                                                                     to attempt to add a real number and an integer, e.g., 2 + 3.141;
           75                                                        in  this  case  2  is  converted  to the real number 2.0 and the
 range  *10  .  The reason is simple; there are infinitely many      result is also a real number: 5.141.
 real numbers in that  range  and  we  are  dealing  with  finite
 machines.  On  an  IBM 360, we can refer to only about 4 billion         If one or both of the operands of an  arithmetic  operation
 different points on the real axis. In fact, it  turns  out  that    is  of type BIT or CHARACTER, an attempt is made to convert them
 after '0', the smallest absolute number we can refer to is          into the appropriate arithmetic type (FIXED or FLOAT).  TRUE  is
                                                                     converted  to  1 and FALSE to 0. A character string is converted
                  -78                                                to a number only if it is a digit string with, perhaps, a period
 approximately  10   .  Thus the result of the computation           embedded  in  it.  With a period, it is converted to a number of
                                                                     type FLOAT,  otherwise  to  type  FIXED.  Given  that  both  the
   -40     -40                                                       operands  have  been  converted  to  either  FIXED  or  FLOAT if
 10    * 10     is smaller than the smallest non-zero number we      necessary, then the desired arithmetic operation can take place.
 can represent and is therefore undefined.  When  by  mistake  we    The data type of the result is given by the following table:
 attempt  to  use  numbers which are too large or too small to be
 represented, the machine detects  these  errors  and  prints  an                              ┌-------------------┐
 error  indication  ("overflow" or "underflow"). The accuracy and                  2nd Operand |         |         |
 the range are  satisfactory  for  most  problems  and  need  not                              |  FIXED  |  FLOAT  |
 concern the beginning programmer.                                              1st Operand    |         |         |
      Given that both the operands of an arithmetic operation are              |     FIXED     |  FIXED  |  FLOAT  |
 of  the  same data type (say integer or real), we would like the              |---------------┼---------┼---------|
 result also to be of the same data type. This property, known as              |     FLOAT     |  FLOAT  |  FLOAT  |
 "closure",  is  desirable  for number systems; that is, we would              |_______________|_________|_________|
 like the domain and the range of an arithmetic operation  to  be
 the  same  data  set. For real numbers we have this property. In    Note that conversion from a character string to a  number  takes
 the case of integers, the result of addition,  subtraction,  and    place only if the conversion is meaningful. Any attempt to add 3
 multiplication  of two integers is again an integer; but when an    + 'Jones' would result in an error indication.
 integer is divided by another the result need not be an integer;
 an  example  is  1/3.  In  PL,  we define the result of division         In the case of 3.1/5, 5 is converted to 5.0 and the  result
 between two integers to be the integral quotient and  we  ignore    is  .62  .  In the case of 31/50, there is no conversion and the
 the  remainder, thus preserving the property of closure. That is    result is 0. Thus, if we wanted to calculate the exact result in
 why the result  of  1/3  =  0.  Languages  like  Algol  use  two    the  case  of 1/3 we should write 1.0/3.0 or 1.0/3 . (Note 1.0/3
 operators, / and :-, the result of '/' being an approximate real    will require converting 3 into real number representation and is
 number and the result of ':-' being the  integral  quotient.  We    therefore inefficient.) Why is 3.0 * 17/5 ^= 3 * 17/5 ?
 will  see  how  we  can  obtain  a  similar result using PL in a
1                                                                                                                          2563  2647

      Suppose we have division involving  two  integer  variables    little  numeric  computation; what is required is the ability to
 'a' and 'b' and we wish to get an exact answer. How do we do it?    look at and/or compare character strings, either as a  whole  or
 The basic idea is first  to  force  conversion  of  one  of  the    in  part,  and  the  ability to create new strings by catenating
 operands  into  a real number and then to perform the operation.    (linking  together)  other  strings.  We  have  to  learn  other
 Let 'x' be a variable of type FLOAT; we store  the  quotient  of    constructs  in PL before we can perform many of the above tasks.
 two integers ('a','b') in 'x' in either of the following ways:
                                                                          A basic but important  use  of  string  expressions  is  in
      DECLARE a FIXED, b FIXED;  |    DECLARE a FIXED, b FIXED;      producing  a  meaningful  output  of  the  results of a problem.
      DECLARE x FLOAT;           |    DECLARE x FLOAT;               Consider the following program for determining the length of the
      x = a;                     |    x = FLOAT(a)/b;                diagonal of a rectangle.
      x = x/b;                   |
 In the first  an  automatic  type  conversion  occurs  when  the    | /* let 'a' and 'b' be the sides and 'd' the diagonal */|
 integer  value  of 'a' is stored at the address of real variable    | DECLARE (a,b,d) FLOAT;                                 |
 'x', and the result of the mixed expression  x/b  is  real.  The    | a = INPUT; /* get a value for 'a' from the data */     |
 second  uses a type conversion function FLOAT which converts the    | b = INPUT; /* ....... and 'b' */                       |
 integer into a real number. In some systems a warning message is    | d = SQRT(a*a + b*b);                                   |
 printed  every  time  an  expression requiring a type conversion    | OUTPUT = d; /* print the result */                     |
 appears in the program.                                             └--------------------------------------------------------┘

 Exercise 3.3.4.                                                     The result printed would be a single number, which  when  viewed
      Write a program to check  each  of  the  difficulties  with    after  a  few  days would be a meaningless piece of information.
      computer arithmetic noted in this section.                     Replacing  the  single  OUTPUT  statement   by   the   following

 3.4 STRING EXPRESSIONS                                              ┌----------------------------------------------------------┐
                                                                     | OUTPUT = 'Calculation of the diagonal of a rectangle';   |
      An expression whose value is a character string is called a    | OUTPUT = 'Lengths of the sides are ' ||a|| ' and ' ||b;  |
 string   expression.   The   following   assignment   statements    | OUTPUT = 'Length of the diagonal is ' ||d;               |
 illustrate the use of some simple string expressions.               └----------------------------------------------------------┘

      DECLARE (name, address, city, zip) CHARACTER;                  would result in a more meaningful output:
      name = 'John Smith';
      address = '52 Campus Drive'                                    ┌---------------------------------------------┐
      city = 'Stanford,Calif.';                                      | Calculation of the diagonal of a rectangle  |
      zip = '94305';                                                 | Lengths of the sides are 3.6 and 4.8        |
                                                                     | Length of the diagonal is 6.0               |
 All these are perfectly valid assignment statements.  If  we  go    └---------------------------------------------┘
 back to our post-office-box analogy, the contents of the labeled
 boxes would be as follows:                                               The string expressions  on  the  right  hand  side  of  the
                                                                     'OUTPUT'  statements  use  the  catenation  operator  ||  .  The
 ┌------------┐ ┌-----------------┐ ┌-----------------┐ ┌-------┐    operator || is used to  combine  two  strings  to  form  another
 |    name    | |    address      | |      city       | |  zip  |    string; the expression
 |┌----------┐| |┌---------------┐| |┌---------------┐| |┌-----┐|
 ||John Smith|| ||52 Campus Drive|| ||Stanford,Calif.|| ||94305||         'My name is' || 'John'
 |└----------┘| |└---------------┘| |└---------------┘| |└-----┘|
 └------------┘ └-----------------┘ └-----------------┘ └-------┘    would result in the string

      String expressions are used mainly for symbol manipulation.         'My name isJohn'.
 By symbol manipulation we mean tasks such as arranging a list of
 names in alphabetical order, determining whether a given name is    If we wish to have a space  between  'is'  and  'John'  we  must
 present  in  the list, analysis of the literary style of a poet,    include  a  space in one of the operands, e.g., 'My name is ' ||
 compiling statistics on the frequency of usage of various  words    'John' or 'My name is' || ' John'.
 in a language, language translation, simplification of algebraic
 formulae, producing output, and so on. Such tasks  involve  very    Exercise 3.4.1
1                                                                                                                          2647  2724

      Using catenation and the multiplication operator,  write  a    'Length of the sides are ' ||    a     ||  ' and '  ||    b
      program to print out a 4 by 4 multiplication table. Columns                 |             |     |     |      |     |     |
      and rows may be labeled and the numbers separated by spaces             <constant>        |<variable> | <constant> |<variable>
      as shown below.                                                             |             |     |     |      |     |     |
                                                                              <primary>         | <primary> |  <primary> |<primary>
           *  |  1     2     3     4                                              |             |     |     |      |     |     |
          ----┼----------------------                                          <factor>         | <factor>  |  <factor>  | <factor>
           1  |  1     2     3     4                                              |             |     |     |      |     |     |
           2  |  2     4     6     8                                            <term>          |  <term>   |   <term>   |  <term>
           3  |  3     6     9    12                                              |             |     |     |      |     |     |
           4  |  4     8    12    16                                         <arith.exp.>       |<arith.exp>|<arith.exp.>|<arith.exp>
                                                                                  |             |     |     |      |           |
 Exercise 3.4.2.                                                             <string exp.>      |     |     |      |     |     |
      Write a program to read four  character  strings,  catenate                 |             |     |     |      |     |     |
      them,  catenate  a '.' on the end and print the result. For                 └-------------┼-----┘     |      |     |     |
      example, strings 'the', ' cat', ' is', and  '  red'  should                               |           |      |     |     |
      result in 'the cat is red.'                                                               └-----------┼------┘     |     |
                                                                                                            |            |     |
      We  can  now  give  a  formal  definition   of   the   term                                     <string exp>       |     |
 <expression>   to  include  string  expressions  and  arithmetic                                           |            |     |
 expressions.                                                                                               └------------┼-----┘
 <string expression> ::= <arithmetic expression>                                                                    <string exp>
                        |<expression> || <arithmetic expression>                                                         |
 <arithmetic expression> ::= <term>                                                                                 <expression>
                         |<arithmetic expression> + <term>
                         |<arithmetic expression> - <term>
 <term> ::= <factor>                                                 3.4.1 Character String Operations
+                                                                          ___________________________
          | <term> * <factor>
          |<term> / <factor>                                              The operation || is the only operator that  has  a  string-
 <factor> ::= <primary>                                              valued  result.  However, there are also string-valued functions
          |<primary> ** <factor>                                     (SUBSTR, E-FORMAT, and CHARACTER) which are useful in  operating
          | + <factor> | - <factor>                                  with strings.
 <primary>  := <constant> | <variable>
           |<function designator> | (<expression>)                        The function SUBSTR(x,i,j) is used to obtain a substring of
                                                                     a  character  string  'x'. The result is a substring of 'x', 'j'
 Let us parse an expression as an exercise.                          characters long, beginning with the i-th character. Thus
                                                                               SUBSTR ('My name is John', 4, 5)
                                                                     is the string 'name '. The function  SUBSTR  can  also  be  used
                                                                     within a string expression. The value of
                                                                               SUBSTR ('My name is John', 1, 11) || 'Peter'
                                                                     is the string
                                                                               'My name is Peter'.
                                                                     If the last argument, 'j', is omitted, then  the  value  is  the
                                                                     string from the i-th character to the end of 'x'. For example,
                                                                               SUBSTR ('The quick brown fox', 11)
                                                                     yields 'brown fox'.

                                                                          SUBSTR can also be used on the left side of  an  assignment
                                                                     statement  to  replace  part  of an existing string with another
                                                                     string. For example,

                                                                          DECLARE s CHARACTER;
                                                                          s = 'A dog flew by.';
                                                                          SUBSTR(s,3,3) = 'cat';
1                                                                                                                          2724  2790

                                                                          INDEX('eucalyptus','cal')   yields   3
 would result in the string 'A cat flew by.'                              INDEX('science','ense')     yields   0
                                                                          INDEX('abcdef','d')         yields   4
      If the new  string  being  assigned  is  shorter  than  the         a = 'water';
 substring  it  is replacing, it is padded with blanks to make up         b = 'wat';
 the difference. If it is too long, characters are truncated from         INDEX(a,b)                  yields   1
 the end of the new substring before it is inserted. Thus,
                                                                          The  value  of  the  function  LENGTH  is  the  number   of
      s = 'abczzzghi';                                               characters in the string specified by the argument.
      SUBSTR(s,4,3) = 'defwww';
                                                                          LENGTH('mariposa')          yields   8
 would result in the string 'abcdefghi', and                              LENGTH('''a''')             yields   3
                                                                          LENGTH('')                  yields   0
      s = 'abczzzghi';                                                    a = 'short';
      SUBSTR(s,4,3) = 'd';                                                LENGTH(a)                   yields   5

 becomes 'abcd  ghi' .
                                                                     3.4.2. Precedence of Catenation
+                                                                           ________________________
      E-FORMAT and CHARACTER are used  primarily  for  converting
 numbers  to  character  strings  in  producing output. CHARACTER         The BNF definition in Section 3.4.1  automatically  defines
 takes one of two forms depending on the type  of  its  argument.    the  precedence of the || operation. Let us parse the expression
 For example,                                                        'mean = ' || (a+b+c+d)/4 , which could be used to print out  the
                                                                     average of four variables 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd'.
      CHARACTER (1) has the value  '1'
      CHARACTER (321/3) has the value  '107'
      CHARACTER (-1) has the value  '-1'
      CHARACTER (1.0) has the value  '1.0'
      CHARACTER (1.0/3.0) has the value  '0.333333'

 E-FORMAT  uses only the exponential notation.  For example,

      E-FORMAT (1) has the value  '1.00000E1'
      E-FORMAT (107) has the value  '1.07000E2'
      E-FORMAT (1.0/3.0) has the value  '3.33333E-1'

 Exercise 3.4.3.
      Write a program to print the value 1/3 in as many  ways  as

 Exercise 3.4.4.
      Write a program to read a character string, move the  first
      character  to  the  end  and delete it from the front, then
      print the result.

      Also useful in manipulation of string expressions  are  the
 arithmetic functions INDEX and LENGTH.

      Expressions of the form INDEX(s,b) check to see whether the
 string  corresponding  to the value of 'b' is a substring of the
 string 's'. If it is, the value  of  the  function  will  be  an
 integer  denoting the position within 's' of the first character
 of 'b'. If 'b' is not a substring  of  's',  the  value  of  the
 expression is 0.
1                                                                                                                          2790  2884

 'mean = ' || (    a    +    b    +    c    +    d    ) /    4                 'mean = ' || ( a + b +  c +  d  )  /  4
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |  | | | | |  | |  |  |  |  |
 <const.>  |  |  <var.> |  <var.> |  <var.> |  <var.> | |<const.>                  |     |  | └-┼-┘ |  | |  |  |  |  |
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |  |   |   |  | |  |  |  |  |
  <prim.>  |  | <prim.> | <prim.> | <prim.> | <prim.> | | <prim.>                  |     |  |   └---┼--┘ |  |  |  |  |
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |  |       |    |  |  |  |  |
 <factor>  |  |<factor> |<factor> |<factor> |<factor> | |<factor>                  |     |  |       └----┼--┘  |  |  |
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |  |            |     |  |  |
  <term>   |  | <term>  | <term>  | <term>  | <term>  | |    |                     |     |  └------------┼-----┘  |  |
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |               |        |  |
 <ar.exp.> |  |<ar.exp> |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |               └--------┼--┘
     |     |  |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     |     |                        |
 <str.exp> |  |    └----┼----┘    |    |    |    |    | |    |                     └-----┼------------------------┘
     |     |  |         |         |    |    |    |    | |    |                           |
     |     |  |   <arith.exp.>    |    |    |    |    | |    |
     |     |  |         |         |    |    |    |    | |    |       The precedence of || should be clear after working through  this
     |     |  |         └---------┼----┘    |    |    | |    |       diagram.  (If  not,  the  reader  should  reread  the section on
     |     |  |                   |         |    |    | |    |       precedence  of  arithmetic  operations.)  All   the   arithmetic
     |     |  |             <arith.exp.>    |    |    | |    |       operations  have  precedence  over || , i.e., they are performed
     |     |  |                   |         |    |    | |    |       before catenation can take place.
     |     |  |                   └---------┼----┘    | |    |
     |     |  |                             |         | |    |
     |     |  |                       <arith.exp.>    | |    |       3.4.3. Mixed String Expressions
+                                                                           ________________________
     |     |  |                             |         | |    |
     |     |  └-----------------------------┼---------┘ |    |            Note that when we write the expression
     |     |                                |           |    |                 'The length of the diagonal is ' || d
     |     |                                |           |    |       the operand on the right is a number (declared as FLOAT).  Since
     |     |                                |           |    |       the  ||  operation  is only defined for strings, the real number
     |     |                            <primary>       |    |       'd'  must  first  be  converted   to   its   equivalent   string
     |     |                                |           |    |       representation  before  the  operation  can  take place. We have
     |     |                             <factor>       |    |       already seen that in arithmetic operations,  the  operands  were
     |     |                                |           |    |       first  converted  to  integers  and/or  real  numbers before the
     |     |                             <term>         |    |       operations could take place. The necessity for  such  conversion
     |     |                                |           |    |       of data types should be clear by now. However, we will reiterate
     |     |                                └-----------┼----┘       for emphasis: the representation is different for different data
     |     |                                            |            types;  for  example  '2',  2.0, and 2 are different. Before the
     |     |                                         <term>          specified operations can take place, all the  operands  must  be
     |     |                                            |            converted  to  the same type. The conversion that takes place is
     |     |                                       <arith.exp.>      dependent on the operation. For || the operands are converted to
     |     |                                            |            strings,   and   for  arithmetic  operations  the  operands  are
     └-----┼--------------------------------------------┘            converted according to FIXED or FLOAT data types. Conversion  of
           |                                                         a logical value to a string results in either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
   <string expression>
           |                                                         Exercise 3.4.5.
      <expression>                                                        Which of the following expressions are incorrect?
                                                                               2 + 'two'
 Omitting all the labels at the nodes, the condensed  parse  tree              '2' * '3'
 is:                                                                           'John' - 'Adams'
                                                                               'John is' || TRUE

                                                                     Exercise 3.4.6.
                                                                          What is the value of

1                                                                                                                          2884  2971

 3.5 LOGICAL EXPRESSIONS                                                  Note that ^< is equivalent to >=, and ^> to <=. While there
                                                                     is  no need to have such equivalent symbols, they sometimes make
      We have already seen some examples of logical  expressions,    programs more readable.
 e.g.,  name ^= 'A. Jones', a + b < c + d, next ^= 99999999, etc.
 We will see in Sections 3.6 and 3.7 how they  can  be  used  for         It is not always possible to express conditions  as  simple
 conditional  or  repetitive  execution  of  statements.  Logical    relations.  A football coach might be interested only in players
 expressions that we have seen have been of the form                 whose weight is between 180 and 300  lbs.  This  requirement  is
                                                                     expressed in mathematical notation as
 <logical expression> ::= <string expression>                                  180 < weight < 300
                    <relational operator><string expression>         But this expression has two relational operators and  is  not  a
 <relational operator> ::= < | <= | = | >= | > | ^< | ^= | ^>        valid  logical  expression.  It  is in fact a combination of two
                                                                     simple relations: 180 is less than 'weight' and 'weight' is less
 (You may recall that <arithmetic expression> is  but  a  special    than 300. In PL we state this compound condition using the 'and'
 case  of  a  <string  expression>.) A logical expression of this    operator '&'.
 form is a command to evaluate the expressions on either side  of              180 < weight & weight < 300
 the  relational  operator and to make a comparison to see if the    This '&' operator requires that both conditions be met in  order
 relation is satisfied. The value of a logical expression is TRUE    for the expression to have the value TRUE.
 if the relation is satisfied; otherwise it is FALSE.
                                                                          There are other forms of  compound  conditions:  the  motor
      Many computers cannot print all the  symbols  that  can  be    vehicle  department  might  state that a person is ineligible to
 used  as  relational operators. The following multiple character    drive a car either if the age is less than 16 or if  the  number
 symbols are often used as substitutions.                            of  traffic violations is over a prescribed limit (say 6). In PL
                                                                     this condition is expressed using the 'or'  operator  '|'  ,  as
      ___________________________________________                    follows:
      |relation              |symbol| variation |                              age < 16 | violations > 6
      |----------------------┼------┼-----------|                    If either condition is met, the value of the expression is TRUE.
      |less than             |  <   |    <      |
      |less than or equal    |  ≤   |    <=     |                         A 'not' operator, ^ , permits us to state whether a  person
      |equal                 |  =   |    =      |                    is  eligible  to  drive  a car in terms of the above expression,
      |greater than or equal |  ≥   |    >=     |                    viz.,
      |greater than          |  >   |    >      |                              ^(age < 16 | violations > 6)
      |not less than         |  /<  |    ^<     |                    I.e.,  the  'not'  operator  changes  the  value  of  a  logical
      |not equal             |  #   |    ^=     |                    expression.
      |not greater than      |  />  |    ^>     |
      |______________________|______|___________|                         Depending on the character  set  available  and  individual
       Figure 3.5.1.  Equivalent relational operators                preference,  the following symbols are often used as substitutes
                                                                     for & , | , and ^.
      If  the  values  of  expressions  on  both  sides  of   the         ____________________________________________________
 relational operator are numbers (either FIXED or FLOAT) then the         |logical operation |symbol|variation I|variation II|
 meaning of the operators is clear. What if they are  strings  or         |------------------┼------┼-----------┼------------|
 logical  valued  expressions? The relational operators are still         |       or         |  |   |    V      |    OR      |
 well defined. In the case  of  strings,  the  <  ,  =  ,  and  >         |       and        |  &   |circumflex |    AND     |
 operators  are  defined  according  to  the alphabetic collating         |       not        |  ^   |    ^      |    NOT     |
 sequence. For example, the following expressions are all true:           |__________________|______|___________|____________|

           'a' < 'b',  'axyz' < 'b',  'xyz' > 'byz',                      The triangle test program given in Section 3.7  illustrates
           'abc' < 'abcd',   'x' < 'xaxy',   'x' = 'x  '             the use of 'and', 'or', and 'not' operators.

 When  the  logical  values  are  converted  to  their  numerical
 equivalents,  FALSE  is  less  than  TRUE,  e.g.,  the following    3.5.1. Precedence of Operations in a Logical Expression
+                                                                           ________________________________________________
 nonsense expression has the value TRUE:
                                                                          Until now we have talked about operators or (|) , and (&) ,
           FIXED (a ^= a) < FIXED (a = a)                            and not (^) by means of examples. A precise description of these
                                                                     operators can be given by means of a  truth  table.  Using  this
                                                                     truth  table one can determine the value of a logical expression
1                                                                                                                          2971  3068

 containing  these  operators.  Let  'a'  and  'b'   be   logical    <primary> ::= <variable> | <constant> | <function designator>
 expressions which can take the values TRUE or FALSE. Then we can                  | (<expression>)
 form other logical expressions using 'a', 'b', and the operators
 |  , & , and ^ , e.g., a|b , a&b , ^a , etc. The following truth         Let  us  parse  the  following  expression  as  an  example
 table gives values of these expressions in terms of the value of    (leaving out the parsing up to <arithmetic expression>).
 'a' and 'b'.
      _________________________________________                        a + b   <   c + d   |  a + c   <   b + d  &       married
      |  a   |   b   ||  a|b  |  a&b  |  ^a   |                          |     |     |     |    |     |     |    |          |
      |------|-------||-------|-------|-------|                      <ar.exp.> | <ar.exp.> |<ar.exp.> | <ar.exp.>|     <variable>
      |TRUE  | TRUE  || TRUE  | TRUE  | FALSE |                          |     |     |     |    |     |     |    |          |
      |TRUE  | FALSE || TRUE  | FALSE | FALSE |                      <str.exp.>| <str.exp.>|<str.exp.>|<str.exp.>|<arith. expression>
      |FALSE | TRUE  || TRUE  | FALSE | TRUE  |                          |     |     |     |    |     |     |    |          |
      |TRUE  | FALSE || FALSE | FALSE | TRUE  |                          └-----┼-----┘     |    └-----┼-----┘    |<string expression>
      |______|_______||_______|_______|_______|                                |           |          |          |          |
                                                                       <logical primary>   |  <logical primary>  |  <logical primary>
      A logical variable or a relational expression by itself  is              |           |          |          |          |
 a logical expression. If 'a' is a logical expression, then ^a is     <logical secondary>  | <logical secondary> | <logical secondary
 again  a  logical  expression.  If  'a'  and  'b'  are   logical              |           |          |          |          |
 expressions  then  a|b  and  a&b  are  also logical expressions.       <logical factor>   |  <logical factor>   |          |
 Consider the expression a | b & c . Does it mean (a | b) & c  or              |           |          |          |          |
 a|(b  & c)? Either way it is still a logical expression; but the     <logical expression> |          └----------┼---------┘
 value can be different. Let 'a' and 'b' be TRUE and let  'c'  be              |           |                     |
 FALSE; then from the truth table we have                                      |           |             <logical factor>
                                                                               |           |                     |
           a | b  is TRUE                b & c  is FALSE                       └-----------┼---------------------┘
           (a | b) & c  is FALSE         a | (b & c)  is TRUE                              |
                                                                                 <logical expression>
 Thus we note that the sequence in which operations are performed
 is  as important as in the case of arithmetic expressions. It is    If we suppress the labels, the condensed parse tree  looks  like
 not sufficient to define precedence for | , & , and ^ ,  because    this:
 a   logical   expression   may   contain  arithmetic  operators,
 relational operators, and logical operators:                             a + b < c + d | a + c < b + d  & married
           a + b < c + d | a + c < b + d .                                | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |  |    |
 We will  redefine  the  term  <expression>  to  include  logical         └-┼-┘ | └-┼-┘ | └-┼-┘ | └-┼-┘  |    |
 expressions  and at the same time provide an implicit definition           |   |   |   |   |   |   |    |    |
 of precedence of operators.                                                └---┼---┘   |   └---┼---┘    |    |
                                                                                |       |       |        |    |
 <expression> ::= <logical factor>                                              |       |       └--------┼----┘
                  | <expression> <or symbol> <logical factor>                   |       |                |
 <or symbol> ::= |                                                              └-------┼----------------┘
 <logical factor> ::= <logical secondary>                                               |
                      | <logical factor> & <logical secondary>
 <logical secondary> ::= <logical primary>                           The above diagram shows that arithmetic operations are performed
                         | ^ <logical secondary>                     before  relational operations which in turn are performed before
 <logical primary> ::= <string expression>                           '&' and finally '|' . Table 3.2.1 gives  the  precedence  levels
    | <string expression><relational operator><string expression>    for  all  the  operators  we have encountered so far. As you are
 <relational operator> ::= < | <= | ^ | >= | > | ^= | ^> | ^<        already aware, these precedences of operations can be superseded
 <string expression> ::= <arithmetic expression>                     by  enclosing  any  expression  within parentheses. When this is
                | <string expression> || <arithmetic expression>     done the parenthesized  expression  becomes  a  primary  and  is
 <arithmetic expression> ::= <term>                                  therefore evaluated before it is used as an operand.
                             | <arithmetic expression> + <term>
                             | <arithmetic expression> - <term>
                         .                                           3.5.2. Assignment of Logical Expressions and the = Confusion
+                                                                           _____________________________________________________
                         .       (same as in Section 3.4)
1                                                                                                                          3068  3158

      The value of a logical expression (which can only  be  TRUE         A statement is usually a command to the computer to perform
 or FALSE) can be stored in a logical variable and used in future    certain  operations.  Unless  we  explicitly  instruct  it to do
 computation any number of times. For example, the expression        otherwise,  the   computer   will   execute   these   statements
           IF weight < 180 | weight > 300 THEN                       sequentially  (one after another) starting with the first. There
 can be rewritten as follows:                                        are facilities in PL to  instruct  the  computer  to  perform  a
                                                                     statement  only  if a certain condition is satisfied, to perform
           DECLARE (underweight, overweight) BIT, weight FIXED;      one of several alternatives  depending  on  which  condition  is
                      ...                                            satisfied,  and  to  execute  a group of statements repetitively
           underweight = weight < 180;                               until a certain condition is satisfied. Note that the phrase  "a
           overweight = weight > 300;                                certain   condition   is   satisfied"   is  common  to  all  the
           IF underweight | overweight THEN                          alternatives; 'IF a + b < c  +  d  THEN'  is  an  example  of  a
                      ...                                            conditional  construct.  Here we are instructing the computer to
                                                                     calculate the value of expressions a + b  and  c  +  d,  and  to
                                                                     compare  the  results  to  see  if  a  +  b  is less than c + d.
 This  treatment  of  logical  values  has  several   advantages.    Expressions of this form (see Section 3.5)  are  often  used  to
 Firstly,  one  can  reduce  complicated  logical  expressions to    control   the   execution   of   statements   conditionally   or
 readable and more meaningful expressions. Secondly, if the  same    repetitively.
 expression is to be used in several places in a program (and the
 values appearing in the expression are not changed) it need  not         There are many problems in which one  wants  to  perform  a
 be evaluated over and over again.                                   computation  conditionally. For example, in an algorithm for tax
                                                                     computation a rule for a deduction might be as follows: "If your
      Note that the = symbol serves two purposes. It is  used  in    contributions  to  charity  are  less  than  20%  of  your gross
 an  assignment statement to store the value of an expression and    adjusted  income,  then  subtract  the  total  amount  of   such
 in a logical expression as a command to compare the operands  to    contributions from the gross adjusted income, otherwise subtract
 see  if  they  are  equal.  Thus  one  may  have  an odd-looking    only 20% of your gross adjusted income."
 statement like
           a = b = c;                                                     There are other problems where one might wish to  repeat  a
 This confusion can be resolved in PL  from  context.  A  partial    computation  until  a given condition is satisfied. For example,
 parse tree for this statement is given below.                       we know that  integer  multiplication  can  be  expressed  as  a
                                                                     repeated  addition.  Or,  if  we  were  trying  to determine the
                a      =   b        =         c  ;                   favorite presidential candidate by using the data  of  a  public
                |      |   |        |         |  |                   opinion  poll,  we  would accumulate statistics by repeating the
           <variable>  |   └--------┼---------┘  |                   same calculations on every set of data until all  the  data  are
                |      |            |            |                   exhausted.
                |      |   <logical expression>  |
                |      |            |            |                        There are two main constructs in  PL  which  permit  us  to
                |      |------------┘            |                   perform  computation  conditionally or repetitively: conditional
                └------┼-------------------------┘                   statements and group statements. These two important  constructs
                       |                                             can  take many different forms and are discussed in the next two
            <assignment statement>                                   sections.

 (Languages like Algol avoid this confusion by using  '<-'  (left
 arrow) or ':=' as the assignment symbols.)                          3.6.2. Conditional Statements
+                                                                           ______________________

 Exercise 3.5.1.                                                          Suppose, in the middle of a program, we wish  to  determine
      Is the expression                                              the larger of the two variables 'a' and 'b' and store the result
          SQRT (MAX (1, RANDOM) - SIN (7)**2) = COS (7)              in 'maximum'. This can be achieved by the following statements
      true or false?  What would you expect the program
          OUTPUT = SQRT (MAX (1, RANDOM) - SIN (7)**2) = COS (7);                   .
      to print?  Try it, then explain your results.                                 .
                                                                               maximum = a;
                                                                               IF maximum < b THEN maximum = b;
 3.6 THE CONDITIONAL STATEMENT                                                      .
 3.6.1. Control Statements
+       __________________
1                                                                                                                          3158  3238

 We are already familiar with the first statement; after  it  has    difference  is that the statement maximum = a; has been included
 been executed the variable 'maximum' will have the same value as    in the compound statement as an alternate (ELSE) clause. If  the
 'a'. The second statement is a command to  compare  the  current    condition   is  satisfied  then  'maximum  =  b;'  is  executed,
 value  of  'maximum'  with that of 'b' and, if 'maximum' is less    otherwise 'maximum = a;' is executed.Both types  of  conditional
 than 'b', to change the value  of  'maximum'  to  that  of  'b',    statement can be defined as follows:
 otherwise to do nothing.
                                                                          <statement> ::= <basic statement> | <conditional statement>
 Exercise 3.6.1.                                                          <conditional statement> ::= IF <expr> THEN <statement>
      Hand simulate the operation of the above statements for the                 | IF <expr> THEN <basic statement> ELSE <statement>
      following sets of values of 'a' and 'b'.                            <basic statement> ::= <assignment statement>
 ________________________________________________________________                               | <group>
 |Before the first|After execution of the|After execution of the|
 |   statement    |   first statement    |  second statement    |    There are a few other forms of basic statements which  need  not
 |----------------┼----------------------┼----------------------|    concern  us  here.  We  will learn about groups in the following
 |    a   |   b   |   a |  b  | maximum  |  a  |   b  | maximum |    section. The important point is that  a  <basic  statement>  and
 |--------┼-------┼-----┼-----┼----------┼-----┼------┼---------|    <statement>  are  different  entities.  The <statement> includes
 |  10.7  |  3.1  |     |     |          |     |      |         |    both the <basic statement> and the <conditional statement>. This
 |   4.5  |  4.5  |     |     |          |     |      |         |    distinction  is  essential  because  one  of  the  constructs of
 |   4.5  |  7.5  |     |     |          |     |      |         |    <conditional statement> is of the form
                                                                          IF <expression> THEN <basic statement> ELSE <statement> .
      If you have done the above  exercise  correctly,  you  will
 note  that  the  value  of  'maximum'  is the greater of the two    While  the  construct  following  ELSE  can  be  any  statement,
 values 'a' and 'b' (whenever such a  distinction  is  possible).    including another conditional statement, the construct following
 The  technique  used here is simple: we assume that the value of    THEN must be a basic statement, i.e., it must not be a statement
 'a' is the larger and store it in 'maximum'; if  our  assumption    starting with an IF.
 turns out to be false, we correct ourselves by storing the value
 of 'b' in 'maximum'.                                                     One may wonder why there are two  different  forms  of  the
                                                                     conditional  statement.  It  might appear that the 'IF ... THEN'
      The conditional statement introduced above is described  by    statement is only a special case of the 'IF ... THEN  ...  ELSE'
 the rule:                                                           statement. Sometimes it is more convenient to leave things alone
                                                                     if the condition is not satisfied. Suppose we  wish  to  compute
    <conditional statement> ::= IF <expression> THEN <statement>     the  absolute  value of a variable 'a' and wish the result to be
                                                                     stored back in 'a'. It is more convenient and efficient to write
 The term  <expression>  refers  to  a  logical  expression  (see
 Section 3.5). Some examples of logical expressions are                        IF a < 0 THEN a = -a;
      height + width <= 20                                                     IF a < 0 THEN a = -a; ELSE a = a;
      name ^= 'Henry P. Jones'                                       (Why?)
      a + b > c + d
                                                                     Exercise 3.6.2.
 They are commands to evaluate the expressions on  each  side  of         Parse the following statement:
 the  relational  operator and perform a comparison to see if the         IF x < 20 THEN a = a+1;
 specified relation is satisfied. If the relation is true  (i.e.,         ELSE IF x < 40 THEN b = b+1;
 satisfied),  then  the  statement  following  THEN  is executed,         ELSE c = c+1;
 otherwise it is ignored.
                                                                          As an example of a compound statement with multiple IF  ...
      There is another  construct  in  PL  which  permits  us  to    THEN  ...  ELSE, let us consider a problem in census statistics.
 compute  the  maximum  of  'a'  and  'b'  with a single compound    Suppose we wish to determine the number of people  in  different
 statement. The statement                                            age  groups  in  a  country. Then the following statement can be
                                                                     used in a repetitive algorithm:
           IF a < b THEN maximum = b;
           ELSE maximum = a;

 has the same effect as the two statements used earlier. The main
1                                                                                                                          3238  3322

      IF age < 20 THEN under_20 = under_20 + 1;                           The preceding  example  using  groups  illustrates  typical
      ELSE IF age < 40 THEN twenty_to_39 = twenty_to_39 + 1;         paragraphing  conventions for control statements. In the case of
      ELSE IF age < 60 THEN forty_to_59 = forty_to_59 + 1;           conditonal statements, the statements following  THEN  and  ELSE
      ELSE over_59 = over_59 + 1;                                    (if  any)  should be started on a new line and indented (about 3
                                                                     spaces) as follows
 Given the age of a person, the above statement will add 1 to the
 appropriate age-group counter.                                           IF <expression> THEN    (or)   IF <expression> THEN
                                                                             <statement>                    <basic statement>
 Exercise 3.6.3.                                                                                         ELSE IF <expression> THEN
      Write a program that reads a character string and prints it                                           <basic statement>
      unless it is a four letter word.                                                                   ELSE

 3.7 GROUP STATEMENTS                                                Note that 'IF' and  'ELSE'  are  lined  up  and  the  associated
                                                                     statements are indented. An exception to this convention is when
 3.7.1. DO ... END statements                                        the statements are so small that they can conveniently be placed
+       _____________________
                                                                     on the same line as the condition, e.g.,
      Suppose we wanted to calculate both  the  maximum  and  the
 minimum  of two variables 'a' and 'b'. We could do this by using         IF a >= b THEN maximum = a; ELSE maximum = b;
 two conditional statements.                                         or
                                                                          IF a >= b THEN maximum = a;
           IF a < b THEN maximum = b; ELSE maximum = a;                   ELSE maximum = b;
           IF a < b THEN minimum = a; ELSE minimum = b;
                                                                     In such simple cases paragraphing need not be used.
 While the above statements  will  do  the  task  note  that  the
 condition  'a  < b' has to be evaluated twice. We can avoid this         Statements  within  the  DO  ...  END  brackets  of   group
 inefficiency by grouping corresponding statements together using    statements should also be indented as follows.
 a 'DO ... END' symbol pair as follows:
           IF a < b THEN                                                     <statement>
              DO;                                                            <statement>
                 maximum = b;                                                   .
                 minimum = a;                                                   .
              END;                                                              .
           ELSE                                                              <statement>
              DO;                                                         END;
                 maximum = a;
                 minimum = b;                                        The term DO may be followed by an expression on the  same  line.
              END;                                                   (A formal definition of groups is given in Section 3.9.) One can
                                                                     occasionally alter the paragraphing convention for groups as  in
 The symbol pair 'DO ... END' can be used to group  together  any    the following example.
 number  of  statements to form a single basic statement called a
 'group'. In the above example all the statements  of  the  group         IF a < b THEN
 following  THEN, namely 'DO; maximum = b; minimum = a; END;' are            DO; maximum = b; minimum = a; END;
 performed only if the condition is satisfied; otherwise all  the         ELSE
 statements of the group following ELSE are performed.                       DO; maximum = a, minimum = b; END;

 Exercise 3.7.1.                                                     Consistent paragraphing produces readable programs  and  reduces
      Verify by hand simulation that the statement  using  groups    programming errors.
      (above) is equivalent to the statements without grouping by
      considering  three typical pairs of values for 'a' and 'b'.
                                                                     3.7.3. Repetition: The DO WHILE Statement
+                                                                           __________________________________

 3.7.2. Paragraphing for Control Statements                               Let us consider the problem of calculating the  maximum  of
+       ___________________________________
                                                                     more  than two numbers: assume that these numbers are to be read
1                                                                                                                          3322  3417

 from the input device. The program of  Figure  3.7.1  can  be  a
 simple  extension  of that for the computation of the maximum of    The indented statements within the DO ... END  symbol  pair  are
 two numbers (see Section 3.6.2).                                    repetitively  executed until the number 9999 is encountered. The
                                                                     set of statements which  are  repetitively  performed  is  often
 ┌----------------------------------------------------------┐        called a loop. The statement
 | DECLARE (next, maximum) FLOAT;                           |             'DO WHILE <expression>; <statement list>; END;'
 | maximum = INPUT; /* read the first number from input */  |        is a command to the computer to evaluate a  logical  expression;
 | next = INPUT; /* read the second number from input */    |        then,  if  it  is  TRUE, to execute the <statement list> and re-
 | IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;                   |        evaluate the expression, continuing in this manner  as  long  as
 | next = INPUT; /* read the third number from input */     |        the  value of the <expression> is TRUE. Upon termination of this
 | IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;                   |        process (when <expression> = FALSE) the computer proceeds to the
 | next = INPUT; /* read the fourth number from input */    |        next  statement  following END; . Note that in the above example
 | IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;                   |        we have to initialize 'maximum' and 'next' with  the  first  two
 | OUTPUT = maximum;                                        |        data  items so that the repetitive part may function as desired.
 └----------------------------------------------------------┘        Note that the paragraphing permits us to determine at  a  glance
                  Figure 3.7.1.  Maximum of four numbers             those statements which will be repeated.

      As you can see we repeatedly use the pair of statements        Exercise 3.7.2.
                                                                          Why is the sequence of statements
           next = INPUT;                                                       next = INPUT;
           IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;                              IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;
                                                                          reversed in the repetitive part of the above program?
 until we have read and processed all the numbers. Now suppose we
 wanted  to calculate the maximum of ten numbers instead of four.         Let us consider another example which illustrates  the  use
 Then we would have to extend the program (in  Figure  3.7.1)  by    of  the  DO  WHILE  statement  and  the use of the & , | , and ^
 adding six more pairs of the above statements. In general, if we    operators in logical expressions. Given three  numbers,  suppose
 wished to calculate the maximum of 'n' numbers the program would    we  are  required  to  determine  if  it is possible for them to
 need  n-1 pairs of these statements. This process of adding more    represent the lengths of the sides of a triangle.  A  well-known
 statements becomes cumbersome as  'n'  becomes  large.  Moreover    theorem  of geometry tells us that the sum of any two sides of a
 such  a  program will be only useful for calculating the maximum    triangle is greater than the third, i.e., if the lengths of  the
 of exactly 'n' numbers, neither more nor less.                      sides are 'a', 'b', 'c', then a + b > c and b + c > a and
                                                                     c + a > b . For example, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.5 cannot be  the  sides
      What we really need is  a  construct  for  instructing  the    of a triangle while 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 can.
 computer to perform the same calculation over and over until all
 the data is exhausted. How can one decide whether all  the  data         The PL program of Figure 3.7.3 reads three numbers from the
 is exhausted or not? There are many ways of doing this; a common    input  device,  tests  to  see  if  they  can  be the sides of a
 technique is to add a spurious item at the end of the data queue    triangle, and prints an  appropriate  message.  The  process  is
 and  to  repeat the process until we encounter it. This spurious    repeated until at least one of the three numbers is less than or
 item must be such that it is certain not to  appear  within  the    equal to zero. Thus to terminate the program a spurious last set
 regular  data,  say  a  very large number. In PL, the 'DO WHILE'    of data must be introduced which contains a negative number.
 statement can be used for  repetitively  executing  a  group  of
 statements as illustrated by the program of Figure 3.7.2.           ┌-------------------------------------------------------┐
                                                                     | DECLARE (a, b, c) FLOAT;                              |
 ┌-------------------------------------------------------------┐     | a = INPUT; b = INPUT; c = INPUT;                      |
 | DECLARE (next, maximum) FLOAT;                              |     | DO WHILE ^ (a <= 0 | b <= 0 | c <= 0);                |
 | maximum = INPUT; /* read the first number */                |     |    IF a + b > c & b + c > a & c + a > b THEN          |
 | next = INPUT;                                               |     |       OUTPUT = a || ' ' || b || ' ' || c ||           |
 | DO WHILE next ^= 9999; /* 9999 indicates the end of data */ |     |                ' can be the sides of a triangle ';    |
 |    IF maximum < next THEN maximum = next;                   |     |    ELSE                                               |
 |    next = INPUT;                                            |     |       OUTPUT = a || ' ' || b || ' ' || c ||           |
 | END;                                                        |     |                ' cannot be the sides of a triangle '; |
 | OUTPUT = maximum;                                           |     |    a = INPUT; b = INPUT; c = INPUT;                   |
 └-------------------------------------------------------------┘     | END;                                                  |
        Figure 3.7.2.  Use of the DO WHILE statement                 └-------------------------------------------------------┘
                      in calculation of maximum                                    Figure 3.7.3. Triangle test program
1                                                                                                                          3417  3499

                                                                          Write a program that reads a  series  of  singular  English
 The following examples show typical input  and  results  of  the         nouns, pluralizes them, and prints both forms of each
 ________________________________________________________________    Exercise 3.7.6.
 |     INPUT     |                  output                      |         Write a program  that  reads  and  prints  a  string,  then
 |---------------|----------------------------------------------|         reverses the string and prints the result.
 | 1.5, 2.0, 4.5 | 1.5 3.0 4.5 cannot be the sides of a triangle|
 | 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 | 1.5 2.0 2.5 can be the sides of a triangle   |    Exercise 3.7.7.
 | 9  , 1  , 2   | 9.0 1.0 2.0 cannot be the sides of a triangle|         Write a program that reads  a  sentence,  then  prints  the
 |-5  , 0  , 0   |                                              |         words, one to a line.
                                                                     Exercise 3.7.8.
 The <while clause> in                                                    Write a program that reads a series  of  sentences,  counts
           DO WHILE ^ (a <= 0 | b <= 0 | c <= 0)                          the  occurrences  of  each  letter  and  prints  the letter
 is a command to repeat the following statements (within  the  DO         frequencies so discovered.
 ... END symbols) while
           a <= 0 | b <= 0 | c <= 0                                  Exercise 3.7.9.
 is FALSE, i.e., while 'a', 'b', and 'c' are  not  less  than  or         Write  a  program  that  reads  a  character  string,  then
 equal to zero. This <while clause> is equivalent to                      generates and prints all permutations of it.
           DO WHILE a > 0 & b > 0 & c > 0;
 i.e., if 'a' is positive and 'b' is positive and 'c' is positive    Exercise 3.7.10.
 then repeat the process. Similarly the logical expression of the         Do the above but print only unique permutations.
 conditional statement in the above example can be  rewritten  as
 follows using '|' instead of '&'.                                   Exercise 3.7.11.
           ^ (a + b <= c | b + c <= a | c + a <= b)                       Write a program to make a pretty picture on the printer.
 If you do not wish to use the ^ operator you can still  use  '|'
 instead  of  '&' but the conditional statement must be rewritten    Exercise 3.7.12.
 as follows (by exchanging  the  statements  following  THEN  and         Write a program to read  a  character  string,  then  block
 ELSE).                                                                   print it as a banner, one character to a printer page.

           IF a + b <= c | b + c >= a | c + a <= b THEN
              OUTPUT = a || ' ' || b || ' ' || c ||                  3.7.4. The DO Statement with an Iteration Control.
+                                                                           __________________________________________
                       ' cannot be the sides of a triangle ';
           ELSE                                                           Suppose we wanted to read 100 numbers and  calculate  their
              OUTPUT = a || ' ' || b || ' ' || c ||                  sum; this can be done using the DO WHILE statement as follows:
                       ' can be the sides of a triangle ';
      Repetition of a group of statements until all the  data  is         | DECLARE sum FLOAT, i FIXED;                |
 exhausted  is  but  a  single  example  of the use of a DO WHILE         | sum = 0.0;                                 |
 statement. One can use this construct to calculate the remainder         | i = 1;                                     |
 of a/b as follows:                                                       | DO WHILE i <= 100;                         |
                                                                          |    sum = sum + INPUT;                      |
           c = a;                                                         |    i = i + 1;                              |
           DO WHILE c >= b; c = c - b; END;                               | END;                                       |
                                                                          | OUTPUT = sum;                              |
 Exercise 3.7.3.                                                          └--------------------------------------------┘
      Hand simulate the remainder algorithm for a = 17, b = 5 .              Figure 3.7.4.  Calculation of the sum of
                                                                                            100 numbers
 Exercise 3.7.4.
      Recall the <student card> you prepared for  Section  3.2.4.    There are many problems in which one wants to repeat  a  set  of
      Write  a  program  that reads and prints all of the student    statements  a  predetermined  number of times. This requires the
      cards for your class. Remember that you will have to  dummy    use of a loop control variable (also called loop variable, index
      up an end card to stop your loop.                              variable,  etc.)  which keeps track of the number of repetitions
                                                                     performed. In the above example, the loop variable is 'i'; it is
 Exercise 3.7.5.                                                     first  set to 1, incremented by 1 each time around the loop, and
1                                                                                                                          3499  3591

 tested to determine whether the number of  repetitions  is  less              a  = a  + a  ,  k < i , j < i .
 than  or  equal  to  10.  Since  this type of repetition is very               i    k    j
 useful in problem solving, there is a special  construct  in  PL
 which  takes  care  of  the  initialization,  incrementing,  and         e.g., 1 , 2 , 3 , 6 , 9 ...
 testing of the loop variable automatically.  This  construct  is
 called an iteration control and is of the form                           In the above example we see that 9  is  reachable  in  four
                                                                          steps.  (Can  you  do  better?)  Write a program to read an
           DO <variable> = <expression> TO <expression>;                  integer, compute and print an  addition  chain  of  minimal
              <statement list>                                            length  for  that  integer.  Here  are  some  examples  for
           END;                                                           checking purposes:

 The statement                                                                 1 , 2 , 4 , 8
           DO i = j to k;                                                      1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 10 , 13 .
              <statement list>
 is equivalent to                                                    3.7.5. The DO CASE Statement.
+                                                                           _____________________
           i = j;
           DO WHILE i <= k;                                               The 'DO ... END' statement  permits  us  to  group  several
              <statement list>                                       statements  into  a  single  basic  statement.  The  'DO  WHILE'
              i = i + 1;                                             statement  permits  us  to  execute  repetitively  a  group   of
           END;                                                      statements  as long as the given condition is satisfied. The 'DO
                                                                     CASE'  statement  is  used  to  execute  selectively  a   single
 We can now rewrite the summation  example  as  shown  in  Figure    statement  out  of  a  group  of statements. The statement to be
 3.7.5.                                                              executed is specified by the value of the  expression  following
                                                                     DO  CASE. The census problem of determining the number of people
      ┌--------------------------------------------------┐           in each 20-year age group can be stated as follows  (assume  age
      | DECLARE sum FLOAT, i FIXED;                      |           is a FIXED variable):
      | sum = 0.0;                                       |
      | DO i = 1 TO 100;                                 |                     DO CASE age/20 + 1;
      |    sum = sum + INPUT;                            |                        under_20 = under_20 + 1;
      | END;                                             |                        twenty_to_39 = twenty_to_39 + 1;
      | OUTPUT = sum;                                    |                        forty_to_59 = forty_to_59 + 1;
      └--------------------------------------------------┘                        sixty_to_79 = sixty_to_79 + 1;
             Figure 3.7.5  Sum of 100 numbers using                               over_79 = over_79 + 1;
                           an iteration control                                END;

 We will see other examples of this construct in Sections 3.8 and    Let age be 36. Then age/20 + 1 is equal to 2 (why  not  2.8  ?).
 3.9.                                                                Then  the  DO  CASE statement is a command to execute the second
                                                                     statement of the group, i.e., to count another person in the 20-
 Exercise 3.7.13.                                                    39  age  group,  which  is  what  we  desire  in  this case. The
                                 m                     m             individual  statements  can  themselves  be  groups   (including
      The binomial coefficient  ( )  is defined as  -------- .       another DO CASE statement).
                                 n                  n (m-n)

      Write an efficient program to read 'm' and 'n' and  compute    3.8 SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLES
      and  print  the  corresponding binomial coefficient. (Watch
      out for integer division.) How many multiples (or  divides)         A variable has a name, a value, and an  address.  The  name
      does your algorithm take as a function of 'm' and 'n'?         can  be used either to refer to the value of the variable (as in
                                                                     an expression) or to refer to the address of the variable  (when
 Exercise 3.7.14.                                                    it  occurs on the left hand side of an assignment statement). We
      An addition chain is a sequence of integers  a , such that     use a declaration statement to introduce  the  variable  and  to
                                                    i                indicate whether it represents an integer (FIXED), a real number
                                                                     (FLOAT), a truth value (BIT), or text (CHARACTER).
      each new member is the sum of two (perhaps identical)
1                                                                                                                          3591  3687

      We coin new identifiers, as needed, to represent the  names
 of  variables. Making up names and declaring them can often be a                            2      3            n
 tedious process. Let us illustrate this point by  considering  a              A  + A X + A X  + A X  + ... + A X
 grading problem. One way to rank the students in the class is by               0    1     2      3            n
 expressing the points obtained by every student in the class  as
 a  percentage  of  the  maximum score. (The process of computing    One can also represent this polynomial as the
 relative values by dividing the actual values by  a  base  value
 (often  the  maximum  of  all  the  values)  is usually known as                            i
 normalization. Normalized values are often more meaningful  than    summation (i=0 to n) A X , which demonstrates the power of
 the  actual  value.) The program of Figure 3.8.1 illustrates the                          i
 computation of relative grade in a class with three students.
                                                                     subscript  notation.  This  suggests  that  if  we  can  somehow
 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    represent  'grade1',  'grade2',  and  'grade3'  as   subscripted
 |    /* A program for converting grades as a percentage of the |    variables,  we  may  be  able  to  formulate  the  algorithm for
 |    maximum score */                                          |    calculating the relative grades as a repetitive process.
 | DECLARE (grade1, grade2, grade3, maximum) FLOAT;             |
 |    /* read in grades of 3 students */                        |         Don't despair if you are not familiar  with  the  subscript
 | grade1 = INPUT;                                              |    notations  of  mathematics.  Suppose  we represent grades in the
 | grade2 = INPUT;                                              |    form of a table as follows:
 | grade3 = INPUT;                                              |
 |    /* determination of the maximum grade */                  |              ______________________________
 | maximum = grade1;                                            |              | Student No. |  1 |  2 |  3 |
 | IF maximum < grade2 THEN maximum = grade2;                   |              |-------------┼----┼----┼----|
 | IF maximum < grade3 THEN maximum = grade3;                   |              | Grade       | 67 | 85 | 70 |
 |    /* calculate relative grades as a percentage of maximum   |              |_____________|____|____|____|
 |    grade */                                                  |
 | maximum = maximum/100.0;                                     |    Then given a student number, we can look up  the  value  of  his
 | grade1 = grade1/maximum;                                     |    grade in the table. If we name the whole table 'grade', then the
 | grade2 = grade2/maximum;                                     |    grade of the i-th student can be referred to as grade .
 | grade3 = grade3/maximum;                                     |                                                         i
 | OUTPUT = ' Relative grades are     ' ||                      |
 |          grade1 || '   ' ||                                  |         Note that the term grade  uses off-the-line notation.  We
 |          grade2 || '   ' ||                                  |                                 i
 |          grade3;                                             |
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    have seen, in connection with  the  exponential  operator,  that
             Figure 3.8.1  Relative Grade Calculation                computers   cannot   usually   handle   off-the-line   notation.
                                                                     Therefore, in PL, we enclose the subscript  within  parentheses,
      Note that writing a similar program for a class  of  twenty    e.g.,  grade(i). A subscripted variable of this form can be used
 instead  of just three would have been a tedious and boring job.    in any place a simple variable can be used,  e.g.,  expressions,
 What is needed is a careful evaluation and reformulation of  the    assignment statements, etc.
 algorithm.  One  can  do  much  better  by using the subscripted
 variable facility of PL.                                                 Just as we  declare  simple  variables,  we  also  have  to
                                                                     declare subscripted variables. In addition to the type, one must
                                                                     also state the dimensionality of the  array  (a  synonym  for  a
 3.8.1 Subscripts                                                    table) and set aside space for it as follows:
+      __________

      If you examine the algorithm for relative grade computation              DECLARE grade (*) FLOAT;
 (Figure  3.8.1)  you  will  note  that  the  same computation is              ALLOCATE grade (3);
 repeated over and over again, but each time  using  a  different
 variable.  Note  further  that  all  the variables have the same    We interpret these statements to demand that 'grade' be a  table
 attribute (FLOAT). In mathematics one  collects  such  variables    containing  a  single  row  of three numbers of type FLOAT. (The
 together  and  refers to them as a single entity, an entity with    declaration and allocation  of  subscripted  variables  will  be
 several components. You  may  be  familiar  with  the  following    discussed in greater detail in section 3.8.3.)
 representation of a polynomial using subscripted coefficients:

1                                                                                                                          3687  3772

      Once the grades have been read  in  as  data,  the  maximum    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 computation  and the relative grade computation can be specified    | DECLARE (grade(*), maximum) FLOAT, i FIXED,                  |
 as follows:                                                         |         (ln, line) CHARACTER;                                |
                                                                     | ALLOCATE grade(3);                                           |
      ┌---------------------------------------------------┐          | DO i = 1 TO 3;                                               |
      |    /* determine maximum grade */                  |          |    grade(i) = INPUT;                                         |
      | maximum = grade(1);                               |          | END;                                                         |
      | DO i = 2 TO 3;                                    |          |    /* determine the maximum grade */                         |
      |    IF maximum < grade(i) THEN maximum = grade(i); |          | maximum = grade(1);                                          |
      | END;                                              |          | DO i = 2 TO 3;                                               |
      |    /* relative grade computation */               |          |    IF maximum < grade(i) THEN maximum = grade(i);            |
      | DO i = 1 TO 3;                                    |          | END;                                                         |
      |    grade(i) = grade(i)/maximum;                   |          |    /* calculate relative grades */                           |
      | END;                                              |          | DO i = 1 TO 3;                                               |
      └---------------------------------------------------┘          |    grade(i) = grade(i)/maximum;                              |
                                                                     | END;                                                         |
 If there were 20 students in the class instead of 3 we need only    |    /* Print the results */                                   |
 to change 3 to 20 in the two group statements.                      | line, ln = ''; /* initialize to null string */               |
                                                                     | DO i = 1 TO 3;                                               |
      Using the post office box analogy, the array 'grade' can be    |    line = line || ' ' || grade(i);                           |
 thought  of  as  a  row of boxes. The 'DO i = 1 TO 3; ...; END;'    |    IF length (line) > 132 THEN                               |
 statement is a command to repeat the following process: open the    |       DO;                                                    |
 i-th  box  in  the  row,  divide the actual grade by the maximum    |          OUTPUT = ln; /* print the line formed so far */     |
 grade, and replace the actual grade of box 'i' by  the  relative    |          line = grade(i);                                    |
 value, where 'i' assumes the values 1, 2, and 3 in succession.      |       END;                                                   |
                                                                     |    ln = line; /* save the string for possible print out */   |
      The relative grade  program  can  now  be  rewritten  using    | END;                                                         |
 subscripted variables (Figure 3.8.2). Study the INPUT and OUTPUT    | OUTPUT = line; /* print the last line */                     |
 parts of the algorithm carefully.                                   └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
                                                                            Figure 3.8.2  Relative Grade Calculation Using Subscripts

 3.8.2 Input and Output Using Subscripted Variables
+      ____________________________________________
                                                                          The advantage of the output statements used in Figure 3.8.2
      The program for relative grade computation  (Figure  3.8.2)    is  less  obvious.  A  simple  output  statement could have been
 also illustrates the flexibility and convenience provided by the    analogous to the input statement as follows:
 subscripted variable for  the  input  and  output  of  data  and
 results.  Instead  of  laboriously writing out 'grade1 = INPUT',              DO i = 1 TO 3;
 'grade2 = INPUT', and so on, one can  read  in  data  under  the                 OUTPUT = grade(i);
 repetitive control of a group statement. The statement                        END;

           DO i = 1 TO 3;
              grade(i) = INPUT;                                      Since the effect of 'OUTPUT = ...' is to print a  new  line,  in
           END;                                                      this  case  the result would have been to print 3 lines with one
                                                                     number per line. If there were 100 students in  the  class  then
                                                                     this  would  mean  printing  100  lines with just one number per
 repetitively reads the next data item in  the  input  queue  and    line. Since a printed line may contain as many as 132 characters
 stores  it  in the i-th box (the second if i = 2) and increments    (about  80 for typewritten output), one could print many numbers
 the value of 'i' by 1 (so that the next time around the i-th box    on each line. If we can  print  all  the  results  on  10  lines
 will be the third box).                                             instead  of  100,  the time for printing would be reduced from 5
                                                                     seconds to 1/2 second on a 100  lines-per-minute  printer,  thus
                                                                     making a better use of the printer.

                                                                          We could print all  the  numbers  on  one  line  using  the

1                                                                                                                          3772  3861

           OUTPUT = grade(1) || '_' ||                                         ___________________________
                    grade(2) || '_' ||                                         |   To|    |    |    |    |
                    grade(3);                                                  |     |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |
                                                                               |From |    |    |    |    |
 However, such a statement is not easily extendible if we want to              |-----┼----┼----┼----┼----|
 print  a  larger  number  of  grades.  What  is  desirable  is a              |  1  |  0 | 51 | 95 | 55 |
 convenient way to print as many grades as possible on each  line              |  2  | 53 |  0 | 57 | 89 |
 without  exceeding  the total number of characters permitted per              |  3  | 99 | 57 |  0 | 47 |
 line.                                                                         |  4  | 55 | 89 | 47 |  0 |
      In Figure 3.8.2 we repetitively catenate data items  to  be
 printed and store the resulting string in a variable named line.            Figure 3.8.3  Distance Table 'd' between Four Points
 If  the  length  of  line  exceeds  132  characters  after   any
 catenation   then  the  string  that  existed  before  the  last         Suppose we let 'd' represent the distance  table.  Then  we
 catenation is printed and the variable line  is  initialized  to    can use double subscripts to talk about individual entries in
 grade(i)  which is the first item to be printed on the following    the table.  d    indicates the distance from point 'i' to point
 line. The last line being formed will not be printed within  the                 ij
 group  statement  and  is printed at the end. The output part of
 Figure 3.8.2 is repeated  below  for  a  careful  study  by  the    'j'.  In general, d   stands for the entry in the i-th row and
 reader.                                                                                ij

           /* Print the results */                                   j-th column, the first subscript referring to the row and the
      line, ln = ''; /* initialize to null string */                 second to the column.  Thus, d   is 89 while d   is 0.
      DO i = 1 TO 3;                                                                               24              22
         line = line || '_' || grade(i);
         IF LENGTH (line) > 132 THEN                                      A rectangular table, such as the distance table,  is  often
            DO;                                                      called  a 'matrix' or simple 'array'. Let us consider an example
               OUTPUT = ln; /* print the line formed so far */       in Linear Algebra where matrix notation is very useful.  Suppose
               line = grade(i);                                      we have a system of linear equations as follows:
         ln = line; /* save the string for possible print out */               1.2x +  2.3y + 0.7z =  1.9
      END;                                                                     8.5x + 19.3y + 1.4z = 17.5
      OUTPUT = line; /* print the last line */                                 0.9x +  4.5y + 6.5z =  6.5

 3.8.3 Multiple Subscripts                                           This system of equations can be expressed using matrix  notation
+      ___________________
                                                                     as follows:
      Until  now  we  have  been  mainly  concerned  with  single
 subscripted  variables.  Of course, there is no need to restrict         ┌-              -┐  ┌- -┐     ┌-    -┐
 ourselves to single subscripts. Multiple subscripts occur  in  a         | 1.2   2.3  0.7 |  | x |     |  1.9 |
 natural  way in many problems we have to deal with. Consider the         | 8.5  19.3  1.4 |  | y |  =  | 17.5 |
 problem of  representing  the  distances  between  a  number  of         | 0.9   4.5  6.5 |  | z |     |  6.5 |
 points.  The  distances between points can be represented by the         └-              -┘  └- -┘     └-    -┘
 table in Figure 3.8.3. The table would be  symmetric  about  the
 diagonal  if  the  distance from point 'i' to point 'j' were the    where the coefficients  are  represented  as  a  matrix.  Matrix
 same as the distance from 'j' to 'i'. (Note that  the  distances    representation   provides   many   conceptual   and  theoretical
 need not be the same if they are separated by one-way highways.)    advantages in the solution of a system of linear equations.

                                                                          In PL, variables can have any number  of  subscripts.  Very
                                                                     few  routine  problems require the use of more than two or three
                                                                     subscripts. Subscripts are enclosed within parentheses and
                                                                     separated by commas.  For example, the variables a , b  , and
                                                                                                                       i   ij

1                                                                                                                          3861  3960

 c    are represented in PL as a(i), b(i,j), and c(i,j,k).                All variables, simple and subscripted, must be declared. We
  ijk                                                                already  know  how  to declare simple variables. For subscripted
                                                                     variables, the declaration must include, in addition to name and
 Further, a subscript  can  be  any  valid  expression,  e.g.,  a    type,  the number of dimensions. For example, the distance table
 constant,  a  variable, or any expression yielding an arithmetic    'd' could be declared as follows:
 value. If the value of the expression is not an integer then  an
 attempt  will  be  made to convert it to an integer and an error              DECLARE d (*,*) FIXED;
 indication will occur if the conversion is not valid. Now we can              ALLOCATE d (4, i + 4);
 precisely define a variable.
                                                                          Consider the above  pair  of  statements:  the  declaration
      <variable> ::= <identifier>                                    statement commands the machine to set aside, in the name of 'd',
                    | <identifier> (<subscript list>)                a two-dimensional array of unknown size. (Referring back to  the
      <subscript list> ::= <subscript>                               hotel  analogy of section 3.1 we might say "set aside a block of
                           | <subscript list> , <subscript>          rooms for a group of people who will be  coming  to  attend  the
      <subscript> ::= <expression> | *                               Fall Joint Computer Conference!") The second statement, ALLOCATE
                                                                     d (4, i + 4); , defines the size of the array, e.g., 4 rows  and
                                                                     i  + 4 columns. In our analogy, allocation of space must precede
 The following examples illustrate  the  parsing  of  subscripted    the arrival of delegates.  Note  that  the  value  of  'i'  must
 variables.                                                          already be defined.

           a        (       i + 5        )                                Suppose you declare an array  'cost'  using  the  following
           |        |         |          |                           pair of statements:
      <identifier>  |    <expression>    |
           |        |         |          |                                     DECLARE cost (*) FLOAT;
           |        |     <subscript>    |                                     ALLOCATE cost (10);
           |        |         |          |
           |        |  <subscript list>  |                           Implicit within the  definition  is  the  fact  that  the  first
           |        |         |          |                           element  is  referred to by the subscript 1, i.e., ALLOCATE cost
           |        |         |          |                           (10) specifies that the range of the subscript values is from  1
           |________|_________|__________|                           to 10. Suppose we wish the range to be from 1951 to 1960 instead
                         |                                           of 1 to 10. This might be more meaningful if cost (1951)  refers
                     <variable>                                      to the cost of an item in the year 1951. Thus

                                                                               DECLARE cost (*) FLOAT;
      d       (        5         ,    j*i+k     ,     i+8      )               ALLOCATE cost (1951:1960);
      |       |        |         |      |       |      |       |
 <identifier> |   <expression>   | <expression> | <expression> |     declares a one-dimensional array 'cost', and then  allocates  to
      |       |        |         |      |       |      |       |     'cost'  10  elements  with  subscripts ranging from 1951 to 1960
      |       |   <subscript>    | <subscript>  | <subscript>  |     instead of from 1 to 10. If the lower bound of a subscript is to
      |       |        |         |      |       |      |       |     be other than 1 then both the lower bound and the upper bound of
      |       | <subscript list> |      |       |      |       |     the range of the subscript must be given  and  the  two  numbers
      |       |        |         |      |       |      |       |     must be separated by a colon.
      |       |        └---------┼------┘       |      |       |
      |       |                  |              |      |       |          In the ALLOCATE statement, then, the array  size  is  given
      |       |           <subscript list>      |      |       |     within  parentheses,  the  number of rows as the first entry and
      |       |                  |              |      |       |     the number of columns as the second. A constant  row  or  column
      |       |                  └--------------┼------┘       |     number can, in fact, be replaced by an expression. A precise and
      |       |                                 |              |     more general form of declaration is given below:
      |       |                          <subscript list>      |
      |       |                                 |              |          <declaration statement> ::= DECLARE <declaration list> ;
      |_______|_________________________________|______________|          <declaration list> ::= <declaration element>
                              |                                                         | <declaration list> , <declaration element>
                         <variable>                                       <declaration element> ::= <declaration primary>
                                                                                             | <declaration primary> <attribute list>
                                                                          <declaration primary> ::= <identifier>
1                                                                                                                          3960  4060

                                | (<declaration list>)                    values in each of the ranges
      <attribute list> ::= <attribute>                                         (0, 1/a), (1/a, 2/a) ... (a-1/a, 1)
                           | <attribute list> <attribute>                 for any integer 'a'. Write a program to test  the  built-in
      <attribute> ::= (<asterisk list>)                                   function  RANDOM  for  1000  values  and  a = 10. Print the
                      | <type>                                            result as a bar graph. I.e.,
                      | ENTRY                                                  .0 - .1    xxxxxxxxxx
                      | LABEL                                                  .1 - .2    xxxx
      <type> ::= BIT                                                           .2 - .3
                 | FIXED                                                       .3 - .4
                 | FLOAT                                                         ...
                 | CHARACTER
      <asterisk list> ::= *
                          | <asterisk list> , *                      Exercise 3.8.2.
      <allocation statement> ::= ALLOCATE <allocation list>;              A   correctly   uniform   random   number   generator   may
      <allocation list> ::= <allocation element>                          nevertheless  have  higher  order  correlations  (e.g., the
                       | <allocation list> , <allocation element>         difference  between  pairs  might  be  constant).  Write  a
      <allocation element> ::= <identifier> (<bounds list>)               program to test the second order randomness of the built-in
      <bounds list> ::= <bound>                                           function RANDOM  by  allocating  an  array  t(0:9,0:9)  and
                        | <bounds list> , <bound>                         counting  up each position by one for each pair of calls to
      <bound> ::= <expression>                                            RANDOM. A failure in second order randomness will  show  up
                   | <expression> : <expression>                          as a pattern in 't'.

                                                                     3.9 GROUP STATEMENT: Additional Constructs
 DECLARE d     (   *,*    ) FIXED,   cost    (    *     ) FLOAT ;
   |     |     |    |     |   |  |     |     |    |     |   |   |
   |  <iden.>  |<ast.list>|<type>|  <iden.>  |<ast.list>| <type>|    3.9.1. Repetitions within Repetitions: Nested Loops
+                                                                           ____________________________________________
   |     |     |    |     |   |  |     |     |    |     |   |   |
   |<decl.pri.>|____|_____|<att.>|<decl.pri.>|____|_____| <att.>|         Suppose we have a matrix representing a tax table which has
   |     |          |         |  |     |          |         |   |    to be modified to reflect a 10% increase in taxes. A program for
   |     |     <attribute>    |  |     |     <attribute>    |   |    modifying the table must multiply every element of the table  by
   |     |          |         |  |     |          |         |   |    1.1 (why?) to produce a new tax table. How does one specify 'for
   |     |     <att. list>    |  |     |     <att. list>    |   |    every element of the matrix' in PL? If the table happened to  be
   |     |          |         |  |     |          |         |   |    one  dimensional (i.e., requiring only a single subscript), then
   |     |          |_________|  |     |          |_________|   |    the solution is similar to the calculation of the relative  cost
   |     |               |       |     |               |        |    of living indices. If the table is two dimensional, then we need
   |     |          <att. list>  |     |          <att. list>   |    two subscripts to refer to an element, e.g., tax(i,j).
   |     |               |       |     |               |        |
   |     |_______________|       |     |_______________|        |         Thus we need a mechanism for permitting 'i'  to  vary  over
   |             |               |             |                |    all  the  possible  row  numbers  and  'j'  to vary over all the
   |       <decl. elem.>         |             |                |    possible column numbers. One way to do this is to let  'j'  vary
   |             |               |       <decl. elem.>          |    over all the possible column numbers for each value 'i'.
   |       <decl. list>          |             |                |
   |             |               |             |                |         The program would be as follows:
   |             |_______________|_____________|                |
   |                             |                              |         DECLARE tax (*,*) FLOAT;
   |                       <decl. list>                         |         DECLARE (i,j) FIXED;
   |                             |                              |         ALLOCATE tax (100,10); /* say the table is 100 x 10 */
   |_____________________________|______________________________|         DO i = 1 TO 100;
                                 |                                           DO j = 1 TO 10;
                      <declaration statement>                                   tax (i,j) = 1.1 * tax (i,j);
 Exercise 3.8.1.                                                          END;
      A random  number  generator  with  a  uniform  distribution
      between  0.0  and 1.0 should yield about the same number of    The statement
1                                                                                                                          4060  4158

      DO i = 1 TO 100;                                               ┌----------------------------------------------------------┐
 is a command to perform the statement following it 100 times for    | DECLARE (w, x, y, z) FIXED;                              |
 'i'  taking  values 1 to 100. The following statement is another    | DO w = 1 TO 20;                                          |
 group statement which is a command to repeat                        |    DO x = 1 TO 20;                                       |
      tax (i,j) = 1.1 * tax (i,j);                                   |       DO y = 1 TO 20;                                    |
 10 times for 'j' taking values 1 to  10.  Therefore,  for  every    |          DO z = 1 TO 20;                                 |
 value of 'i', 'j' varies over the values 1 to 10, thus modifying    |             IF x**3 + y**3 + z**3 = w**3 THEN            |
 all of the i-th row of the tax table.                               |                OUTPUT = x || ' ' ||                      |
                                                                     |                         y || ' ' ||                      |
      Such repeated execution of a computation is usually  called    |                         z || ' ' || w;                   |
 a  loop.  When  the loop itself is within a loop, it is called a    |          END;                                            |
 nested loop. Nesting of loops can go to any number  of  levels--    |       END;                                               |
 loops,  loops within loops, loops within loops within loops, and    |    END;                                                  |
 so on. Let us illustrate by an example in number theory. Most of    | END;                                                     |
 us are familiar with the Pythagorean equation:                      └----------------------------------------------------------┘
                                                                                                        3    3    3    3
            2    2    2                                                    Figure 3.9.1.  Solutions of x  + y  + z  = w
           x  + y  = z    .

 What are all the triples of integers that satisfy this simple       The program in its  present  form  is  inefficient  and  can  be
                                                                     improved  in  many  ways.  Writing  efficient  programs requires
                                2    2    2                          careful analysis of the problem at hand. We will see  later  how
 algebraic equation?  We know  3  + 4  = 5  is one.  Any multiple    this program can be improved.
 of (3,4,5) is also a solution; (5, 12, and 13) is  another,  and
 so on.
                                                                     3.9.2 The Do Statement with a Variable Increment
+                                                                          __________________________________________
                              n    n    n
      Equations of the form  x  + y  = z   are known as the               The  statement 'DO i = 1 TO 6; ... ; END;' is equivalent to

                                   2    2    2                                 i = 1;
 Diophantine equations of which  x  + y  = z   is a special case.              DO WHILE i <= 6;
 Are there solutions in integers for n > 2 ? Fermat's  conjecture                .
 states that there are no integer solutions for n > 2. While this                .
 conjecture is generally believed to be true, many generations of                .
 mathematicians  have not succeeded in proving or disproving this                 i = i + 1;
 conjecture. However, the conjecture has been proved for a  large              END;
 number of specific values of 'n'. For

                              3    3    3                            Thus, each time around the loop, the value of 'i' is incremented
 example, one can prove that x  + y  = z  cannot be satisfied by     by  1. Sometimes it is desirable to be able to change this fixed
 positive integers 'x', 'y', and 'z'.                                increment, 1, to some other (positive  or  negative)  increment.
                                                                     This can be done in PL by adding a new construct of the form
      However, there are infinitely many solutions in integers of    'DO i = 1 TO 6 BY 2' which specifies an increment of 2.

               3    3    3    3                                           We  will  illustrate  the  use  of  these   constructs   by
 the equation x  + y  + z  = w .  Our problem is to find all the     considering  a  sorting  problem.  Sorting  is  the  process  of
 4-tuples 'x', 'y', 'z', and 'w' which satisfy this equation  and    rearranging data items in sequence according  to  some  specific
 also  satisfy  the condition that w <= 20. While this would be a    rules.  A  dictionary  is  a typical example of a sorted list of
 tedious job to do by hand, writing a program to do the same task    items. Sorting can be in alphabetic or numeric order,  depending
 is  relatively  simple.  One solution is to let the value of all    on the data items in question.
 the variables vary over the range 1 to 20 and  print  out  those
 that satisfy the equation. This requires the use of a four-level         Suppose  we  wish  to  rearrange  a  list  of  numbers   in
 nested loop as follows:                                             increasing  order.  Let  'a' be a one-dimensional array with the
                                                                     following initial values:

1                                                                                                                          4158  4248

      __________________________________________________             can repeat the process again; this  time  considering  only  the
      | a(1) | a(2) | a(3) | a(4) | a(5) | a(6) | a(7) |             first  5  pairs  of elements of 'a' so as to move the largest of
      |------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------|             the first 6 elements to a(6).
      |  39  |   3  |  15  |   6  |  10  |   8  |  34  |
      |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|             Exercise 3.9.1.
                                                                          Write down the values of elements of 'a' after  the  second
 After rearranging, the  array  'a'  should  have  the  following
 values:                                                                  If we repeat this process 6 times, each time  reducing  the
                                                                     number  of pairs considered by one, we shall have rearranged the
      __________________________________________________             values of 'a' in increasing order. We can reduce the  number  of
      | a(1) | a(2) | a(3) | a(4) | a(5) | a(6) | a(7) |             pairs  considered  by  changing  the  statement  'DO i = 1 TO 6'
      |------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------|             (Figure 3.9.2) to 'DO i = 1 TO k' and insuring  that  'k'  takes
      |   3  |   6  |   8  |  10  |  15  |  34  |  39  |             the values 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. We can do this as follows:
                                                                          DO j = 1 TO 6;
                                                                             DO i = 1 TO 7-j;
 There are many different algorithms  for  obtaining  this  final               IF a(i) > a(i+1) THEN
 result. One of these is known as Bubble Sort. It is an extension                  DO;
 of the solution  for  finding  the  maximum  of  an  array.  For                     temp = a(i);
 example, the statement of Figure 3.9.2. rearranges the array 'a'                     a(i) = a(i+1);
 so that the largest element is in a(7).                                              a(i+1) = temp;
      ┌---------------------------------------┐                              END;
      | DO i = 1 TO 6;                        |                           END;
      |    IF a(i) > a(i+1) THEN              |
      |       DO;                             |
      |          temp = a(i);                 |                      Note that we have replaced 'DO i = 1 TO 6' by 'DO i = 1 TO  7-j'
      |          a(i) = a(i+1);               |                      to  insure  that  the  number of repetitions decreases by 1 each
      |          a(i+1) = temp;               |                      time. This is the first time we have used the full generality of
      |       END;                            |                      the  incrementation  control  by replacing the constant 6 by the
      | END;                                  |                      expression '7-j'.
         Figure 3.9.2   Maximum of an array                               More generally, it would be desirable to be able to specify
                                                                     increments  in PL by a simple addition of BY <expression> to the
                                                                     group control. The  value  of  the  <expression>  indicates  the
 How? We first consider the values of a(1) and a(2). If  a(1)  is    increment  to  the  variable each time around the loop. If it is
 larger  than  a(2),  we swap the values of a(1) and a(2) using a    omitted then the  increment  is  taken  to  be  1.  Neither  the
 temporary variable (see Section 3.2). After the swap  the  value    increment  nor  the bound can be changed once the loop is begun.
 of  a(1)  will  be 3 and the value of a(2) will be 39. We repeat    Thus the statement
 the process 6 times, each time considering the successive  pairs         DO i = j TO k BY m;
 of  numbers a(2) a(3), a(3) a(4), a(4) a(5), a(5) a(6), and a(6)    is equivalent to
 a(7). Each time  around,  the  largest  value  39,  bubbles  one
 position  towards  the  last element of the array and, after the         i = j;
 sixth  repetition, the array 'a' will have the following values:         DO WHILE SIGN (m) * i <= SIGN(i) * k
      __________________________________________________                     .
      | a(1) | a(2) | a(3) | a(4) | a(5) | a(6) | a(7) |                     .
      |------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------┼------|                     i = i+m;
      |   3  |  15  |   6  |  10  |   8  |  34  |  39  |                  END;

                                                                     so long as neither 'm'  nor  'k'  appears  on  the  left  of  an
 Thus, the above statement has the effect of moving  the  largest    assignment  in  the  second  form.  Note the SIGN(m) is 1 if the
 value  to  a(7) without destroying the other elements of 'a'. We    value of 'm' is positive and -1 if the value of 'm' is negative.
1                                                                                                                          4248  4341

 While  i  <=  k is the proper test to make when the increment is    previous  section  can  be  programmed more efficiently. Let the
 positive, one has to use i >= k when the increment is  negative.    elements of the array 'a' be as follows:
 That  is  why  we need the above form of the DO WHILE statement.
 Now we can rewrite the sort routine without using the expression         __________________________________________________
 7-j.                                                                     | a(1) | a(2) | a(3) | a(4) | a(5) | a(6) | a(7) |
      ┌---------------------------------------------------┐               |   3  |   6  |   8  |  15  |  10  |  39  |  34  |
      | DECLARE (a(*), i, j, temp) FIXED;                 |               |______|______|______|______|______|______|______|
      | ALLOCATE a(7);                                    |
      | DO i = 1 TO 7; a(i) = INPUT; END;                 |
      | DO j = 6 TO 1 BY -1;                              |          This list is almost in sequence and after the first execution of
      |    DO i = 1 TO j;                                 |          the  inner  loop of the sorting algorithm (Figure 3.9.3) all the
      |       IF a(i) > a(i+1) THEN                       |          elements of 'a' will  be  in  sequence.  (Exercise.  Verify  the
      |          DO;                                      |          validity  of  the  above  statement by hand simulation.) Thus it
      |             temp = a(i);                          |          would be desirable to terminate the repetition of the inner loop
      |             a(i) = a(i+1);                        |          as soon as we know that the elements are in sequence. How can we
      |             a(i+1) = temp;                        |          determine whether or not the elements of 'a'  are  in  sequence?
      |          END;                                     |          Note  that if the elements get to be in sequence during the i-th
      |    END;                                           |          iteration (repetition), then no swapping will take place  during
      | END;                                              |          the   (i+1)-th  iteration.  One  can  use  a  logical  variable,
      | DO i = 1 TO 7; OUTPUT = a(i); END;                |          'swapping', to remember whether swapping  has  taken  place  and
      └---------------------------------------------------┘          test  it  either  to continue or terminate processing. A sorting
             Figure 3.9.3   The Sorting Algorithm                    algorithm with test for swapping is given in Figure 3.9.4.

 Exercise 3.9.2.                                                     | DECLARE (a(*), i, j) FIXED, swapping BIT;                  |
      Let skin be a 10 x 10 patch of healthy skin cells with  one    | ALLOCATE a(7);                                             |
      infected  cell  near the center. Each time-step an infected    | DO i = 1 TO 7; a(i) = INPUT; END; /* read in array */      |
      cell has 0.5 probability of infecting each of  its  healthy    | swapping = TRUE;                                           |
      neighbors.  After  6  time  steps  an infected cell becomes    | DO j = 6 TO 1 BY -1 WHILE swapping; /* i.e., while         |
      immune for 4 more steps, then becomes healthy  once  again.    |                               swapping is true */          |
      Simulate  this situation on the computer, printing the skin    |    swapping = FALSE /* initialize swapping to FALSE each   |
      at each step.                                                  |                        time */                             |
                                                                     |    DO i = 1 TO j;                                          |
 Exercise 3.9.3. (Forsythe)                                          |       IF a(i) >= a(i+1) THEN                               |
      Given  a  finite  initial  sequence  of  a  power   series,    |          DO;                                               |
      summation (i = 0 to infinity) a(i)*x**i, we wish to compute    |             temp = a(i); a(i) = a(i+1); a(i+1) = temp;     |
      the initial sequences of two more  series,  the  reciprocal    |             swapping = TRUE; /* record a swap */           |
      and the inverse.                                               |          END;                                              |
                                                                     |    END;                                                    |
      [summation (1 = 0 to infinity) a(i)*x**i] *                    | END;                                                       |
         [summation (i = 0 to infinity) b(i)*x**i] = 1.              | DO i = 1 TO 7; OUTPUT = a(i); END; /* print results */     |
      summation (i = 0 to infinity) a(i)*x**i = f*(x),               └------------------------------------------------------------┘
      summation (i = 0 to infinity) c(i)*x**i = f**-1*(x).                Figure 3.9.4   The Sorting Algorithm with Swap Test

                                                                          The statement 'DO j = 6 TO 1 BY -1 while  swapping;'  is  a
      Given the initial coefficients in an  array  'a',  write  a    command  to  repeat  the  following statements (and of course to
      program to compute the new series in arrays 'b' and 'c'.       decrease the value of 'j') while j >= 1 and while 'swapping'  is
                                                                     TRUE.  The  variable 'swapping' is set to TRUE every time a swap
                                                                     takes place in the inner loop.  Thus  the  inner  loop  will  be
 3.9.3 The DO WHILE statement with a Control Clause                  repeated  only  as  many times as necessary, but never more than
+      ____________________________________________
                                                                     the maximum of 6 times.
      Until now we have seen statements which use either a 'WHILE
 <expression>'  or  a  control  clause  but not both. Often it is
 desirable to use both. For example, the sorting problem  of  the    3.9.4. The DO CASE Statement with a Control Clause
+                                                                           ___________________________________________
1                                                                                                                          4341  4426

      One can include a control clause in a 'DO  CASE'  statement         Like variables, statements  can  also  be  referred  to  by
 also. The statement 'DO i = 1 TO n CASE a(i);' is interpreted as    names;  a  name  for  a  statement  is called a label. A labeled
 follows:                                                            statement has the form
      DO i = 1 TO n;                                                 Examples:
         DO CASE a(i);                                                         next: OUTPUT = french (i) ;
           .                                                                   start: a,b,c = 0 ; /* initialize */
           .                                                              A label is usually used  in  conjunction  with  the  GO  TO
         END;                                                        statement.  The  GO  TO statement is one of the constructs in PL
      END;                                                           which can alter the normal sequential  execution  of  statements
                                                                     within   a   program.   This  statement  causes  control  to  be
      An example of the use of the DO CASE statement with control    transferred to a specified statement within the program;  it  is
 clause  is  in  writing crypto programs. Normally statements are    useful  only  where  the  conditional  statement  or  the  group
 executed sequentially, starting with the first. But occasionally    statement cannot be used conveniently. The form  of  the  GO  TO
 one  may  wish to disguise a program so that no one else can use    statement is given by the rule:
 it, to preserve the  secrecy  of  some  industrial  process  for
 example.  In such a case, the statements of the program would be         <GO TO statement> ::= GO TO <identifier>;
 rearranged in some  random  sequence,  and  spurious  statements                               | GOTO <identifier>;
 might  even  be introduced. In order to use the program one must
 have a key, a list of numbers indicating the sequence  in  which    A GO TO statement, say 'GO TO  next;',  causes  the  program  to
 the statements must be executed. The following overall structure    interrupt  the  sequential execution and transfer control to the
 of the program can be used to execute the  statements  according    statement  labeled  'next'.  Thus  it  is  the  next   statement
 to the key.                                                         executed.

   ┌---------------------------------------------------------┐            Any valid identifier can be used as a  label  and  we  coin
   | DECLARE (key(*), n) FIXED;                              |       them  as  we  need them while writing programs. A label (a name)
   | ALLOCATE key (1000);                                    |       can be given to any statement in the program. One usually labels
   | n = INPUT; /* read in the number of statements to be    |       a statement only when it is necessary to transfer control to the
   |               executed */                               |       statement from some other part of the program. Meaningful labels
   | DO i = 1 TO n; key (i) = INPUT; END;                    |       can enhance the readability of a program.
   | DO i = 1 TO n CASE key (i);                             |
   |   .                                                     |
   |   .                                                     |       3.10.1 Restrictions on GO TO statements
+                                                                           ________________________________
   |   .                                                     |
   |   <randomly arranged statements>                        |            In languages like Fortran, which has but  a  few  primitive
   |   .                                                     |       forms  of  the conditional statement and group statement, the GO
   |   .                                                     |       TO statement is  indispensable.  For  example,  the  conditional
   |   .                                                     |       statement
   | END;                                                    |
   | OUTPUT = 'End of program';                              |                 IF a < b THEN maximum = b;
   └---------------------------------------------------------┘                 ELSE maximum = a;
        Figure 3.9.5   Structure of an Encripted Program

      Given a rearranged program and the key, one can insert  the    can be rewritten using the GO TO statement as follows:
 above  statements  before  and  after  the  program, read in the
 number of elements in the key  and  then  the  key  itself,  and              IF a < b THEN GO TO maxb;
 execute the statements according to the key.                                  maximum = a;
                                                                               GO TO next;
 Exercise 3.9.4.                                                          maxb:  maximum = b;
      Make a rearranged version of the GCD algorithm (2.3.2)  and         next:  ...
      a key for it. Hand simulate the function of Figure 3.9.5.
                                                                     Similarly the group statement

1                                                                                                                          4426  4520

           DO i = 1 TO n;                                                 Figure 3.10.1 shows some typical entries in four  different
              sum = sum + x(i);                                      types  of  tables  we  deal with: a sales tax table, a logarithm
           END;                                                      table, an income tax table, and a telephone directory.  We  will
                                                                     illustrate various schemes for computer table search by means of
 can be rewritten as                                                 these four examples.

           i = 1;                                                         ________________              _______________________
      loop:  IF i > n THEN GO TO next;                                    | total |  tax |              | number  | logarithm |
           sum = sum + x(i);                                              |-------┼------|              |---------┼-----------|
           i = i+1;                                                       |   .   |   .  |              |    .    |           |
           GO TO loop;                                                    |   .   |   .  |              |    .    |           |
      next:  ...                                                          |   .   |   .  |              |    .    |           |
                                                                          | 5.40  | 0.27 |              | 26.0000 |  1.41497  |
      In PL, the conditional statement and  the  group  statement         | 5.60  | 0.28 |              | 26.0001 |  1.41499  |
 obviate  the  need for such uses of the GO TO statement. A GO TO         | 5.80  | 0.29 |              | 26.0002 |  1.41500  |
 statement is mainly useful for  transferring  control  from  the         | 6.00  | 0.30 |              |    .    |    .      |
 middle of a conditional statement or a loop (see 3.10.2).                |   .   |   .  |              |    .    |    .      |
                                                                          |   .   |   .  |              |    .    |    .      |
      Unnecessary use of the  GO  TO  statements  makes  programs         |_______|______|              | 27.0000 |  1.43136  |
 unreadable  and  difficult to follow and should be avoided. A GO                                       |    .    |    .      |
 TO statement may not transfer control from outside  of  a  group                                       |    .    |    .      |
 statement to a statement within the DO ... END symbols.                                                |    .    |    .      |

 3.10.2 Table Search                                                  (a)  A sales tax table            (b)  A logarithm table
+       ____________

      Consider the functional relation y = f*(x).  If  'f'  is  a         _______________________       _______________________
 complicated  function  (like  sine, log, etc., which may require         |gross income|  tax   |       |  name    |  number  |
 the use of mathematical tables) or if 'f' cannot conveniently be         |------------┼--------|       |__________┼__________|
 expressed  as  a mathematical formula in terms of 'x' (telephone         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 directories, dictionaries, etc.) then we make up  a  table  with         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 entries  for  'x'  and 'y'. To find the value of 'f' for a given         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 'x', we scan through the table until we find the desired  entry.         |  2050      | 280.00 |       | Hardy    | 3244237  |
 This process is known as table look-up or table search.                  |  2060      | 281.10 |       | Harmon   | 3644297  |
                                                                          |  2070      | 282.75 |       | Hastings | 3327800  |
      Arrays provide a convenient means for storing tables  in  a         |  2080      | 284.35 |       | Hoffman  | 9678300  |
 computer.  However,  large tables can quickly use up the limited         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 computer memory. Thus many  common  mathematical  functions  are         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 calculated, in a computer, using the formulas instead of tables.         |     .      |        |       |    .     |    .     |
 However, if a particular function, say sine,  is  used  a  large         |____________|________|       |__________|__________|
 number  of  times  within  a  program (as in the case of Fourier
 analysis) it may be efficient to use a table of sine values.             (c)  An income tax table      (d)  A telephone directory

 Exercise 3.10.1.                                                                   Figure 3.10.1  Different types of tables
      Suppose you are given a sine table of 91 values  (0  to  90
      degrees).  Given an angle rounded to the nearest degree you         Suppose we  want  to  write  an  algorithm  for  sales  tax
      have to find the value of the corresponding sine by looking    computation.  In  our  example  (Figure  3.10.1a) the tax can be
      it  up  in  a  table.  Write a program to read the table of    expressed by a simple function of the total; viz.,
      sines into an array called 'sine', read an angle between  0              tax = 0.05 * total;
      and  90  and print out the sine of the angle. How would you    While people may find it convenient  to  use  tax  tables,  such
      modify the program if the angle can be between 0  and  360?    calculations  can be performed with ease by a computer and there
      What  if  the  angle can be any integral value, positive or    is no need to use a table.
      negative? What if it is not  integral?  All  the  solutions
      must use the sine table above.                                      In the case of the income tax table,  however,  it  may  be
                                                                     difficult  to  make  up a formula which can be used to calculate
1                                                                                                                          4520  4606

 taxes for every possible income. Thus we observe a case where it    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 is  indeed  useful to have a table of tax values, i.e., an array    | DECLARE (i, income, quotient, remainder) FIXED;              |
 containing the taxes for various incomes. Suppose we  are  asked    | DECLARE (tax(*), incometax) FLOAT; ALLOCATE tax (10000);     |
 to  find  the tax for $2070. We can scan through the table until    |  /* read in the tax table for 10 to 100,000 dollars in       |
 we find 2070 and look up the  corresponding  tax.  In  PL,  this    |     increments of $10 */                                     |
 table  would  require  an  array  with  two columns, one for the    | DO i = 1 TO 1000; tax(i) = INPUT; END;                       |
 income and the other for the tax. Note, however, that the income    |              .                                               |
 entries  vary  by  a  fixed  value,  10.  The table array can be    |              .                                               |
 reduced from two columns to one  column  if  we  can  compute  a    |              .                                               |
 subscript  based  on  the  income  which would then point to the    | income = INPUT; /* read in the gross income to the nearest   |
 appropriate tax for that income. In this case, the  rule  should    |                    dollar                                    |
 be obvious, namely, divide the income by 10 and use the quotient    | quotient = income/10; /* calculate the subscript to the      |
 as a subscript.                                                     |                          appropriate entry */                |
                                                                     | remainder = income-10 * quotient; /* this is same as         |
           income     subscript       tax                            |                                  MOD (income, 10) */         |
           ------     ---------     ------                           | incometax = tax (quotient) + remainder * (tax (quotient + 1) |
              10           1          0                              |                            - tax (quotient))/10;             |
              20           2          0                              | OUTPUT = 'income tax for $' || income || ' is $' ||incometax;|
               .           .          .                              └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
               .           .          .                                           Figure 3.10.3   Income Tax Calculation
               .           .          .
            2050         205        280.00                                Suppose you  are  given  a  name  and  asked  to  find  the
            2060         206        281.10                           telephone number by looking it up in a table. In this case there
            2070         207        282.75                           is no convenient way of computing a subscript from the  name  as
            2080         208        284.35                           in  the  case  of the income tax table; this means we must store
               .           .          .                              both the columns of Table 3.10.1d  in  an  array  form.  Let  us
               .           .          .                              assume that these are declared as
               .           .          .
                                                                               DECLARE name (*) CHARACTER, number (*) FIXED;
      Figure 3.10.2  Subscripts Associated with Income                         ALLOCATE name (10000), number (10000);

                                                                     providing for a table with a maximum of 1000 entries. Since  the
 Now if we declare an array 'tax' of 10,000 elements (to store  a    actual number of entries in any given case can vary, let us make
 tax  table  from  10  to 100,000 dollars) then the tax for $2070    this a variable, say 'n', which is also specified as  data.  Let
 will be given by 'tax(207)'.                                        us  also  assume that these 'n' entries (names and numbers) have
                                                                     been read and stored in 'name' and 'number'.
      The  table  (Figure  3.10.2)  gives  taxes  in  10   dollar
 increments.  What  if  we  are  required to compute taxes to the         Given a name, we must first look  through  the  name  table
 nearest dollar? One can do this  by  linear  interpolation.  For    until  we  find  the  name  we  are  looking  for,  and  use the
 example,  the  tax  for $2074 can be calculated by the following    corresponding entry (one with the same subscript) in the  number
 expression:                                                         table.  We  do  not  know  how far we have to search through the
           tax (207) + 4*(tax (208) - tax (207))/10                  'name' array before we find the desired entry. Therefore, we use
 i.e., 282.75 + 0.4*(284.35 - 282.75) =  $283.39.  Figure  3.10.3    a  group  statement  capable of comparing the names repetitively
 gives  an algorithm for computing taxes for a given income using    until the last, but interrupt the repetition, by means of  a  GO
 interpolation.                                                      TO statement, as soon as we find an equal, viz.,

                                                                          DO i = 1 TO n;
                                                                             IF name (i) = person THEN GO TO found;
                                                                          found:  /* 'i' now is the desired index unless i > n */

                                                                          The execution of the 'DO ... END;' statement is  completely
                                                                     interrupted  and  control is transferred to the label 'found' as
                                                                     soon as the entry in the  table  matches  the  given  name.  The
                                                                     control  variable  'i'  retains its last assigned value when the
1                                                                                                                          4606  4703

 loop is left prematurely. If the loop is terminated according to    Figure 3.10.5). The group statement of Figure 3.10.5 illustrates
 its  regular  course, the value of 'i' would be greater than 'n'    how  one  can  isolate that part of the table which will contain
 (why?).                                                             the desired entry (if it is in the table at all). The  variables
                                                                     'lowindex'  and  'highindex'  keep track of which protion of the
 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    table we are interested in. They are set at the beginning  to  1
 |  /* Look up a telehpne number */                             |    and  'n'  and  modified  each  time we do not find an equal. The
 |  /* Number (i) contains the telephone number of name (i) */  |    repetition is terminated when the desired entry is found or when
 | DECLARE (person, name (*)) CHARACTER,                        |    we know that it is not in the table (lowindex > highindex).
 |      (i, n, number (*)) FIXED;                               |
 | n = INPUT; /* read in the number of elements in the table */ |         Note that the binary search routine  is  more  complex  and
 | ALLOCATE name (n);                                           |    will  therefore  take  more time for each repetition. Even if it
 | ALLOCATE number (n);                                         |    takes twice as much time per repetition, it is  still  far  more
 | DO i = 1 TO n;                                               |    efficient than a linear search of a large table.
 |    name (i) = INPUT; /* assume name and number               |
 |                         are together */                      |    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 |    number (i) = INPUT;                                       |    |      .                                                       |
 | END;                                                         |    |      .                                                       |
 |   .                                                          |    |      .                                                       |
 |   .                                                          |    | person = INPUT; /* read the name of the person */            |
 |   .                                                          |    | DECLARE (lowindex, highindex) FIXED;                         |
 | person = INPUT; /* read in the name of the person whose      |    | lowindex = 1;                                                |
 |                    telephone number is desired */            |    | highindex = n;                                               |
 | DO i = 1 TO n;                                               |    | i = (lowindex + highindex)/2;                                |
 |    IF name (i) = person THEN GO TO found;                    |    | DO WHILE (name (i) ^= person) & (lowindex <= highindex);     |
 | END;                                                         |    |    IF name (i) > person THEN highindex = i-1;                |
 | found:  IF i <= n THEN                                       |    |    ELSE lowindex = i+1;                                      |
 |            OUTPUT = name (i) || ' ' || number (i);           |    |    i = (lowindex + highindex)/2;                             |
 |         ELSE OUTPUT = 'no such name in the table';           |    | END;                                                         |
 |         .                                                    |    | IF lowindex > highindex THEN OUTPUT = 'no such person in the |
 |         .                                                    |    |                                        table';               |
 |         .                                                    |    | ELSE OUTPUT = name (i)|| ' '|| number (i);                   |
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    |      .                                                       |
          Figure 3.10.4   Search for a telephone number              |      .                                                       |
                                                                     |      .                                                       |
 3.10.3. Binary Search                                                    Figure 3.10.5   A binary search routine for Figure 3.10.4
+        _____________

      The algorithm given in Figure 3.10.4 uses a  linear  search
 throughout  the table, i.e., it attempts to look at the elements    3.11 BLOCK STRUCTURE
 one after the other until it gets to the end or finds an  equal.
 On  the  average  it  would  look  at  n/2  elements to locate a         So far we have declared variables as we needed  them  in  a
 particular  name.  If  the  table  is  ordered  (in  our   case,    program.  Each  variable  requires a unique name and uses one or
 alphabetically),  then  by  using  a binary search procedure the    more memory cells to store its value. As  we  write  larger  and
 number of comparisons can be reduced to about  log(2)  n.  In  a    larger programs using more and more variables, we will soon come
 million-word  table this can mean a reduction from 500,000 to 24    against practical limitations: computers  have  limited  storage
 comparisons.                                                        and people have a limited willingness to invent names.

      We will  illustrate  the  principle  of  binary  search  by         It is easy to exceed the memory  capacity  of  a  computer.
 considering  the way we look up a number in a telephone book. We    Most  present-day computers can't even hold a single 1000 * 1000
 certainly do not start at the beginning and look at each element    matrix in their main mamory. Since every  declaration  statement
 in  the  telephone book until we find the desired entry. What we    uses  up  some more of this valuable resource, one would like to
 do is to split the book somewhere in the middle and decide which    organize programs so as to minimize the storage  requirement.  A
 half  of the table the name is in. Then we look at that half and    variable  needs  to  be  allocated storage only when it is being
 repeat the process. An algorithm for the  computer  can  use  an    used. So it would  be  desirable  to  have  a  facility  in  the
 analogous  process  in  searching  through an ordered table (see    language which would allocate storage when necessary and release
1                                                                                                                          4703  4787

 storage after it has served its purpose.                            statements. This leads to a hierarchy of  blocks  within  blocks
                                                                     within   blocks,   or   nested  blocks.  The  following  diagram
      Every time a new variable is used in a program we  have  to    illustrates the structure of a program with nested blocks. It is
 invent  a  new  name  for  it.  Since every new variable uses up    a  good  programming  practice  to  paragraph all the statements
 additional storage space and requires a new name, one can  often    within the BEGIN ... END  brackets  by  indenting  (see  Section
 use  the  same variable to serve different purposes at different    2.3.4).
 points in  a  program.  In  large  programs  this  can  lead  to
 unintended  modification  of the value of a variable. An example             ┌---------
 of a common error in programs is the inadvertent modification of             |        S;
 the index variable of a DO loop.                                             |        S;
                                                                              |       ┌--
 Exercise 3.11.1.                                                             |       |BEGIN;
      What is the output of this program?                                     |       |   S;
                                                                              |block  |   S;
      ┌-----------------------------------┐                                   |  1   <    S;
      | count = 0;                        |                                   |       |   S;
      | DO i = 1 TO 10;                   |                                   |       |END;
      |    DO i = 1 TO 10;                |                                   |       └--
      |       count = count + 1;          |                                   |        S;
      |    END;                           |                                   |       ┌--
      | END;                              |                          program <        |BEGIN;
      | OUTPUT = count;                   |                                   |       |       S;
      └-----------------------------------┘                                   |       |       S;
                                                                              |       |      ┌--
      Block structure in PL provides a convenient  mechanism  for             |block  |block |BEGIN;
 delineating parts of a program so that the programmer can decide             |  2   <   3   <     S; S;
 when he wants to declare a variable and when to release it.  One             |       |      |END;
 can  delineate  a part of a program by enclosing it with a BEGIN             |       |      └--
 ... END or PROCEDURE ... END symbol pair.  The  main  virtue  of             |       |       S;
 block  structure  is  that a declaration appearing within one of             |       |END;
 these symbol pairs is only valid for those statements within.                |       └--
                                                                              |        S;
      Referring to the BNF definition of PL in Chapter 2, we note             └---------
                                                                     In the above diagram  block  1  and  block  2  are  said  to  be
      <basic statement> ::= ...| <block>                             parallel.  Block  2  is  dominant  to  block  3  and  block 3 is
                            | <procedure definition> | ...           subordinate to block 2.
      <block> ::= <block head> <statement list> <ending>;
      <procedure definition> ::= <procedure head>
                                    <statement list> <ending>;       3.11.1. Scope of a Variable
+                                                                            ___________________
      <block head> ::= BEGIN;
      <procedure head> ::= <label definition> PROCEDURE; | ...            Blocks  are  mainly  used  to  restrict   the   sphere   of
      <ending> ::= END | ...                                         effectiveness of declarations. A variable declared in a block is
                                                                     only valid within  that  block.  Upon  exit  from  a  block  the
 In this section we will restrict ourselves to the discussion  of    resources (mainly memory) used by the variables declared in that
 blocks.  (See Section 3.12 for procedures). Note that a block is    block are released and the names cease to be meaningful.  As  an
 a basic statement. Therefore, like other basic statements it  is    example, consider the following piece of a program.
 executed  in  the  sequence  in  which  it  appears in a program
 (unless the sequence is altered by a control statement).  For  a
 block  this  means  that all the statements within the BEGIN ...
 END  pair  are  executed  once  (as  in  the  case  of  a  group

      Since  a  block  is  just  another  basic  statement,   the
 statement  list  of  one  block  may  contain  other  blocks  as
1                                                                                                                          4787  4874

      ┌-------------------------------------------┐                       Let us, for now, assume that the same name is not  used  in
      | DECLARE hours (*) FIXED, total (*) FLOAT; |                  different  declarations of the program. A variable declared in a
      | ALLOCATE hours (10000), total (10000);    |                  block is  valid  for  all  the  statements  in  that  block.  In
      |   ┌---------------------------------┐     |                  particular, it is valid for all the subordinate blocks. Thus, in
      |   |/* hours only used in the first  |     |                  the following program,
      |   |   part of the program */        |     |
      |   |S;                               |     |                       ┌--------------------------------------┐
      |   |S;                               |     |                       | BEGIN;                               |
      |   |S;                               |     |                       |    DECLARE a FIXED;                  |
      |   └---------------------------------┘     |                       |    a = 2;                            |
      |                                           |                       |    BEGIN;                            |
      |   ┌---------------------------------┐     |                       |       DECLARE b FIXED;               |
      |   |/* total only used in the second |     |                       |       a = 1; b = 2;                  |
      |   |   part of the program */        |     |                       |       OUTPUT = a;                    |
      |   |S;                               |     |                       |    END;                              |
      |   |S;                               |     |                       |    OUTPUT = a;                       |
      |   |S;                               |     |                       | END;                                 |
      |   └---------------------------------┘     |                       └--------------------------------------┘
      |                                           |
      └-------------------------------------------┘                  although only 'b' is declared within the subordinate block, both
                                                                     'a'  and 'b' are valid. 'a' is valid because it is declared in a
                                                                     dominant  block.  Upon  exit  from  the  subordinate  block  all
 The arrays 'hours' and 'total' together require 20,000 locations    information  about  'b'  is  lost  (including its value) but 'a'
 of  storage. Suppose we know that the array 'hours' is only used    retains its value. Thus the number 1 will be  printed  twice  by
 in the first part of the program and 'total' only in the  second    the above program.
 part. By reorganizing the program using block structure as shown
 below,  one  can  reduce  the  storage  requirement  by   10,000         The variable 'a' is said to be global and  'b'  local  with
 locations.                                                          respect  to  the  subordinate  block.  The concept of global vs.
                                                                     local  is  important  and  should  be  clearly  understood;   in
             ┌------------------------------┐                        particular,  note  that  changes  to  the  global  variables are
             | S;                           |                        retained and changes to the local variable are  lost  upon  exit
          ┌--| BEGIN;                       |                        from the block.
          |  |    DECLARE hours (*) FIXED;  |
   block  |  |    ALLOCATE hours (10000);   |                             Let us now remove the restriction of  not  using  the  same
     1   <   |    S;                        |                        name  in  different  declarations. When the same name appears in
          |  |    S;                        |                        two different blocks it is referring to two different entitites.
          |  |    S;                        |                        Since  this may sometimes lead to confusion, it is desirable not
          └--| END;                         |                        to use the same name unless there is a good reason for doing so.
             |                              |                        If  the  same name is declared in two parallel blocks, the first
          ┌--| BEGIN;                       |                        declaration is nullified by the time the execution of the second
          |  |    DECLARE total (*) FLOAT;  |                        block begins and so there is no possibility of a conflict.
   block  |  |    ALLOCATE total (10000);   |
     2   <   |    S;                        |                             When the same name is declared in both  a  dominant  and  a
          |  |    S;                        |                        subordinate  block,  as in the following program, there arises a
          |  |    S;                        |                        potential conflict between the two uses of the same name.
          └--| END;                         |

 Upon  exit  from  block  1,  storage  required  by  'hours'   is
 automatically released, making it available for use with 'total'
 in block 2. (The same effect could have also been achieved using
 the  FREE  statement  (section  3.11.1)  under  explicit program
 control.) The program may now  be  able  to  run  on  a  smaller

1                                                                                                                          4874  4964

                ┌------------------------------┐                     with any computation within that block. There is no way one  can
                | DECLARE a FIXED;             |                     refer to it directly from within the inner block. Upon exit from
                | a = 2;                       |                     the inner block, however, the local 'a' ceases to exist and  the
                | BEGIN;                       |                     potential  conflict  is  removed.  Now  the  global  'a' becomes
                |    DECLARE (a,b) FIXED;      |                     accessible for use again. Thus the output from the above program
                |    a = 1; b = 2;             |                     consists  of  the numbers 1 and 2. The essential concepts of the
                |    OUTPUT = a;               |                     scope of a variable may be summarized as follows:
                | END;                         |
                | OUTPUT = a;                  |                          There is a set of statements in a block that are not part
                └------------------------------┘                          of  any  other  subordinate  block.  If  a  declaration  is
                                                                          contained in the set of statements, then the 'range' of its
 With respect to the suboridinate block,  the  name  'a'  appears         effect  is  all  the  statements  in  the  block, including
 both as a global variable and as a local variable. The following         suboridinate blocks.
 questions arise:                                                         The 'scope' of a name is the range of its declaration less
                                                                          the  range  of  any  other  declaration  of  that name in a
      1. Are they referring to one and the same entity?                   subordinate block.
      2. If they are two separate entities, are we  referring  to
      the global 'a' or the local 'a' when we say 'a = 1;' in the    Exercise 3.11.1.
      inner block?                                                        Close the book and then write a definition for the scope of
      3. If we say the local variable  has  precedence  over  the         a  name.  Does your definition have the same meaning as the
      global variable, what happens to the global variable? Is it         one just given?
      lost forever?

      The answers to the first two questions were implied in  the    3.11.2. Dynamic Storage and the Allocation Statement
+                                                                            ____________________________________________
 questions   following   them.   Each   block  introduces  a  new
 nomenclature. It is as though each time a new block is  entered,         In PL, the dimensionality and the attributes  of  an  array
 a  unique  block  number  is  assigned  to it and this number is    are  specified  using  a declaration statement. The size of each
 affixed to every variable declared in that  block,  thus  making    dimension  of  the  array  is  specified  using  an   allocation
 them  different  from  other  variables  with  the same name but    statement.  Until  now,  all  the  examples  of  the  allocation
 declared in different blocks. The following rewritten version of    statement used constants to specify the array size. However, the
 the previous program illustrates this concept.                      BNF  definition  of the allocation statement shows that the size
                                                                     specification is not restricted to a constant, but can indeed be
                ┌------------------------------┐                     any expression.
                | DECLARE a000 FIXED;          |
                | a000 = 2;                    |                          <allocation statement> ::= ALLOCATE <allocation list>;
                | BEGIN;                       |                          <allocation list> ::= <allocation element>
                |    DECLARE (a001,b001) FIXED;|                                          | <allocation list> , <allocation element>
                |    a001 = 1; b001 = 2;       |                          <allocation element> ::= <identifier> (<bounds list>)
                |    OUTPUT = a001;            |                          <bounds list> ::= <bounds> | <bounds list> , <bounds>
                | END;                         |                          <bounds> ::= <expression> | <expression> : <expression>
                | OUTPUT = a000;               |
                └------------------------------┘                     This  section  illustrates  how  one  can  utilize   the   added
                                                                     generality to write effective programs.
 Therefore, in the original program, the name 'a' refers  to  two
 different  entities  when  used in the inner block and the outer         If we are writing a program to look-up  telephone  numbers,
 block.                                                              we  would  not  always  know the size of the directory. The size
                                                                     will vary from day to day and from city to city. If  the  bounds
      With respect to the inner block the name 'a' occurs both as    of  the  allocate  statement  for  the  array 'directory' were a
 a  local variable and a global variable. When the statement 'a =    constant, one would have to modify the  program  each  time  the
 1;' appears in the  inner  block  the  local  variable  'a'  has    directory  changed  or  else  make a directory so large that any
 precedence over the global 'a'. Thus, from the inner block there    city could use it without modification. Then a  city  like  Lone
 exists no other 'a' but the one declared within.                    Pine, California, would need as large a computer (memory) as Los
                                                                     Angeles. This suggests the desirability of having  the  size  of
      The value of the global variable 'a' is not lost upon entry    the array as an expression.
 into  the  inner  block, but merely becomes inaccessible for use
1                                                                                                                          4964  5052

      The allocation statement is a command to set aside  storage    To a casual observer the  need  for  a  new  block  may  not  be
 for an array according to the bounds. If the bounds are constant    obvious. In ALGOL 60 the declaration of an array is coupled with
 then the amount of storage allocated remains constant  in  every    allocation of storage for the array, and appears together as  in
 use  of the program. If the bounds is an expression (whose value    'INTEGER  ARRAY  a  [2  * k + 3, k]'. The definition of ALGOL 60
 may be different each time the program is used) then the  amount    requires that all declaration statements precede all  executable
 of  storage  allocated  is  equal  to the value specified by the    statements  of  the  block.  However,  before the storage can be
 expression. This value can be dependent on data supplied to  the    allocated 'k' must be  defined.  For  'k'  to  be  defined  this
 program at the time of execution.                                   declaration  must  follow an assignment statement. This conflict
                                                                     is resolved by introducing a new level of block structure.
      To allocate storage based on the value of an expression  it
 is  necessary  that  the values of the variable occurring in the         Now you may ask the question why it is necessary  in  ALGOL
 expression be defined prior to the execution of  the  allocation    60   for   all   the  declarations  to  precede  all  executable
 statement. A variable is defined if it previously appears on the    statements. In a block, unless  variables  are  declared  before
 left hand side of an  assignment  statement.  In  the  following    they are used, it will not be possible to determine at the first
 program  segment  the  size  of the array 'a' will depend on the    appearance of a name whether  there  is  a  conflict  between  a
 input data. If the input string started with a 2, then 'a'  will    global  variable  and  a  local variable with that same name, as
 have  the  dimensions  7 * 2, and if the input started with a 7,    illustrated by the following program!:
 then the dimensions will be 17 * 7.
                ┌-----------------------------┐                           | DECLARE a FIXED;                                      |
                | DECLARE (k, a (*,*)) FIXED; |                           | a = 1;                                                |
                | k = input;                  |                           | BEGIN;                                                |
                | ALLOCATE a (2 * k + 3, k);  |                           |    a = 2; /* here we cannot tell which a is           |
                |    .                        |                           |              intended */                              |
                |    .                        |                           |    DECLARE a FIXED;                                   |
                |    .                        |                           |    a = 3;                                             |
                └-----------------------------┘                           | END;                                                  |
                                                                          | output = a;                                           |
 Historical Notes
                                                                     The solution adopted for  ALGOL  60  was  to  require  that  the
      Many early programming languages like FORTRAN did not  have    programmer  put  all  his  declarations  before  any  executable
 facilities  for  dynamic  storage  allocation.  Thus  one had to    statements in the block.
 change the program and recompile or just waste a lot of  storage
 by  providing  for the maximum possible array size. ALGOL 60 was         One way PL/I (the parent language of PL) avoids  the  above
 the  first  major  language   to   introduce   dynamic   storage    requirement  is by allowing declarations to appear anywhere in a
 allocation.  However,  dynamic  declarations were complicated in    block but specifying that  they  are  executed  first.  Allowing
 ALGOL 60 by the  requirement  that  all  the  declarations  must    declarations  to appear anywhere in the block does not avoid the
 precede  the executable statements in a block (or program). This    need to introduce new blocks to declare dynamic arrays.
 means one had to start a new block just so  that  one  can  have
 dynamic declarations, as in the following program.                       There  is  another  construct  in  PL/I,   the   allocation
                                                                     statement,  which  permits  us  to allocate storage based on the
                ┌--------------------------------------┐             value of an expression without starting a new  block.  You  have
                | COMMENT  Algol 60 program;           |             seen  an  example of its use at the beginning of this section. A
                | BEGIN;                               |             declaration statement corresponding to the allocation statement,
                |    INTEGER k;                        |             specifying  the  dimensionality  and  the  attributes, must also
                |    k <-- insymbol;                   |             appear  within  the  block.  The  following  pieces  of  program
                |    BEGIN                             |             illustrate  the two ways of obtaining dynamic storage allocation
                |       INTEGER ARRAY a[2 * k + 3, k]; |             in PL/I.
                |       S;                             |
                |       S                              |
                |    END                               |
                | END;                                 |
                  Figure 3.11.1.  An ALGOL 60 Program
1                                                                                                                          5052  5139

 ┌----------------------------┐  ┌---------------------------┐       3.11.3. The Free Statement
+                                                                            __________________
 |  /* PL/I:  OPTION 1 */     |  |   /* PL/I:  OPTION 2 */   |
 |                            |  |                           |            We have seen how a BEGIN ... END block  serves  to  release
 |DECLARE k FIXED;            |  |DECLARE (k,a(*,*)) FIXED;  |       the  storage  after  it  has  served its purpose. Another way to
 |k = INPUT;                  |  |k = INPUT;                 |       release the storage used by a variable is by the use of the FREE
 |BEGIN;                      |  |ALLOCATE a(2*k+3,k) FIXED; |       statement.
 |   DECLARE a(2*k+3,k) FIXED;|  |   .                       |
 |      .                     |  |   .                       |            <free statement> ::= FREE <free list>;
 |      .                     |  |   .                       |            <free list> ::= <identifier>
 |      .                     |  |   .                       |                            | <free list> , <identifier>
 |END;                        |  |                           |
 └----------------------------┘  └---------------------------┘            The  free  statement  is  the  opposite  of  the   allocate
                                                                     statement.  It releases the storage occupied by the variables in
      Of the two options, the second one  is  more  satisfactory.    the variable list but it does not nullify the declaration, i.e.,
 Not  only  does  it  avoid  the  need to introduce new blocks to    the  attributes of the variables are not lost. In contrast, upon
 declare dynamic arrays, but also separates  the  declaration  of    exit from a block not only the storage is released but also  the
 attributes  from  the allocation of storage. This decoupling has    declarations are nullified. The free statement requires explicit
 the advantage that a declaration statement then becomes a purely    programmer specification of which storage  should  be  released;
 descriptive statement without any execution significance.           but upon exiting from a block, storage used by all the variables
                                                                     declared in a block is released automatically.
      A statement in PL/I may be either descriptive or executable    Example of a FREE statement:
 or both. A declaration statement is an example where a statement
 can be  part  descriptive  and  part  executable.  By  providing         DECLARE cost (*) FLOAT, i FIXED;
 several  different constructs which serve the same purpose, PL/I         ALLOCATE cost (1951:1955);
 attempts to be moderately flexible.  Too  much  flexibility  can         DO i = 1951 to 1955;
 result  in  unwieldy  languages  which  defy attempts at concise            cost (i) = INPUT;
 formal description leading to inefficient compilers,  impossible         END;
 manuals, and bewildered programmers.                                       .
      In PL, a statement can be either descriptive or  executable           .
 but  not both. Thus a PL/I statement 'DECLARE a (k, 100) FIXED;'         FREE cost;
 must be replaced by two equivalent PL statements 'DECLARE a(*,*)         ALLOCATE cost (1956:1960);
 FIXED;'  and 'ALLOCATE a (k,100);'. By this separation, we avoid           .
 the need for starting a new block  to  declare  dynamic  arrays,           .
 because  the  array  size  is always specified by the allocation           .
 statement which is an executable statement.
                                                                     Exercise 3.11.3.
      PL does  not  require  the  separation  of  executable  and         What is the output of the following program  if  the  input
 descriptive  statements  only  to  be  able  to  declare dynamic         data is:
 arrays. There are other pedagogical reasons for doing so.  As  a         3,
 result  of  the  above separation, PL is more amenable to formal         40, 2, 4.26,
 manipulations than PL/I, has fewer basic concepts  and  restores         38, 0, 2.21,
 the aesthetically satisfying property of executing statements in         40, 0, /* THE PRESIDENT */ 11.46,
 the sequence in which they appear.                                       'RICK', 10,
                                                                          'TAYLOR', 20,
      Declaration statements have no execution  significance  and         'GARRETT', IOU
 may  appear  anywhere in the block prior to the first use of the
 declared variables. It is a good programming practice to declare
 a  variable before using it, just as it is a good practice to be
 introduced to someone before going  out  on  a  date  with  him.
 Otherwise   the   results  might  be  just  as  unexpected.  The
 allocation statement need not appear ahead of the first use of a
 variable  but  must  be  executed ahead of the first use of that

1                                                                                                                          5139  5230

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐         <procedure head> ::= <label definition> PROCEDURE;
 | DECLARE (i,j,joe) FIXED, wage(*) FLOAT;                    1 |                 | <label definition> PROCEDURE <attribute list>;
 | i = 2; j = 7; joe = 2;                                     2 |                 | <label definition> PROCEDURE <formal parameters>;
 | BEGIN;                                                     3 |                 | <label definition> PROCEDURE
 |    DECLARE (i, k, hours(*), overtime(*)) FIXED;            4 |                         <formal parameters> <attribute list>;
 |    k = INPUT; j = k;                                       5 |         <formal parameters> ::= (<parameter list>)
 |    ALLOCATE hours(k), overtime(k), wage(k);                6 |         <parameter list> ::= <identifier>
 |    DO i = 1 TO k;                                          7 |                              | <parameter list> , <identifier>
 |       hours(*) = INPUT; overtime(i) = INPUT;               8 |         <attribute list> ::= <attribute>
 |       wages(i) = INPUT * (hours(i)+1.5 * overtime(i));     9 |                              | <attribute list> <attribute>
 |       hours(i) = hours(i) + overtime(i);                  10 |         <label definition> ::= <identifier>:
 |    END;                                                   11 |
 |    OUTPUT = i || ' ' || j; /* the number i printed = k+1, 12 |         The procedure body is given  by  the  statement  list,  the
 |                               why? */                     13 |    procedure   name   by  the  label  definition,  and  the  formal
 |    IF wages (joe) < 600 THEN wages (joe) = 600;           14 |    parameters in the parameter list. A procedure is invoked  either
 | END;                                                      15 |    as a function (see Section 3.3.1) or in a call statement:
 | OUTPUT = i || ' ' || j;                                   16 |
 | BEGIN;                                                    17 |         <basic statement> ::= <call statement>
 |    DECLARE k FIXED, total(*) FLOAT, name(*) CHARACTER|    18 |         <call statement> ::= CALL <function designator>;
 |    ALLOCATE total(j), name(j);                            19 |         <function designator> ::= <identifier> (<argument list>)
 |    DO i = 1 TO j;                                         20 |                                   | <identifier>
 |       name(i) = INPUT;                                    21 |         <argument list> ::= <argument>
 |       total(i) = INPUT + wage(i);                         22 |                            | <argument list> , <argument>
 |    END;                                                   23 |         <argument> ::= <expression>
 |    BEGIN;                                                 24 |
 |       DECLARE i FIXED;                                    25 |         We associate  a  particular  procedure  definition  with  a
 |       DO i = 1 TO j;                                      26 |    particular  procedure  call  by the name of the procedure (which
 |          OUTPUT = name(i) || ' ' || wages(i) || ' '       27 |    appears in both). The argument list of the call and  the  formal
 |                        || total(i);                       28 |    parameter  list  of  the definition must have the same number of
 |       END;                                                29 |    entries. At  the  time  of  call  the  arguments  (if  any)  are
 |    END;                                                   30 |    associated,  one  by one in order, with the formal parameters to
 |    OUTPUT = i || ' ' || j;                                31 |    the procedure, and then the procedure  body  is  executed.  Upon
 | END;                                                      32 |    completion  of  the statements in the procedure body, control is
 | OUTPUT = i || ' ' || j;                                   33 |    returned to the statement following the  invoking  call  of  the
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    procedure. Note that one procedure may call others, and so forth
                                                                     to an arbitrary depth. The novice may find this "hopping around"
                                                                     somewhat confusing at first.
                                                                          We will demonstrate the concept of a procedure by a  series
      The most elaborate construct in PL  is  the  procedure;  it    of changes to the "maximum" algorithm of Section 3.8.1:
 combines all of the features of the BEGIN ... END block with the
 ability to be invoked from many places  within  a  program,  and         maximum = grade(1);
 with  different  parameters.  A procedure constitutes a separate         DO i = 2 TO 20;
 programmatic action which may modify variables elsewhere in  the            IF maximum < grade(i) THEN maximum = grade(i);
 program  or  compute and return a value, or both. Our use of the         END;
 procedure construct may be a matter of style--to express,  name,
 and  set  aside  a  part  of a program--or it may be a matter of    To procedurize this computation we merely need to turn it into a
 efficiency where we wish to avoid repeating a particular part of    procedure body and then call it.
 the  program,  or  it  may  be  a  necessity  when  an action is
 recursively defined (i.e., in  terms  of  itself).  A  procedure
 definition is one form of a basic statement:

      <basic statement> ::= ... | <procedure definition> | ...
      <procedure definition> ::= <procedure head>
                               <statement list> <ending>;
1                                                                                                                          5230  5323

      maximum_grade:                                                 procedure body. After entry the formal parameters act just  like
         PROCEDURE;                                                  any other variable.
            maximum = grade(1);
            DO i = 2 TO 20;                                               We now would like  the  procedure  to  work  on  any  array
               IF maximum < grade(i) THEN maximum = grade(i);        instead  of  just  'grade'.  Thus  we rewrite (and rename) it as
            END;                                                     follows:
         END maximum_grade;
       .                                                                  general_maximum:
       .                                                                     PROCEDURE (first, last, a) FLOAT;
       .                                                                        DECLARE (first, last, i) FIXED,
      CALL maximum_grade;                                                          (a(*), maximum) FLOAT;
                                                                                maximum = a(first);
 The procedure definition itself has no effect  during  execution               DO i = first + 1 TO last;
 and  therefore  may  be  placed  in  any  convenient part of the                  IF maximum < a(i) THEN maximum = a(i);
 program before its call. Style usually demands  that  procedures               END;
 be  grouped  together  at the head of the program. Note also the               RETURN maximum;
 typography: the  label  sticks  out  of  the  program  for  easy            END general_maximum;
 visibility  and  the  PROCEDURE...END pair are aligned one above
 the other to delineate clearly the scope of the  procedure  body    and then the call:
 which  is  uniformly  indented. Finally, note that the procedure
 name follows the matching END which permits the compiler  itself         maximum = general_maximum (1, 20, grade);
 to  check  that  the intended PROCEDURE ... END match was indeed
 found (which it would not have been if, for instance, the  other    This will cause the procedure to search the  array  'grade'  and
 END had been erroneously omitted).                                  return  the  maximum  as a function value. Note in the procedure
                                                                     definition that we have  specified  a  type  of  FLOAT  for  the
      The call has precisely the same  effect  as  executing  the    procedure and have produced a value of type FLOAT via the return
 procedure  body  in its place would have had. Now, of course, we    statement. If a type is specified for a procedure, a value  must
 can reinvoke 'maximum_grade' at other  places  within  the  same    be returned.
 program if the need arises.
                                                                          The parameter 'grade' exemplifies the single  special  case
      Perhaps we would like to have the maximum_grade action  but    for arguments. If the argument of a call is a <variable> and has
 be  able  to  specify  at each call which grades to examine. The    exactly the same attributes as the formal parameter, then during
 definition and call:                                                execution  of  the  procedure  body the formal parameter will be
                                                                     identical to the argument, i.e., any change made in  the  formal
      maximum_grade:                                                 parameter  from  within the procedure will also change the value
         PROCEDURE (first, last);                                    on the outside.
            DECLARE (first, last) FIXED;
            maximum = grade (first);                                      The  final  example  above  is  an  example  of   a   'pure
            DO i = first + 1 TO last;                                procedure';  that  is,  one  which  affects its environment only
               IF maximum < grade(i) THEN maximum = grade(i);        through its parameters. If a procedure is not pure  and  affects
            END;                                                     the  values  of  variables  outside the procedure, it is said to
         END maximum_grade;                                          have 'side effects'. Programming  style  generally  favors  pure
       .                                                             procedures since they are usually easier to understand.
       .                                                                  We will now tackle a somewhat more  elaborate  example.  In
      CALL maximum_grade(1,20);                                      expressions such as
                                                                               a + b * (c - d)
 have precisely the  same  effect  as  before  but  now  we  have    the parentheses are necessary to indicate that the normal  order
 provided  the  additional  facility  to  search only part of the    of  operations  is  to  be  superseded.  The program given below
 array 'grade' for a maximum as in:                                  transforms such expressions into the notation of Lukasewich (so-
                                                                     called  "Polish"  notation),  where  the  order of operations is
           CALL maximum_grade(10,15);                                explicitly  defined  requiring  neither  parentheses   nor   the
                                                                     hierarchy of operations. For example, the above expression would
 The effect of the arguments is to give an initial  value  of  10    become
 and  15  to  the  local  variables  'first'  and  'last'  of the              abcd-*+
1                                                                                                                          5323  5386

 This can be understood as a sequence  of  values  and  operators         DECLARE (text, c, Polish) CHARACTER, (t, p) ENTRY;
 read  from  left  to right. Whenever an operator is reached, the         scan:
 indicated operation is performed on the two values preceding  it            PROCEDURE;
 which   then  become  a  single  value.  Thus,  this  expression               c = SUBSTR (text, 1, 1);
 indicates that we should subtract the  value  of  'd'  from  the               text = SUBSTR (text, 2);
 value of 'c', multiply the result by 'b', and add that result to               IF c = ' ' THEN CALL scan;  /* deblank */
 the value of 'a'. Similarly                                                 END scan;
           a + b * c - d       yields     abc*+d-                            PROCEDURE;     /* expression */
           (a - b) * c + d     yields     ab-c*d+                               DECLARE op CHARACTER;
                                                                                CALL t;                   /* t1 */
                                                                                DO WHILE c = '+' | c = '-';
                                                                                   op = c;
                                                                                   CALL scan;
                                                                                   CALL t;                 /* t2 */
                                                                                   Polish = Polish || op;
                                                                             END e;
                                                                             PROCEDURE;     /* term */
                                                                                DECLARE op CHARACTER;
                                                                                CALL p;                    /* p1 */
                                                                                DO WHILE c = '*' | c = '/';
                                                                                   op = c;
                                                                                   CALL scan;
                                                                                   CALL p;                 /* p2 */
                                                                                   Polish = Polish || op;
                                                                             END t;
                                                                             PROCEDURE;     /* primary */
                                                                                IF c = '(' THEN
                                                                                   DO;     /* parenthesized expression */
                                                                                      CALL scan;
                                                                                      CALL e;              /* e1 */
                                                                                ELSE Polish = Polish || c;
                                                                                CALL scan;
                                                                             END p;
                                                                          text = INPUT;
                                                                          OUTPUT = 'The expression is:  ' || text;
                                                                          text = text || '??';
                                                                          Polish = '';
                                                                          CALL scan;
                                                                          CALL e;                          /* e2 */
                                                                          OUTPUT = 'The Polish equivalent is:  ' || Polish;

                                                                          The grammar of the input is:
                                                                               <E> ::= <E> + <T> | <E> - <T> | <T>
                                                                               <T> ::= <T> * <P> | <T> / <P> | <P>
                                                                               <P> ::= (<E>) | a | b | c | d ...
                                                                     and the grammar of the output is:
                                                                               <L> ::= <L> <L> <O> | a | b | c | d ...
                                                                               <O> ::= + | - | * | /
1                                                                                                                          5386  5484

 Exercise 3.12.1.                                                    ')??'          'd'     'abc'      e   '-'          aft call scan
      Show that                                                         "           'd'     'abc'      t        t2      into t again
           'a + b * (c - d)'  is an  <E>  and                           "           'd'     'abc'      p        p1      and p ...
           'abcd*-+'          is an  <L>                                "           'd'     'abcd'     p                bef call scan
      according to the grammars above.                               '??'           ')'     'abcd'     p                aft call scan
                                                                        "           ')'     'abcd'     t                homestretch
      Our  problem  is  to  trace  through  the  actions  of  the       "           ')'     'abcd'     e   '-'          out of t at
 procedures.  We  will  use  hand  simulation  with the following                                                       t2
 table:                                                                 "           ')'     'abcd-'    e   '-'          add saved '-'
                                                                        "           ')'     'abcd-'    p                at e1 out of
 text             c     Polish     in  op   called  comments         '?'            '?'     'abcd-'    p                aft call scan
                                             from                       "           '?'     'abcd-'    t   '*'          out of p at
 ----             -     ------     --  --   ------  --------                                                            p2
 undef.         undef.  undef.     -                program start       "           '?'     'abcd-*'   t   '*'          add saved '*'
 'a+b*(c-d)'    undef.  undef.     -                after input         "           '?'     'abcd-*'   e   '+'          out of t at
 'a+b*(c-d)??'  undef.   "         -                pad                                                                 t2
                                                    expression          "           '?'     'abcd-*+'  e   '+'          add saved '+'
 '+b*(c-d)??'   'a'      "         -                after first         "           '?'     'abcd-*+   -                and out of e.
    "           'a'      "         e        e2      after call e
    "           'a'      "         t        t1      after call t     Exercise 3.12.2.
    "           'a'      "         p        p1      after call p          Verify  the  hand  simulation  above,   paying   particular
    "           'a'     'a'        p                bef call scan         attention to the two local variables named 'op'.
 'b*(c-d)??'    '+'     'a'        p                aft call scan
    "           '+'     'a'        t                while fails,     Exercise 3.12.3.
                                                    out to t              Hand simulate the algorithm for the expression  '((a*b-c))'
    "           '+'     'a'        e   '+'          while works,          to get 'ab*c-'.
                                                    save '+'
 '*(c-d)??'     'b'     'a'        e   '+'          aft call scan    Exercise 3.12.4.
    "           'b'     'a'        t        t2      in t again            Run the algorithm on the computer, adding enough output  to
    "           'b'     'a'        p        p1      in p again            verify the hand simulation.
    "           'b'     'ab'       p                bef call scan
 '(c-d)??'      '*'     'ab'       p                aft call scan    Exercise 3.12.5.
    "           '*'     'ab'       t                out of p at           Extend the algorithm to handle  the  prefix  '+'  and  '-'.
                                                    /* p1 */              Assume the rules:
    "           '*'     'ab'       t   '*'          while works,               <P> ::= +<P> | -<P>
                                                    save '*'                   <L> ::= <L>#
 'c-d)??'       '('     'ab'       t   '*'          after scan            Prefix '+' may be discarded when detected, prefix '-'  must
    "           '('     'ab'       p        p2      in p again            be turned into '#' to avoid confusion with infix '-'. (Does
 '-d)??'        'c'     'ab'       p                is '(', after         'ab--' come from '-(a-b)' or 'a-(-b)'?)
                                                    scan ...
    "           'c'     'ab'       e        e1      recursive        Exercise 3.12.6.
                                                    call on e             Write a  character-valued  procedure  with  one  character-
    "           'c'     'ab'       t        t1      recursive             valued  argument  such that when a singular English noun is
                                                    call on t             given the result is the  same  noun  in  plural  form.  For
    "           'c'     'ab'       p        p1      recursive             example,
                                                    call on p             plural ('mouse') = 'mice'
    "           'c'     'abc'      p                bef call scan         plural ('house') = 'hice'
 'd)??'         '-'     'abc'      p                aft call scan
    "           '-'     'abc'      t                out of p at      Exercise 3.12.7.
                                                    p1                    The volume of an n-dimensional sphere, v(n),  is  given  by
    "           '-'     'abc'      e                out of t at           the recursion (where 'r' is the radius of the sphere):
    "           '-'     'abc'      e   '-'          save '-'
1                                                                                                                          5484  5561

           v = ((2*pi/n)*r**2)*v(n-2)                                          ______________________
      where                                                                    |   1    2 |  3 |  4 |
           v(o) = 1                                                            |-----|    |    |    |
           v(1) = 2r                                                           |   5 |  6 |  7    8 |
      What are v(2) and v(3) according to the  formula?  Does  it              |     |    |----     |
      check  with  the  area  of a circle and volume of a sphere?              |   9   10 | 11   12 |
      What  are  v(0)  and  v(1)?  Write  a  recursive  procedure              |     -----|    |    |
      'volume' so that                                                         |  13   14   15 | 16 |
           OUTPUT = volume(n);                                                 |_______________|____|
      will print the volume of the n-sphere.
                                                                          with a starting and an ending box, say 1  and  16.  Between
 Exercise 3.12.8.                                                         each  pair  of boxes either there is a direct connection or
      A simple substitution cipher  replaces  each  letter  in  a         there  is  not.  We  can  represent   this   structure   by
      message by some other letter. Write a procedure                     constructing  a  two-dimensional,  bit-valued  truth  table
                                                                          called 'maze' for the set of numbered boxes, the subscripts
      encrypt:                                                            of  each  dimension  corresponding to the sequence of boxes
         PROCEDURE (message, key) CHARACTER;                              from lowest to highest (e.g., a 16 by  16  array  for  this
            DECLARE (message, key) CHARACTER;                             example).
               .                                                               DECLARE maze (*,*) BIT;
               .                                                               ALLOCATE maze (n**2, n**2);
         END encrypt;
                                                                          We set maze(i,j) to TRUE only if we can  go  directly  from
      whose result is the same length as 'message' but with  each         the  box  numbered  'i'  to  the  box numbered 'j'. Write a
      letter  of  the message replaced by finding the position of         program to define a maze, solve it, then print the solution
      the letter in the 'key' and substituting the letter in  the         path as a sequence of integers.
      corresponding  position  in  the  English alphabet. Test it
      with some messages and keys. What happens  if  you  try  to    Exercise 3.12.13.
      encrypt  your  key  with  itself? Can the same procedure be         If, in the preceding exercise, we change the type  of  maze
      used to decrypt the message?                                        to  FIXED,  we  can  compute  a  distance matrix (in steps)
                                                                          between all pairs of boxes. Resolve the problem using  this
 Exercise 3.12.9.                                                         extra   information.  Which  solution  is  more  efficient?
      Redo the preceding exercise but, within  the  body  of  the         (Recall Section 3.8.3.)
      procedure,  after  each letter is encrypted, change the key
      by                                                             Exercise 3.12.14.
           key = substr (key, 2) || substr (key, 1, 1);                   Divide and conquer sort-merge.  A  sort  can  be  described
                                                                          recursively  as  sorting the first half, sorting the second
 Exercise 3.12.10.                                                        half, then merging the result.  Write  a  procedure  'sort'
      Referring to the preceding exercises, we note that it is  a         using this algorithm.
      nuisance  to create a 26 (or more) character key and nearly
      impossible to remember one. "Good"  spies  remember  a  key    Exercise 3.12.15.
      phrase (such as "How are you") and construct a key by first         Divide and conquer quadrature. A definite integral  can  be
      removing duplicate letters ('howareyu') and then  appending         described recursively as the integral of the left half plus
      the      rest      of     the     alphabet     in     order         the integral of the right half of the interval, unless  the
      ('howareyubcdfgijklmnpqstvxz').    Write    a     procedure         interval  is  so  small that the function value on the left
      'new_key(key_phrase)' to do this for your favorite spy.             times  the  interval  width  is  a  sufficiently   accurate
                                                                          estimate  of the integral over the interval. Write and test
 Exercise 3.12.11.                                                        a procedure using this algorithm.
      Write a character valued procedure 'reverse' which reverses
      its  character  string argument without using a DO or GO TO
      in its body. Now do it without using the built-in  function

 Exercise 3.12.12.
      A maze can be thought of as a set of numbered boxes:
1                                                                                                                          5561  5646

      integral:                                                           Find some of the 31 errors in the following program:
         PROCEDURE (f, a, b, eps) FLOAT;
            DECLARE f ENTRY, (a, b, eps) FLOAT;                           DECLARE (FIXED, foxed, ohoh) FLOAT;
              .                                                              (11,i,2j) FIXED (*);
              .                                                           j = j = j = j;
              .                                                           IF j ^= j DO; j = j END; ELSE j ^= j:
            RETURN ...;                                                   CALL RANDOM ('george' + 7.06)
         END integral;                                                    THEN GO TO m;
                                                                          ELSE INPUT = INPUT + OUTPUT;
 Exercise 3.12.16.                                                        q : PROCEDURE (p,q,0.1)(*);
      The function parameter to 'integral' has  itself  a  single               DECLARE (p,q) FIXED ENTRY BIT;
      parameter  of  type  FLOAT.  Suppose, however, we wished to               RETURN (q(*)).
      double integrate the  function  1/SQRT(ABS(x)+ABS(y))  over             END; p;
      the unit circle. The procedure                                      CALL q (q,q,q(0,1,1));

         PROCEDURE (x, y) FLOAT;                                     3.13 ARRAY ARITHMETIC
            IF x = 0 & y = 0 THEN RETURN 1.0E30;
            ELSE RETURN 1.0/SQRT(ABS(x) + ABS(y));                        Expressions  involve  constants,  variables,  or   function
         END f;                                                      designators  as primary building blocks. If both the operands to
                                                                     an arithmetic operator are array-valued and  of  like  dimension
      describes the function well enough but cannot  be  directly    and  size, then the result is an array where each element is the
      used.  Suggest  a  solution  not  requiring  changes in the    result of the operation on the  corresponding  elements  in  the
      procedure  integral.  Hint:  define  a  procedure  g(x)   =    operands. For example:
      integral (h, -SQRT (1.0-x**2), SQRT (1.0-x**2), eps).
                                                                          DECLARE (a,b,c)(*) FIXED;
 Exercise 3.12.17.                                                        ALLOCATE a(5), b(5), c(5);
      Wolf Island is a 20 by 20 plot populated by  rabbits,  male         DO i = 1 TO 5;
      wolves,   and  female  wolves,  all  acting  wild.  In  the            a(i) = i;
      beginning a  few  of  each  kind  of  the  inhabitants  are            b(i) = i*i;
      scattered  about  the island. Rabbits are rather stupid; at         END;
      each time step they move with equal probability to  one  of         c = a + b;
      the  eight  squares  in  their  neighborhood  (excepting as
      restricted  by  the  coastline).  1/9  of  the  time   they    leaves 'c' with the values:
      therefore   simply  sit  still.  Each  rabbit  also  has  a
      probability of 0.2 of becoming two rabbits.  Female  wolves              ____________________________________
      also  move  randomly unless there is a rabbit on one of the              | c(1) | c(2) | c(3) | c(4) | c(5) |
      eight neighboring squares in which case she gives chase. If              |------┼------┼------┼------┼------|
      she  and  the rabbit end up on the same square, she eats it              |   2  |   6  |  12  |  20  |  30  |
      and gains one "fat". Otherwise she loses 0.1  "fat".  Zero-              |______|______|______|______|______|
      fat  wolves  are  dead.  Male  wolves are just like females
      unless there are no rabbits nearby but there is a female on    The language feature corresponding to constant arrays  is  given
      one of the eight neighboring squares in which case he gives    by the built-in function ROW.
      chase. If a male and female end up on the same square  with              c = ROW (2, 6, 12, 20, 30);
      no  rabbits to eat, they produce an offspring with a random    also  leaves  'c'  with  the  values  as  above.   For   several
      sex.                                                           dimensions, ROW takes more complex arguments.
           Program the ecological simulation suggested and watch
      the population counts over several time periods.                    DECLARE (b(*,*), c(*)) FIXED;
                                                                          ALLOCATE b(5,5), c(5);
 Exercise 3.12.18.                                                        c = ROW (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
      The previous simulation is inherently unstable (Wolf Island         b = ROW (c, ROW (0, 0, 0, 0, 0), c*c, c+c, c-c);
      is  destined  to  be  a  desert).  Add  a hedgerow (an area
      forbidden to wolves) and observe the results.                  leaves 'b' with the values:

 Exercise 3.12.20.
1                                                                                                                          5646  5724

        __________________________                                        Test it by computing a matrix product
        |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |                                             c(i,j) = summation k=1 to n a(i,k)*b(k,j).
        |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
        |  1 |  4 |  9 | 16 | 25 |                                   Exercise 3.13.2.
        |  1 |  4 |  6 |  8 | 10 |                                        Write a procedure
        |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |
        |____|____|____|____|____|                                        fixed_to_bit:
                                                                             PROCEDURE (n)(*) BIT;
 e.g., b(4,3) = 6, etc.                                                         DECLARE n FIXED;
      Partial arrays can be specified by placing an  asterisk  in               .
 the corresponding subscript. For example,                                      .
           c = b(*,2);                                                       END fixed_to_bit;
 leaves 'c' with the new values
                                                                          which decodes an integer 'n' into the binary representation
      ____________________________________                                5(base  10)  =  101(base  2)  =  TRUE,  FALSE,  TRUE. Hint:
      | c(1) | c(2) | c(3) | c(4) | c(5) |                                MOD(n,2) = 1 is TRUE and 5/2 = 2(base 10) = 10(base 2).
      |   2  |   0  |   4  |   4  |   0  |                                When the array-valued operands fail to match  in  dimension
      |______|______|______|______|______|                           or  type, a conversion is attempted to make them correspond. The
                                                                     general rule is that we attempt to avoid losing information. The
 from the second column of 'b'.                                      most  important case is where a simple constant and an array are
           b(*,3) = b(4,*);                                          mixed. The constant is  exploded  into  an  array  of  identical
 would cause the new 'b' to be                                       elements matching the other operand in size and dimension.

        __________________________                                        Thus the assignments
        |  1 |  2 |  1 |  4 |  5 |                                             c = ROW (1,2,3);
        |  0 |  0 |  4 |  0 |  0 |                                             c = c+1;
        |  1 |  4 |  6 | 16 | 25 |                                   result in 'c' having the value
        |  1 |  4 |  8 |  8 | 10 |                                             ROW (2,3,4).
        |  0 |  0 | 10 |  0 |  0 |                                   A popular use is to initialize an array to zero
        |____|____|____|____|____|                                             c = 0;
 It is possible to return an array as the value of a procedure if              c(*) = 0;
 the attribute (*) is applied to the procedure definition as well
 as a type. When an array (or a partial array) is  passed  as  an    Exercise 3.13.3.
 argument  to  a  procedure,  it  may  be  either as an evaluated         We want to do 900-digit integer arithmetic, but are limited
 parameter  (thus  the  outside  world  is   protected)   or   by         to about 9 integer digits on the IBM System/360. We propose
 'identifying'   the  argument  and  formal  parameter  when  all         to store 9 digits per word in arrays with 100 elements  and
 attributes and sizes match.                                              use  procedures  to do the arithmetic. We need 'plus(a,b)',
                                                                          'minus(a)',     'times(a,b)',     'quotient(a,b)',      and
 Exercise 3.13.1.                                                         'remainder(a,b)'. We give 'plus' and 'minus' below:
      Write a procedure to compute and return the  inner  product
      of two arrays.

         PROCEDURE (n, a, b) FLOAT;
            DECLARE n FIXED;
               (a,b)(*) FLOAT;
            RETURN ...;
        END inner_product;

1                                                                                                                          5724  5802

      plus:                                                                 /* go-moku referee */
         PROCEDURE (a,b)(*) FIXED;                                        catenate:
            DECLARE (a,b)(*) FIXED;                                          PROCEDURE (a) CHARACTER;
            DECLARE i FIXED, carrying BIT;                                      DECLARE (a(*), t) CHARACTER, i FIXED;
            carrying = TRUE;                                                    t = '';
            DO WHILE carrying;                                                  DO i = 1 TO 19;
               carrying = FALSE;                                                   t = t || a(i);
               DO i = 1 TO 100;                                                 END;
                  IF a(i)+b(i) > 1000000000 THEN                                RETURN t;
                     DO; a(i) = a(i)-1000000000;                             END catenate;
                         a(i+1) = a(i+1)+1;                               DECLARE playing BIT;
                         carrying = TRUE;                                   /* place player procedures here */
                     END;                                                 DECLARE board (*,*) CHARACTER;
               END;                                                       ALLOCATE board (19,19);
            END;                                                          board = ' ';  /* empty board */
            RETURN a+b;                                                   playing = TRUE;
         END plus;                                                        DO WHILE playing;
                                                                             CALL player1 ((board),i,j);
      minus:                                                                 IF board (i,j) ^= '' THEN
         PROCEDURE (a)(*) FIXED;                                                OUTPUT = 'illegal move by X';
            RETURN - a;                                                      ELSE board (i,j) = 'X';
         END minus;                                                          CALL player2 ((board),i,j);
                                                                             IF board (i,j) ^= '' THEN
      The procedure 'plus' works as written for positive  numbers               OUTPUT = 'illegal move by O';
      that  do not exceed 900 digits, but it does not always work            ELSE board (i,j) = 'O';
      for negative numbers. (Why?) Fix it by adding an  ELSE.  Is            DO i = 1 TO 19;
      the assignment to the parameter 'a' dangerous? Implement                  OUTPUT = catenate (board (i,*));
      one or more of the remaining procedures.                               END;
                                                                             OUTPUT, OUTPUT = '';
 Exercise 3.13.4.                                                         END;
      In order to print the numbers we must do some  editing.  In
      particular,  we may find that some elements of an array are    Exercise 3.13.6.
      negative and some positive. Write a  procedure  'longprint'         Make  up  an  interesting  problem   using   array   valued
      which will print the number in the form                             expressions and send it to the authors of this book.

 Exercise 3.13.5.
      Go-moku is played by two players on a 19 by 19 board.  Each
+     _______
      plays  alternately with the objective of getting 5 in a row
      (as contrasted to 3 in a  row  in  tic-tac-toe).  Assume  a

           DECLARE board (*,*) CHARACTER;
           ALLOCATE board (19,19);
           board = ' ';

      on which 'X' and 'O'  can  be  placed.  Write  a  procedure
      'player1(board,i,j)'  which  analyzes the board, decides on
      its move and returns the position to be taken  in  'i'  and
      'j'.  Have a friend write a procedure 'player2'. Then place
      them in the head of the following  program  and  watch  the
      action.  Either  player  can  terminate the game by setting
      'playing = FALSE;'.

1                                                                                                                          5802  5901

                            CHAPTER V                                paragraphs we will illustrate error recovery by  means  of  some
                                                                          The error "undeclared identifier" is corrected  by  default
                                                                     attributes to the variables. All the identifiers that begin with
 5.1 ERRORS DURING PROGRAM TRANSLATION                               letters 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', or 'n' are  given  the  default
                                                                     attribute  FIXED  and  the  rest are given the default attribute
      Errors that occur during program translation usually result    FLOAT. Thus the program in Figure 5.1.3 translates and  computes
 from  failing to state the algorithm in a form acceptable to the    the expected results.
 PL translator. The unacceptability may take one of  many  forms.
 Table  5.1.1  presents  a  few  typical  error messages that may         ┌-------------------------------┐
 result when part of  the  program  is  syntactically  incorrect.         | DECLARE (a,b) FIXED;          |
 Table   5.1.2   presents   some  errors  that  result  when  the         | a = INPUT;                    |
 interpretation  of  a  name  is  inconsistent  with  an  earlier         | b = INPUT;                    |
 definition or usage.                                                     | average = (a+b)/2;            |
                                                                          | OUTPUT = average;             |
 ┌----------------------------------------------------------┐             └-------------------------------┘
 | 1.  Illegal symbol pair                                  |             Figure 5.1.3.  Error recovery for
 | 2.  Illegal character                                    |                       undeclared identifiers
 | 3.  Undeclared identifier                                |
 | 4.  Incorrect case statement structure                   |        Although such a  program  might  provide  the  desired  results,
 | 5.  More than one decimal point in number                |        undeclared  variables  should  be  considered a poor programming
 └----------------------------------------------------------┘        practice.
       Table 5.1.1.  Errors due to Syntactically Incorrect
                    Statements                                            Perhaps the most common  syntactic  error  is  the  message
                                                                     "Illegal  Symbol  Pair". This error occurs when two (terminal or
 ┌----------------------------------------------------------┐        non-terminal) symbols which may  never  occur  adjacent  to  one
 | 1.  Non-executable statement appears in an illogical     |        another according to the syntax of the language appear as a pair
 |     place                                                |        in a program. (Such an error is often caused simply by  omission
 | 2.  Duplicate attributes                                 |        of  some  word or symbol in a statement.) When this error occurs
 | 3.  Conflicting attributes                               |        the partial parse is given  with  the  error  message,  and  the
 | 4.  Multiple declaration of an identifier                |        translator  recovers  by ignoring the statement which caused the
 | 5.  Subscript not legal for this identifier              |        error. Figures 5.1.4 to 5.1.6 illustrate this type of error.
 | 6.  Incorrect number of subscripts                       |
 | 7.  The procedure ---- cannot be used as a function      |        ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 | 8.  The function procedure ---- cannot be used in a call |        |STUDENT PL                                                    |
 |     statement                                            |        |                                                              |
 | 9.  In a function procedure RETURN must be followed by   |        |     DECLARE (a, b) FLOAT, i FIXED;                        1  |
 |     an expression                                        |        |     DO i = 1 TO 5;                                        2  |
 |10.  In a non-function procedure RETURN may not be        |        |        a = INPUT;                                         3  |
 |     followed by an expression                            |        |        b = INPUT;                                         4  |
 └----------------------------------------------------------┘        |        OUTPUT = SQRT (a+b)                                5  |
       Table 5.1.2.  Errors due to Inconsistent Programming          |     END;                                                  6  |
                                                                     |       |                                                      |
                                                                     |*** ERROR, ILLEGAL SYMBOL PAIR ---------------   ) END        |
 5.1.1 Error Recovery by the Translator                              |PARTIAL PARSE IS:  <STATEMENT LIST> <GROUP HEAD>              |
+      ________________________________
                                                                     | <STATEMENT LIST> <VARIABLE> = <IDENTIFIER> (<SUBSCRIPT LIST>)|
      When an error occurs during the translation of  a  program,    |                                                              |
 the  translator  is usually able to proceed with the translation    |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |
 and execution unless the errors detected were  severe.  In  most    |ONE SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED.                                |
 cases  an  attempt  is  made  to correct the error. If the error    |                                                              |
 cannot be corrected, that part of the program which is in  error    |***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                            |
 is ignored and the translation proceeds. If the error is severe,    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 the translation is terminated. The errors given in Tables  5.1.1    Figure 5.1.4.  Error caused by a missing semicolon
 and  5.1.2 belong to the former two categories. In the following
1                                                                                                                          5901  5976

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 |STUDENT PL                                                    |    |STUDENT PL                                                    |
 |                                                              |    |                                                              |
 |     DECLARE (old, new) FLOAT;                              1 |    |     DECLARE a CHARACTER, (b, c) FIXED;                    1  |
 |     old = INPUT;                                           2 |    |     b = INPUT;                                            2  |
 |     IF old>300 THEN                                        3 |    |     c = INPUT;                                            3  |
 |        new = .75 old;                                      4 |    |     a = 'Occupants of offices '||b||' to '||c;            4  |
 |                    |                                         |    |     OUTPUT = a;                                           5  |
 |*** ERROR, ILLEGAL SYMBOL PAIR ------  <CONSTANT> <IDENTIFIER>|    |     BEGIN                                                 6  |
 |PARTIAL PARSE IS:  <STATEMENT LIST> <IF CLAUSE> THEN          |    |        OUTPUT = '';                                       7  |
 |     <VARIABLE> = <CONSTANT>                                  |    |             |                                                |
 |     ELSE new = old;                                        5 |    |*** ERROR, ILLEGAL SYMBOL PAIR ---------   BEGIN <IDENTIFIER> |
 |     OUTPUT = new;                                          6 |    |PARTIAL PARSE IS:  <STATEMENT LIST> BEGIN                     |
 |                                                              |    |        DECLARE (a, b) CHARACTER, i FIXED;                 8  |
 |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |    |                  |                                           |
 |ONE SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED.                                |    |*** WARNING, MULTIPLE DECLARATION FOR:  a                     |
 |                                                              |    |                     |                                        |
 |***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                            |    |*** WARNING, MULTIPLE DECLARATION FOR:  b                     |
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    |                                |                             |
 Figure 5.1.5.  Error caused by a missing operator                   |*** WARNING, CONFLICTING OR DUPLICATE ATTRIBUTES FOR:  a      |
                                                                     |                                |                             |
 Figure 5.1.6 illustrates how a number of spurious  errors  might    |*** WARNING, CONFLICTING OR DUPLICATE ATTRIBUTES FOR:  b      |
 result from a single error.                                         |        DO i = 1 TO 5;                                     9  |
                                                                     |           a = INPUT;                                     10  |
                                                                     |           b = INPUT;                                     11  |
                                                                     |           OUTPUT = a||' '||b;                            12  |
                                                                     |        END;                                              13  |
                                                                     |     END;                                                 14  |
                                                                     |        |                                                     |
                                                                     |*** ERROR, IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTINUE PARSE OF PROGRAM            |
                                                                     |INPUT SYMBOL IS:  ;                                           |
                                                                     |PARTIAL PARSE IS:  <STATEMENT LIST> <ENDING>                  |
                                                                     |     OUTPUT = 'End list of occupants of '||b||' to '||c;  15  |
                                                                     |        /* DATA:  111  151  '111'  'Myers'  '123B'        16  |
                                                                     |        'Charnow'  '134'  'Breckenridge'  '141'           17  |
                                                                     |        'McDonald'  '151'  'Jenkins'        */            18  |
                                                                     |                                                              |
                                                                     |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |
                                                                     |6 ERRORS (2 SEVERE) WERE DETECTED.                            |
                                                                     |                                                              |
                                                                     |***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                            |
                                                                     Figure 5.1.6.  Cascading of Errors Resulting from Error Recovery

                                                                          Errors resulting from inconsistent programming are  handled
                                                                     in  various  ways.  With  "multiple attributes" and "conflicting
                                                                     attributes" the  first  attribute  is  used.  Incorrect  use  of
                                                                     subscripts  or procedures results in an undefined value for that

                                                                     5.1.2 Some Common Errors with Misleading Error Messages
+                                                                          _________________________________________________

                                                                          Sometimes the nature of the error may be such  that  it  is
                                                                     difficult  for  the  translator  to  provide  a meaningful error
1                                                                                                                          5976  6073

 message. Figures  5.1.7  and  5.1.8  illustrate  some  of  these         The following steps are useful in discovering the cause  of
 errors.                                                             an obscure error.

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    1. Look for the position of the vertical bar  to  determine  the
 |STUDENT PL                                                    |    symbol  just scanned. In Figure 5.1.7 the last symbol scanned is
 |                                                              |    'THIS'.
 |     DECLARE a CHARACTER;                               1     |    2. Look at the partial parse. In Figure 5.1.7 the partial  parse
 |     a = 'Did you forget something?                     2     |    is
 |     OUTPUT = 'This will never be printed.';            3     |              <statement list> <variable> = <constant>
 |                  |                                           |    This should suggest, to those readers who have  diagrammed  some
 |*** ERROR, ILLEGAL SYMBOL PAIR ------  <CONSTANT> <IDENTIFIER>|    statements  and programs, that the difficulty occurred after the
 |PARTIAL PARSE IS:  <STATEMENT LIST> <VARIABLE> = <CONSTANT>   |    symbol 'This' followed the sequence
 |                                                              |              <variable> = <constant>.
 |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |    3. Look at the parse of the symbol  pair  that  is  causing  the
 |ONE SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED.                                |    trouble. In Figure 5.1.7 it is
 |                                                              |              <constant> <identifier>.
 |***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                            |    This is not as it should be since there is no production in  the
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    grammar  of  PL (see Section 2.3.2) in which a <constant> may be
 Figure 5.1.7.  Missing Quotation Mark                               followed by an <identifier>.
                                                                     4. Work backwards from the vertical bar to identify the  strings
 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    corresponding  to  the  trouble-causing  symbol  pair. In Figure
 |STUDENT PL                                                    |    5.1.7 the syntax for an <identifier> should  tell  us  that  the
 |                                                              |    corresponding  string  is  'This'.  Then  the  ' quote character
 |     DECLARE age FIXED, name CHARACTER;                 1     |    preceding the  'T'  should  signal  us  to  look  for  a  string
 |     name = INPUT;                                      2     |    constant.  The beginning of the string constant is then found to
 |     age = INPUT;                                       3     |    be on the preceding line. At this point the  error,  namely  the
 |     IF age>14 THEN   /* minimum age is 15.             4     |    missing semicolon on line 2 should be obvious.
 |        OUTPUT = name || ' is old enough.';             5     |
 |                                               |              |
 |                                                              |         Many of  the  errors  of  this  type  result  from  machine
 |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |    limitations,   in   particular  the  core  memory  available  to
 |ONE SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED.                                |    translate and execute PL programs. Memory  limitations  restrict
 |                                                              |    the  size  of the tables used by the translator to keep track of
 |***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                            |    various identifiers, constants, blocks and  procedures,  labels,
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    number  of  cases  in a case statement, and so on. The following
 Figure 5.1.8.  Missing Comment Bracket                              table gives some common error messages of this type.

      In Figure 5.1.7 a missing quote mark on line  2  causes  an         ┌------------------------------------------------┐
 illegal  symbol  pair  through  a  complex  interaction with the         | 1.  Program generates too much code            |
 following statement. (How?) In Figure 5.1.8  a  missing  comment         | 2.  Too many character strings                 |
 bracket  */ on line 4 causes the translator to read past the end         | 3.  Character string too long                  |
 of the program and the data in  search  of  a  closing  bracket.         | 4.  Too many identifiers                       |
 ("EOF" means "end of file".)                                             | 5.  Too many constants                         |
                                                                          | 6.  Too many blocks and procedures             |
                                                                          | 7.  Too many cases in a case statement         |
 5.1.3. Correction of Syntactic Errors                                    | 8.  Program segment too long                   |
+       ______________________________
                                                                          | 9.  Too many labels                            |
      Identification and correction of syntactic errors is simple         |10.  Compile stack overflow                     |
 and straightforward except in cases such as those illustrated in         └------------------------------------------------┘
 Section 5.1.2 when only the symptom is given and the cause  must         Table 5.2.1  Some Common Error Messages Due to
 be  discovered  by  careful  examination.  In  all  cases  error                      System Limitations
 messages are chosen to provide maximum information.

1                                                                                                                          6073  6171

      Translator limitations usually vary from machine to machine    variable  names,  one  should  attempt to use block structure to
 depending  on  the  memory space available. A typical student PL    declare and release variables as required. If there are too many
 translator might have the following limitations: 24,000 bytes of    cases in a case statement, one should attempt to use nested case
 code and character string space (approximately 8000 statements),    statements or otherwise  reduce  the  number  of  cases  in  the
 a maximum of 99 identifiers, 4095 constants,  20  forward  label    problem definition.
 references  at a time, 19 blocks and procedures, and 99 cases in
 a case statement. A character string may not be longer than 4095         The  following  example  illustrates  a  special  case   of
 characters.  Integers  cannot  be  represented  to  more  than 8    correction of an error resulting from system limitations. Figure
 significant digits. The exponent part of real numbers cannot  be    5.2.1 shows a program with an error "program too large  for  the
 outside  the  range  -75  <  x < 75. The mantissa part of a real    compiler".  (The code space was artificially reduced to generate
 number can only be stored to  7  digits  of  accuracy.  (A  real    this error without using a large program.)
 number is usually represented in a computer in the form
                          exponent                                   ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
           mantissa * base        .                                  | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 The mantissa is a normalized number, i.e., the  first  digit  is    |                                                              |
 non-zero,  and  the decimal point is in a prespecified position.    |         /* PALM */                                         1 |
 The exponent is an integer-valued number.  For  the  student  PL    |      DECLARE (bl,fr,co,tr) CHARACTER, i FIXED;             2 |
 system on the IBM 360 the base is 16, the exponent has the range    |      bl = INPUT;                                           3 |
 -128 to +128, and the  mantissa  has  6  hexadecimal  (base  16)    |      fr = INPUT;                                           4 |
 digits.)                                                            |      co = INPUT;                                           5 |
                                                                     |      tr = INPUT;                                           6 |
                                                                     |      OUTPUT = '';                                          7 |
 5.2.1 Error Correction                                              |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,35)||'##';                       8 |
+      ________________
                                                                     |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,32)||SUBSTR(fr,1,4);             9 |
      Errors due to system limitations are perhaps the hardest to    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,30)||SUBSTR(fr,1,4)||SUBSTR     10 |
 correct  and  usually  require  substantial reprogramming of the    |         (bl,1,10)||SUBSTR(fr,1,13);             /* 4 */   11 |
 problem. This is  one  instance  in  which  the  limitations  of    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,28)||SUBSTR(fr,1,5)||           12 |
 computers become clearly noticeable.                                |         SUBSTR(bl,1,8)||SUBSTR(fr,1,10);        /* 5 */   13 |
                                                                     |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,27)||SUBSTR(fr,1,6)||           14 |
      Programs  written  in  PL  are  translated  to  a  language    |         SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,10);        /* 6 */   15 |
 analogous to Polish machine language. To do this, the translator    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,3)||SUBSTR(fr,1,10)||           16 |
 has to keep track  of  the  names  and  attributes  of  all  the    |         SUBSTR(bl,1,13)||SUBSTR(fr,1,6)||SUBSTR           17 |
 variables, values of constants, and the structure of the program    |         (bl,1,5)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9);               /* 7 */   18 |
 being generated. This is done by means of tables. As the program    |      OUTPUT = ' '||SUBSTR(fr,1,15)||SUBSTR(bl,1,10)||     19 |
 is  being  translated  these  tables might get filled leaving no    |         SUBSTR(fr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,4)||SUBSTR            20 |
 space for further entries. Most of the errors of Table 5.2.1 are    |         (fr,1,8);                               /* 8 */   21 |
 of this type.                                                       |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(fr,1,19)||SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR     22 |
                                                                     |         (fr,1,7)||SUBSTR(bl,1,3)||SUBSTR(fr,1,8);         23 |
      Errors due to the translator limitations may  be  corrected    |      OUTPUT = '#'||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9)||      24 |
 in several ways. If a larger computer were available, the tables    |         SUBSTR(bl,1,4)||SUBSTR(fr,1,7)||'  '||SUBSTR      25 |
 could be enlarged to accommodate the program. (This can only  be    |         (fr,1,8);                              /* 10 */   26 |
 done by a systems expert.) Another method would be to divide the    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,14)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9)||'  '||     27 |
 main program into several subprograms each  of  which  uses  the    |         SUBSTR(fr,1,7)||' '||SUBSTR(fr,1,7);   /* 11 */   28 |
 results  of the preceding program as input, performs part of the    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,16)||SUBSTR(fr,1,8)||' '||      29 |
 computation, and provides  results  for  use  by  the  following    |         SUBSTR(fr,1,14);                       /* 12 */   30 |
 program.  On computer systems with randomly accessible secondary    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,18)||SUBSTR(fr,1,7)||' '||      31 |
 storage, such as disk, drum, or bulk core, intermediate  results    |         SUBSTR(fr,1,13);                       /* 13 */   32 |
 could  be  stored and used from the secondary storage giving the    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,4)||SUBSTR(fr,1,47); /* 14 */   33 |
 illusion that all the subprograms  are  working  together  as  a    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,2)||SUBSTR(fr,1,53); /* 15 */   34 |
 single  program.  A  third  method  (the  one most desirable for    |      OUTPUT = ' '||SUBSTR(fr,1,56);            /* 16 */   35 |
 students) is to reformulate the algorithm so that  it  will  not    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(fr,1,4)||SUBSTR(bl,1,9)||SUBSTR      36 |
 exceed  the limitations of the system. Unfortunately there is no    |         (fr,1,45);                             /* 17 */   37 |
 standard technique for reformulation of algorithms. This usually    |      OUTPUT = '###'||SUBSTR(bl,1,13)||SUBSTR(fr,1,33)     38 |
 depends  on the nature of the errors. A good rule of thumb is to    |         ||' '||SUBSTR(fr,1,9);                 /* 18 */   39 |
 use less of that resource which is scarce. If there are too many    |      OUTPUT = '##'||SUBSTR(bl,1,16)||SUBSTR(fr,1,32)      40 |
1                                                                                                                          6171  6252

 |         ||'  '||SUBSTR(fr,1,8);                /* 19 */   41 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,29)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6); /* 50 */   96 |
 |      OUTPUT = '#'||SUBSTR(bl,1,14)||SUBSTR(fr,1,36)||     42 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,28)||SUBSTR(tr,1,7); /* 51 */   97 |
 |         '   '||SUBSTR(fr,1,6);                 /* 20 */   43 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,27)||SUBSTR(tr,1,8); /* 52 */   98 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,13)||SUBSTR(fr,1,22)||'    '    44 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,26)||SUBSTR(tr,1,9); /* 53 */   99 |
 |         ||SUBSTR(fr,1,13)||'   '||SUBSTR(fr,1,5);         45 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,25)||SUBSTR(tr,1,10);/* 54 */  100 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,10)||SUBSTR(fr,1,13)||SUBSTR    46 |    |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,24)||SUBSTR(tr,1,12);/* 55 */  101 |
 |         (co,1,4)||SUBSTR(tr,1,8)||SUBSTR(bl,1,5)||        47 |    |                                                          102 |
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,13)||'    '||'###';        /* 22 */   48 |    |       /* Data: '                                    '    103 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,9)||SUBSTR(fr,1,11)||' '||      49 |    |                '#######################################  104 |
 |         SUBSTR(co,1,7)||SUBSTR(tr,1,7)||SUBSTR(bl,1,6)    50 |    |                 ###################'                     105 |
 |         ||SUBSTR(fr,1,12)||SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||'#';/* 23 */   51 |    |                '$$$$$$$$'                                106 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,8)||SUBSTR(fr,1,11)||' '||      52 |    |                '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'    */                    107 |
 |         SUBSTR(co,1,8)||' '||SUBSTR(tr,1,7)||SUBSTR       53 |    |                                       |                      |
 |         (bl,1,7)||SUBSTR(fr,1,11);             /* 24 */   54 |    | *** ERROR, PROGRAM TOO LARGE FOR THE COMPILER                |
 |         (bl,1,4)||SUBSTR(co,1,6)||'  '||SUBSTR(tr,1,7)    56 |    |                                                              |
 |         ||SUBSTR(bl,1,8)||SUBSTR(fr,1,10);     /* 25 */   57 |    | END OF COMPILATION                                           |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,7)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9)||SUBSTR      58 |    | ONE SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED.                               |
 |         (bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(co,1,4)||SUBSTR(bl,1,4)||        59 |    |                                                              |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,9)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9);   60 |    | ***  EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED                           |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,9)||SUBSTR      61 |    └______________________________________________________________┘
 |         (bl,1,15)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,10)||      62 |    Figure 5.2.1.  Example of an error due to System Limitation.
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,8);                        /* 27 */   63 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,8)||SUBSTR      64 |         Figure 5.2.2 illustrates the correction  of  the  error  in
 |         (bl,1,16)||SUBSTR(tr,1,7)||SUBSTR(bl,1,10)||      65 |    Figure 5.2.1 by using block structure to divide the program into
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,7);                        /* 28 */   66 |    two separate blocks. The code generated in each  block  is  less
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,7)||SUBSTR      67 |    than  the  maximum code space available, thereby eliminating the
 |         (bl,1,18)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||      68 |    error.
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,6);                        /* 29 */   69 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,6)||SUBSTR      70 |
 |         (bl,1,19)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||      71 |
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,5);                        /* 30 */   72 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,5)||SUBSTR      73 |
 |         (bl,1,21)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||      74 |
 |         SUBSTR(fr,1,4);                        /* 31 */   75 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,6)||SUBSTR(fr,1,5)||SUBSTR      76 |
 |         (bl,1,21)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,12)||      77 |
 |         '##';                                  /* 32 */   78 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,7)||'####'||SUBSTR(bl,1,22)||   79 |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||'#';  /* 33 */   80 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,8)||'###'||SUBSTR(bl,1,22)||    81 |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6);                        /* 34 */   82 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,9)||'##'||SUBSTR(bl,1,22)||     83 |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6);                        /* 35 */   84 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,10)||'##'||SUBSTR(bl,1,21)||    85 |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6);                        /* 36 */   86 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||'#'||SUBSTR(bl,1,21)||     87 |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6);                        /* 37 */   88 |
 |      DO i = 38 TO 45;                                     89 |
 |         OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,33)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6);         90 |
 |      END;                                 /* 38 - 45 */   91 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,32)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6); /* 46 */   92 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,31)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6); /* 47 */   93 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,30)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6); /* 48 */   94 |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,30)||SUBSTR(tr,1,6); /* 49 */   95 |
1                                                                                                                          6252  6344

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    |                                    ##                        |
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    |                                 ####                         |
 |                                                              |    |                               ####          #############    |
 |         /* PALM */                                         1 |    |                             #####        ##########          |
 |      DECLARE (bl,fr,co,tr) CHARACTER, i FIXED;             2 |    |                            ######      ##########            |
 |      bl = INPUT;                                           3 |    |    ##########             ######     #########               |
 |      fr = INPUT;                                           4 |    |  ###############          ######    ########                 |
 |      co = INPUT;                                           5 |    | ###################      #######   ########                  |
 |      tr = INPUT;                                           6 |    | #           #########    #######  ########                   |
 |      BEGIN;                                                7 |    |               #########  ####### #######                     |
 |      OUTPUT = '';                               /* 1 */    8 |    |                 ######## ##############                      |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,35)||'##';            /* 2 */    9 |    |                   ####### #############                      |
 |           .                                                  |    |     ###############################################          |
 |           .                                                  |    |   #####################################################      |
 |           .                                                  |    |  ########################################################    |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,7)||'####'||SUBSTR(bl,1,22)||   80 |    | ####         #############################################   |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6)||SUBSTR(bl,1,11)||'#';  /* 33 */   81 |    | ###             ################################# #########  |
 |      END;                                                 82 |    | ##                ################################  ######## |
 |      BEGIN;                                               83 |    | #              ####################################   ###### |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,8)||'###'||SUBSTR(bl,1,22)||    84 |    |              ######################    #############   ##### |
 |         SUBSTR(tr,1,6);                        /* 34 */   85 |    |           #############$$$$&&&&&&&&     #############    ### |
 |           .                                                  |    |          ########### $$$$$$$&&&&&&&      ############      # |
 |           .                                                  |    |         ########### $$$$$$$$ &&&&&&&       ###########       |
 |           .                                                  |    |        ##########    $$$$$$  &&&&&&&        ##########       |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,25)||SUBSTR(tr,1,10);/* 54 */  103 |    |        #########      $$$$    &&&&&&         #########       |
 |      OUTPUT = SUBSTR(bl,1,24)||SUBSTR(tr,1,12);/* 55 */  104 |    |       #########               &&&&&&          ########       |
 |      END;                                                105 |    |       ########                &&&&&&&          #######       |
 |                                                          106 |    |       #######                  &&&&&&           ######       |
 |       /* Data: '                                    '    107 |    |       ######                   &&&&&&           #####        |
 |                '#######################################  108 |    |       #####                     &&&&&&           ####        |
 |                 ###################'                     109 |    |       #####                     &&&&&&            ##         |
 |                '$$$$$$$$'                                110 |    |        ####                      &&&&&&           #          |
 |                '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'    */                    111 |    |         ###                      &&&&&&                      |
 |                                                              |    |          ##                      &&&&&&                      |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |    |           ##                     &&&&&&                      |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |    |            #                     &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                  &&&&&&                      |
                                                                     |                                 &&&&&&                       |
                                                                     |                                &&&&&&                        |
                                                                     |                               &&&&&&                         |
                                                                     |                               &&&&&&                         |
                                                                     |                              &&&&&&                          |
                                                                     |                             &&&&&&&                          |
                                                                     |                            &&&&&&&&                          |
                                                                     |                           &&&&&&&&&                          |
                                                                     |                          &&&&&&&&&&                          |
                                                                     |                         &&&&&&&&&&&&                         |
                                                                     | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |
1                                                                                                                          6344  6448

 | END OF EXECUTION                                             |    |'      ######                   &&&&&&           #####'       |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED                                      |    |'      #####                     &&&&&&           ####'       |
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    |'      #####                     &&&&&&            ##'        |
 Figure 5.2.2.  Correction of the Error by Using Block Structure     |'       ####                      &&&&&&           #'         |
                                                                     |'        ###                      &&&&&&'                     |
      Figure 5.2.3 illustrates the correction  of  the  error  in    |'         ##                      &&&&&&'                     |
 Figure  5.2.1  by reformulation of the algorithm. A study of the    |'          ##                     &&&&&&'                     |
 program in Figure 5.2.1 will show  that  it  is  an  attempt  to    |'           #                     &&&&&&'                     |
 generate   and  print  a  picture  of  a  tree.  By  making  the    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 information about the shape of the tree part of  the  data,  the    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 program  is  greatly  simplified  requiring only six statements.    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 This figure shows the program and data before  it  is  run.  The    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 print-out  for  it  will  be  the  same  as in Figure 5.2.2. (In    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 general, programs are written to solve a whole class of problems    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 rather  than a specific problem. Thus it is desirable to provide    |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
 problem specific information as data for the program.)              |'                                 &&&&&&'                     |
                                                                     |'                                &&&&&&'                      |
 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    |'                               &&&&&&'                       |
 |%PL                                                           |    |'                              &&&&&&'                        |
 |     DECLARE line CHARACTER;                                  |    |'                              &&&&&&'                        |
 |     line = INPUT;                                            |    |'                             &&&&&&'                         |
 |     DO WHILE line ^= '';                                     |    |'                            &&&&&&&'                         |
 |        OUTPUT = line;                                        |    |'                           &&&&&&&&'                         |
 |        line = INPUT;                                         |    |'                          &&&&&&&&&'                         |
 |     END;                                                     |    |'                         &&&&&&&&&&'                         |
 |                                                              |    |'                        &&&&&&&&&&&&'                        |
 |%DATA                                                         |    |/*                                                            |
 |'                                   ##'                       |    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 |'                                ####'                        |    Figure 5.2.3.  Correction of the Error by Reformulation of
 |'                              ####          #############'   |              the Algorithm.
 |'                            #####        ##########'         |
 |'                           ######      ##########'           |
 |'   ##########             ######     #########'              |    5.2.2 Additional System Errors
+                                                                          ________________________
 |' ###############          ######    ########'                |
 |'###################      #######   ########'                 |         Occasionally, error messages appear which indicate that the
 |'#           #########    #######  ########'                  |    system  is  either confused or destroyed. These are more serious
 |'              #########  ####### #######'                    |    errors, and correction of them will probably require  assistance
 |'                ######## ##############'                     |    from  your instructor. Such errors are rare, however, and should
 |'                  ####### #############'                     |    not occur in the final version of the translator.
 |'    ###############################################'         |
 |'  #####################################################'     |         The  message  received  with   such   errors   is   "System
 |' ########################################################'   |    interrupt". These interrupts are of many types, and an interrupt
 |'####         #############################################'  |    type (most of which are self-explanatory) will be  printed  with
 |'###             ################################# #########' |    the message. Table 5.2.2 lists some of these types.
 |'##                ################################  ########'|
 |'#              ####################################   ######'|         ┌--------------------------------------┐
 |'             ######################    #############   #####'|         | System interrupt                     |
 |'          #############$$$$&&&&&&&&     #############    ###'|         |    1.  Illegal operation             |
 |'         ########### $$$$$$$&&&&&&&      ############      #'|         |    2.  Addressing                    |
 |'        ########### $$$$$$$$ &&&&&&&       ###########'      |         |    3.  Priviledged instruction       |
 |'       ##########    $$$$$$  &&&&&&&        ##########'      |         |    4.  Memory protection             |
 |'       #########      $$$$    &&&&&&         #########'      |         └--------------------------------------┘
 |'      #########               &&&&&&          ########'      |          Table 5.2.2.  Some System Interrupt
 |'      ########                &&&&&&&          #######'      |                        Error Messages.
 |'      #######                  &&&&&&           ######'      |
1                                                                                                                          6448  6552

 5.3 ERRORS DURING PROGRAM EXECUTION                                 undefined value". How would you correct this program?

      When the statements of a program are grammatically correct,    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 the  translator  returns  the message "END OF COMPILATION" after    | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 translating the last statement of the program  and  informs  the    |                                                              |
 interpreter  to  begin  execution of the translated program. The    |     DECLARE i FIXED, sum FLOAT;                            1 |
 interpreter program may be unable to execute certain commands of    |     DO i = 1 TO 4;                                         2 |
 the  user  program  resulting in an execution-time (or run-time)    |        sum = sum + INPUT;                                  3 |
 error. These errors may be  grouped  into  two  categories:  (a)    |     END;                                                   4 |
 language and logic errors and (b) system errors. In this section    |     OUTPUT = sum;                                          5 |
 we will discuss the detection and  correction  of  language  and    |                                                              |
 logic errors that occur during program execution.                   | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
                                                                     | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
      Some typical run-time errors are given in Table 5.3.1.         |                                                              |
                                                                     | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      ┌----------------------------------------------------┐         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  3  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |  1.  Attempt to use an undefined value             |         |                                                              |
      |  2.  Attempt to read beyond end of data            |         | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |
      |  3.  Attempt to divide by zero                     |         |     i = 1                                                    |
      |  4.  Attempt to take a square root of a negative   |         |     sum = UNDEFINED                                          |
      |      number                                        |         |                                                              |
      |  5.  Subscript less than lower bound               |         | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      |  6.  Subscript greater than upper bound            |         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  3  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |  7.  Illegal input item                            |         | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      |  8.  Attempt to allocate -- with the wrong number  |         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  3  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |      of dimensions                                 |         | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      |  9.  Inappropriate Parameter types, e.g.,          |         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  3  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |      a.  Actual parameter cannot be an array       |         | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      |      b.  Actual parameter requires illegal type    |         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |          conversion                                |         | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |
      |      c.  Actual parameter must be a function       |         | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |
      |          procedure                                 |         | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |
      | 10.  Attempt to allocate a non-array               |         |                                                              |
      └----------------------------------------------------┘         | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
       Table 5.3.1.  Some typical run-time errors                    | 6  ERRORS  (6 SEVERE) WERE DETECTED                          |
 The first time one of these errors occurs during  the  execution         Figure 5.3.1.  "Attempt to use an undefined value"
 of  a  program,  the interpreter types out the values of all the
 variables which are either local or global to the block in which    Note that the values of the variables are printed only once, the
 the  error  occurs. First, the values of all the local variables    first  time  the  error occurs. After that, each time around the
 are printed, then the  values  of  the  variables  in  the  next    loop and for the output, just the error indication is given.
 containing  block,  and so on. We shall see several instances of
 this type of diagnostic print-out in the following  examples.  A         The program in Figure 5.3.2 provides an instance  where  an
 careful  look at the values of the variables in conjunction with    attempt to divide by zero results in two errors. The first error
 the error message is almost  always  sufficient  to  detect  and    is caused by attempting to divide 'k' (value 8)  by  'j'  (value
 correct  the  error.  After  printing  the error message and the    0).   This  error  makes  the  value  of  the  expression  'k/j'
 values of the variables in the  scope  the  system  attempts  to    undefined. When an attempt is made  to  'output'  the  undefined
 continue  the  execution of the program unless the nature of the    value the second error results.
 error is such that it is impossible to do so (e.g., "Attempt  to
 read beyond end of data").

      The program in Figure 5.3.1 attempts to calculate  the  sum
 of  4 numbers. However, since the value of the variable 'sum' is
 not initialized to any value, use  of  'sum'  in  an  expression
 (line  3)  results  in  an  error  message  "Attempt  to  use an
1                                                                                                                          6552  6655

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 |                                                              |    |                                                              |
 |     DECLARE (j, k) FLOAT;                                  1 |    |                                                              |
 |     k = INPUT;                                             2 |    |     DECLARE (a, b) FIXED;                                  1 |
 |     j = INPUT;                                             3 |    |     a = 0;                                                 2 |
 |     DO WHILE k<10;                                         4 |    |     b = 20;                                                3 |
 |        OUTPUT = k/j;                                       5 |    |     DO WHILE a+b<100;                                      4 |
 |        k = k+1;                                            6 |    |        a = a + INPUT;                                      5 |
 |        j = j-1;                                            7 |    |        b = b-1;                                            6 |
 |     END;                                                   8 |    |     END;                                                   7 |
 |       /* DATA:  2  6  */                                   9 |    |     OUTPUT = a;                                            8 |
 |                                                              |    |     OUTPUT = b;                                            9 |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |    |       /* DATA:  20  17  8  3  14  12  */                  10 |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
 | 0.333333                                                     |    | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
 | 0.600000                                                     |    |                                                              |
 | 1.00000                                                      |    | *** WARNING, ATTEMPT TO READ BEYOND END OF DATA              |
 | 1.66667                                                      |    | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |
 | 3.00000                                                      |    |                                                              |
 | 7.00000                                                      |    | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO DIVIDE BY ZERO                         |    | 1 ERROR WAS DETECTED                                         |
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 |                                                              |         Figure 5.3.3  "Attempt to read beyond the end of data"
 |     j = 0.00000                                              |         By far the most common, and usually unanticipated error  is
 |     k = 8.00000                                              |    caused  by  the use of an invalid subscript in array addressing.
 |                                                              |    When the subscript value is less than the lower bound or greater
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |    than  the  upper  bound  assigned  during  array  allocation the
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |    corresponding error message results. The program in Figure 5.3.4
 | -9.00000                                                     |    illustrates this type of error. When a value of 10 (which is the
 | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |    upper bound) is read in for 'i', the expression 'i+1' in line 13
 |                                                              |    exceeds the maximum bound and causes the error.
 | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 | 2  ERRORS  (2 SEVERE) WERE DETECTED                          |    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘    |STUDENT PL                                                    |
      Figure 5.3.2.  "Attempt to divide by zero"                     |                                                              |
                                                                     |    DECLARE (a(*,*),ln,line) CHARACTER, (i,j) FIXED;        1 |
      The program in Figure 5.3.3 illustrates a programmer  error    |    ALLOCATE a(10,10);                                      2 |
 leading to an improper termination of the program. The data used    |    a(*,*) = 'O';                                           3 |
 by the program is given within the comment brackets on line  10.    |    i = INPUT;  j = INPUT;                                  4 |
 Since  the condition A + B >= 100 is not satisfied with the data    |    DO WHILE i ^= 99;                                       5 |
 given, an attempt is made to read the next card for  more  data.    |       a(i,j) = 'X';                                        6 |
 In  batch systems the next card is usually the first card of the    |       i = INPUT;  j = INPUT;                               7 |
 following program which is also an indicator for  the  operating    |    END;                                                    8 |
 system to terminate the present program.                            |    DO i = 1 TO 10;                                         9 |
                                                                     |       DO j = 1 TO 10;                                     10 |
                                                                     |          IF a(i,j) = 'X' THEN                             11 |
                                                                     |             DO;                                           12 |
                                                                     |                IF a(i+1,j) ^= 'X' THEN a(i+1,j) = 'N';    13 |
                                                                     |                IF a(i-1,j) ^= 'X' THEN a(i-1,j) = 'N';    14 |
                                                                     |             END;                                          15 |
                                                                     |       END;                                                16 |
                                                                     |    END;                                                   17 |
1                                                                                                                          6655  6746

 |      /*  print array  */                                  18 |         Correction of various errors presented in this  section  is
 |    DO j = 1 TO 10;                                        19 |    usually straightforward and often represents a programmer error.
 |       line = a(1,j);                                      20 |    A  careful  look  at  the  values  of  the  variables  is  often
 |       DO i = 2 TO 10;                                     21 |    sufficient to discover the source of error.
 |          ln = line || ' ' || a(i,j);                      22 |
 |          line = ln;                                       23 |
 |       END;                                                24 |    5.4 RUN-TIME ERRORS DUE TO SYSTEM LIMITATIONS
 |       OUTPUT = line;                                      25 |
 |    END;                                                   26 |         In Section 5.2 we discussed the translator errors that  can
 |      /* DATA:  5 6 6 5 2 8 10 7 3 2 99 99 */              27 |    result from system limitations, and the difficulties involved in
 |                                                              |    correcting for these  errors.  Run-time  errors  due  to  system
 |END OF COMPILATION.                                           |    limitations  are usually just as hard to correct. Errors of this
 |NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                      |    type represent either the limitations of  the  computer  or  the
 |                                                              |    limitations  of  the  interpreter  program.  Some  typical error
 |*** ERROR, SUBSCRIPT GREATER THAN UPPER BOUND FOR THE ARRAY: a|    messages of this type are given in Figure 5.4.1.
 |***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  13  OF THE PROGRAM                |         ┌----------------------------------------------------┐
 |                                                              |         | 1.  Underflow                                      |
 |THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:          |         | 2.  Overflow                                       |
 |    a(1,1) = 'O'                                              |         | 3.  Result of concatenation exceeds maximum string |
 |    a(1,2) = 'O'                                              |         |     length                                         |
 |       .                                                      |         | 4.  Space requested for array allocation exceeds   |
 |       .                                                      |         |     available space                                |
 |    (gives entire array)                                      |         | 5.  Execution time exceeds maximum allowable time  |
 |       .                                                      |         | 6.  Too many actual parameters                     |
 |       .                                                      |         | 7.  String space exhausted during input            |
 |    a(10,7) = 'X'                                             |         | 8.  Input character string too long                |
 |    a(10,8) = 'O'                                             |         └----------------------------------------------------┘
 |    a(10,9) = 'O'                                             |         Table 5.4.1.  Typical run-time errors due to system
 |    a(10,10) = 'O'                                            |                         limitations
 |    ln = UNDEFINED                                            |
 |    line = UNDEFINED                                          |         The  program  in  Figure  5.4.2  illustrates  how  repeated
 |    i = 10                                                    |    division  of  a  non-zero  number  (in  this case 1) by a larger
 |    j = 7                                                     |    number can in a finite number of steps  produce  a  quotient  of
 |                                                              |    zero leading to the error message of "underflow".
 |*** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                     |
 |***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  13  OF THE PROGRAM                |
 |*** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                     |
 |***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  13  OF THE PROGRAM                |
 |  O O O O O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O N X N O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O N X N O O O                                         |
 |  O O O N X N O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O O O O O N X                                         |
 |  N X N O O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O O O O O O O                                         |
 |  O O O O O O O O O O                                         |
 |EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                               |
 |                                                              |
 |END OF EXECUTION.                                             |
 |3  ERRORS  (3 SEVERE) WERE DETECTED                           |
      Figure 5.3.4.  Invalid Subscript Error
1                                                                                                                          6746  6818

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 |                                                              |    |                                                              |
 |    DECLARE i FIXED, a FLOAT;                               1 |    |    DECLARE (q,z) FLOAT;                                    1 |
 |    a = 1.0;                                                2 |    |    q = INPUT;                                              2 |
 |    DO i = 1 TO 29;                                         3 |    |    z = q**35;                                              3 |
 |       a = a/978;                                           4 |    |    OUTPUT = z;                                             4 |
 |    END;                                                    5 |    |      /*  DATA:  723  */                                    5 |
 |    OUTPUT = a;                                             6 |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |    | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | *** ERROR, SYSTEM INTERRUPT #12                              |
 | *** ERROR, SYSTEM INTERRUPT #13                              |    | *** (FLOATING POINT EXPONENT OVERFLOW)                       |
 | *** (FLOATING POINT EXPONENT UNDERFLOW)                      |    | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  4  OF THE PROGRAM                |
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  5  OF THE PROGRAM                |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |
 | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |    |     q = 723.000                                              |
 |     i = 27                                                   |    |     z = UNDEFINED                                            |
 |     a = 1.78315E-78                                          |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | ***  EXECUTION TERMINATED DUE TO FATAL ERROR NOTED ABOVE.    |
 | ***  EXECUTION TERMINATED DUE TO FATAL ERROR NOTED ABOVE.    |    |                                                              |
 |                                                              |    | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |    | 1 SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED                                  |
 | 1 SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED                                  |    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘         Figure 5.4.2  Overflow Error
      Figure 5.4.1.  Underflow Error
                                                                          The program in Figure 5.4.2 is an example of  the  overflow
      Theoretically the quotient in Figure 5.4.1,  while  getting    error  illustrating  the fact that numbers larger than a certain
 increasingly  smaller, is not supposed to take the value zero in    magnitude cannot be represented accurately in the  computer  and
 a finite number of steps. However, computer  representations  of    can only be approximated by the largest number.
 numbers  is  of  necessity limited to a finite subset of all the
 real numbers (usually a function of the  number  of  bits  in  a         The program in Figure 5.4.3 shows that strings larger  than
 memory  word).  Thus,  numbers  smaller than a certain limit can    4095   characters   in   length   cannot   be   handled  in  one
 only be approximated by zero.                                       implementation of the PL language. Thus, during the twelvth time
                                                                     around  the  loop,  the  two  2048-character  strings  cannot be
                                                                     catenated since the result would  be  longer  than  the  maximum
                                                                     allowable string length.

1                                                                                                                          6818  6920

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    million  word  core  storage)  results  in  the  indicated error
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    message.
 |                                                              |
 |     DECLARE i FIXED, line CHARACTER;                       1 |    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 |     line = '?';                                            2 |    | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 |     DO i = 1 TO 13;                                        3 |    |                                                              |
 |        line = line||line;                                  4 |    |    DECLARE table (*,*) FIXED;                              1 |
 |     END;                                                   5 |    |    ALLOCATE table (1000,1000);                             2 |
 |     OUTPUT = line;                                         6 |    |    table (105,678) = 7;                                    3 |
 |                                                              |    |    table (968,999) = 3;                                    4 |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |    |                                                              |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |    | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
 |                                                              |    | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
 | *** ERROR, RESULT OF CONCATENATION EXCEEDS MAXIMUM STRING    |    |                                                              |
 | *** LENGTH                                                   |    | *** ERROR, SPACE REQUESTED FOR ARRAY ALLOCATION EXCEEDS      |
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  4  OF THE PROGRAM                |    | *** AVAILABLE SPACE                                          |
 |                                                              |    | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  3  OF THE PROGRAM                |
 | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |    |                                                              |
 |     i = 12                                                   |    | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |
 |     line = '???????????????????????????????????????????????? |    |     table = UNDEFINED                                        |
 | ??????????????????????????????? . . .                        |    |                                                              |
 |                (2048 characters total)                       |    | ***  EXECUTION TERMINATED DUE TO FATAL ERROR NOTED ABOVE.    |
 |         . . . ?????????????????????????????????????????????? |    |                                                              |
 | ????????????'                                                |    | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 |                                                              |    | 1 SEVERE ERROR WAS DETECTED                                  |
 | FIRST OPERAND BEGINS ON NEXT LINE                            |    | TOTAL EXECUTION TIME WAS  0:0:0.04.                          |
 | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 | ??????????????????????????????? . . .                        |         Figure 5.4.4  "Array allocation exceeds available space"
 |                (2048 characters total)                       |
 |         . . . ?????????????????????????????????????????????? |
 | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |    5.5 ERRORS IN PROBLEM SOLUTION
 | SECOND OPERAND STARTS ON NEXT LINE                           |
 | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |         It is not uncommon for a program to be in error even though
 | ??????????????????????????????? . . .                        |    the  translation  and  execution  may  have terminated normally.
 |                (2048 characters total)                       |    Often the resulting  output  may  bear  no  resemblance  to  the
 |         . . . ?????????????????????????????????????????????? |    expected  output and occasionally there may be no output at all.
 | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? |
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |         There are many commonly used  solutions  to  this  problem.
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  4  OF THE PROGRAM                |    Which one is used will depend on how obvious the error is and on
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |    the ability of  the  programmer.  Often  the  output  itself  is
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  4  OF THE PROGRAM                |    sufficient  to indicate the nature of the error and the required
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |    correction. If not, the insertion  of  a  few  carefully  chosen
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  6  OF THE PROGRAM                |    output  statements  into  the program will usually point out the
 | *** ERROR, ATTEMPT TO USE UNDEFINED VALUE                    |    part of the program which is in error. If it is not obvious what
 | ***  WHILE EXECUTING LINE:  6  OF THE PROGRAM                |    type  of  output statement to use, one can use the DUMP function
 | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |    to print out the values of all the variables within the scope of
 |                                                              |    a given block. The following problem solution indicates how each
 | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |    of the above steps helps to reduce the mystery.
 | 5  ERRORS  (5 SEVERE) WERE DETECTED                          |
 └--------------------------------------------------------------┘         The program in Figure 5.5.1a is  intended  to  read  in  an
      Figure 5.4.3.  String Length Limitation                        array and then search through it for a given number.

      Any attempt to allocate large  arrays  beyond  the  storage
 capacity  of the computer results in an error message. In Figure
 5.4.4, an attempt to allocate a 1000 by 1000 array (requiring  a
1                                                                                                                          6920  6978

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐    statement  later on. We ought to concentrate on the main DO loop
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    then. An output of all the variables during each iteration would
 |                                                              |    be  clearly  impractical,  particularly  if  the array were very
 |   DECLARE (n, i, q) FIXED, (a, b(*)) FLOAT, found BIT;     1 |    large. A better place for an output statement would be following
 |   n = INPUT;                                               2 |    the  DO loop, and since the source of the error is not known, we
 |   ALLOCATE b(1:n);                                         3 |    should get a list of the values of all the  variables.  This  is
 |   DO i = 1 TO n;                                           4 |    most  easily  done with the use of the DUMP function as shown in
 |      b(i) = INPUT;                                         5 |    Figure 5.5.1b.
 |   END;                                                     6 |
 |   a = INPUT;                                               7 |
 |   i = 1;                                                   8 |
 |   found = FALSE;                                           9 |
 |   DO q = 1 TO n;                                          10 |
 |      IF b(i) = a THEN                                     11 |
 |         DO;                                               12 |
 |            q = n;                                         13 |
 |            OUTPUT = 'b('||i||')'||' is equal to a';       14 |
 |            OUTPUT = 'The value of a is '||a;              15 |
 |            found = TRUE;                                  16 |
 |         END;                                              17 |
 |   END;                                                    18 |
 |   IF found = FALSE THEN                                   19 |
 |      OUTPUT = 'None of the elements of b is equal to a.'; 20 |
 |      /* DATA:  10    6.21  5.70  9.33  8.10  18.70  14.0  21 |
 |                3.85  9.73  4.47  12.60         9.73   */  22 |
 |                                                              |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
 |                                                              |
 | None of the elements of b is equal to a.                     |
 | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |
 |                                                              |
 | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED                                      |
      Figure 5.5.1a.  Program for array search

 The computer has identified no errors in this  program,  yet  it
 has not performed the desired operation.

      The first step in attempting  to  discover  what  has  gone
 wrong  is  to  look  at  the  output. One might assume that this
 output is a true statement of the situation and that the program
 had functioned as expected. But since the data is given here, we
 can clearly see that the value of 'a' (9.73) should be found  in
 the  eighth  element of the array 'b'. The output should lead us
 to believe that either the values were not successfully assigned
 to  the  array  'b'  or  that, since 'found' is apparently still
 FALSE, something must have gone wrong in the main DO loop.

      The next thing  to  be  done  would  be  to  insert  OUTPUT
 statements  into  the  program  where they might help reveal the
 source of error. One could test the assignment of the array  'b'
 immediately following the INPUT loop, but if that were the error
 it would be easily identifiable if 'b' were used  in  an  output
1                                                                                                                          6978  7077

 ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐         A glance at the values of the variables  reveals  that  the
 | STUDENT PL                                                   |    error  is  caused  by  the  fact  that  no provision is made for
 |                                                              |    incrementing 'i' each time  around  the  loop.  The  program  is
 |   DECLARE (n, i, q) FIXED, (a, b(*)) FLOAT, found BIT;     1 |    easily corrected as in Figure 5.5.1c.
 |   n = INPUT;                                               2 |
 |   ALLOCATE b(1:n);                                         3 |    ┌--------------------------------------------------------------┐
 |   DO i = 1 TO n;                                           4 |    | STUDENT PL                                                   |
 |      b(i) = INPUT;                                         5 |    |                                                              |
 |   END;                                                     6 |    |   DECLARE (n, i, q) FIXED, (a, b(*)) FLOAT, found BIT;     1 |
 |   a = INPUT;                                               7 |    |   n = INPUT;                                               2 |
 |   i = 1;                                                   8 |    |   ALLOCATE b(1:n);                                         3 |
 |   found = FALSE;                                           9 |    |   DO i = 1 TO n;                                           4 |
 |   DO q = 1 TO n;                                          10 |    |      b(i) = INPUT;                                         5 |
 |      IF b(i) = a THEN                                     11 |    |   END;                                                     6 |
 |         DO;                                               12 |    |   a = INPUT;                                               7 |
 |            q = n;                                         13 |    |   i = 1;                                                   8 |
 |            OUTPUT = 'b('||i||')'||' is equal to a';       14 |    |   found = FALSE;                                           9 |
 |            OUTPUT = 'The value of a is '||a;              15 |    |   DO q = 1 TO n;                                          10 |
 |            found = TRUE;                                  16 |    |      IF b(i) = a THEN                                     11 |
 |         END;                                              17 |    |         DO;                                               12 |
 |   END;                                                    18 |    |            q = n;                                         13 |
 |   IF found = FALSE THEN                                   19 |    |            OUTPUT = 'b('||i||')'||' is equal to a';       14 |
 |      OUTPUT = 'None of the elements of b is equal to a.'; 20 |    |            OUTPUT = 'The value of a is '||a;              15 |
 |   CALL DUMP;                                              21 |    |            found = TRUE;                                  16 |
 |      /* DATA:  10    6.21  5.70  9.33  8.10  18.70  14.0  22 |    |         END;                                              17 |
 |                3.85  9.73  4.47  12.60         9.73   */  23 |    |      i = i + 1;                                           18 |
 |                                                              |    |   END;                                                    19 |
 | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |    |   IF found = FALSE THEN                                   20 |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |    |      OUTPUT = 'None of the elements of b is equal to a.'; 21 |
 |                                                              |    |      /* DATA:  10    6.21  5.70  9.33  8.10  18.70  14.0  22 |
 | None of the elements of b is equal to a.                     |    |                3.85  9.73  4.47  12.60         9.73   */  23 |
 |                                                              |    |                                                              |
 | THE VALUES OF THE VARIABLES IN THE MAIN PROGRAM ARE:         |    | END OF COMPILATION.                                          |
 |     n = 10                                                   |    | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED.                                     |
 |     i = 1                                                    |    |                                                              |
 |     q = 11                                                   |    | b(8) is equal to a                                           |
 |     a = 9.73000                                              |    | The value of a is 9.73000                                    |
 |     b(1) = 6.21000                                           |    | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |
 |     b(2) = 5.70000                                           |    |                                                              |
 |     b(3) = 9.33000                                           |    | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 |     b(4) = 8.10000                                           |    | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED                                      |
 |     b(5) = 18.7000                                           |    └--------------------------------------------------------------┘
 |     b(6) = 14.0000                                           |         Figure 5.5.1c.  Corrected program
 |     b(7) = 3.85000                                           |
 |     b(8) = 9.73000                                           |
 |     b(9) = 4.47000                                           |
 |     b(10) = 12.6000                                          |
 |     found = FALSE                                            |
 |                                                              |
 | EXECUTION  TERMINATED  NORMALLY                              |
 |                                                              |
 | END OF EXECUTION.                                            |
 | NO ERRORS WERE DETECTED                                      |
      Figure 5.5.1b.  Program with DUMP function added
1                                                                                                                          7077  7107

                PL, A STUDENT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

                         REFERENCE MANUAL
                                                                     Section 0.  BNF Definition of Language
                                                                     Section 1.  Basic Elements
      PL,  a  dialect  of  PL/I,  is  specifically  designed  for    Section 2.  Specification, Activation and Termination
 teaching beginning programming students. This system is a direct                of Data Elements
 result of a Student Programming Language  project  initiated  by    Section 3.  Data Processes
 Professors  W.  M.  McKeeman  and  D.  R.  Reddy  with a view to    Section 4.  Modification of a Data Element by a Process
 developing a language which is of minimal complexity yet rich in    Section 5.  Modification of a Process by a Data Element
 concepts,  and  a  system  which has good diagnostic aids and is                or by Another Process
 inexpensive to use. Messrs. J. J. Horning, E. C. Nelson, and  D.    Section 6.  Specification, Activation, and Termination
 B.  Wortman  helped  in  formulating  a  consistent and formally                of Processes
 describable language. Mr. Nelson wrote an experimental  compiler    Appendix A.  Keywords
 for  PL  and  Mr.  Wortman  wrote  the  present  PL  Translator-    Appendix B.  Predefined Functions
 Interpreter for the IBM 360 on which this manual is  based.  Mr.    Appendix C.  PL Reference Syntax
 A.  T.  Cathcart  and  Mr.  Lee  Erman  helped in preparing this
 manual.  The  research  and  development  of  this  system   was
 supported  in part by the Stanford University Computation Center
 (Campus Facility).

1                                                                                                                          7107  7160

                            Section 0                                                           Section 1

                    BNF DEFINITION OF LANGUAGE                                                BASIC ELEMENTS

      The syntax of the language is defined using the Backus Naur         PL is  an  artificial  language  whose  structure  is  very
 Form.  Definitions in BNF are called productions and make use of    rigidly  defined. This section will describe the basic syntactic
 two kinds of symbols of the language. Symbols which are  defined    elements.
 somewhere  in  the  language description are called non-terminal
 symbols; symbols whose definitions do not occur in the  language
 description  are  called  terminal symbols. Non-terminal symbols    1.1 SYMBOLS
 consist of a descriptive  term  enclosed  in  angular  brackets,
 e.g.,  <decimal  number>.  Terminal  symbols are not enclosed in         The PL alphabet or character set is similar to the  English
 brackets. In addition, BNF uses two  connective  symbols,  "::="    alphabet. Its complete description in BNF is:
 and  "|".  "::="  is  read  "is  defined  as", "|" is read "or".
 Examples of definitions in BNF are:                                      <character> ::= <letter>|<digit>|<special symbol>
                                                                                          |<punctuation mark>|<blank>
 (1)       <PROGRAM> ::= <STATEMENT LIST>                                 <letter> ::= A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V
 (2)       <DIGIT> ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9                          |W|X|Y|Z
 (3)       <IF CLAUSE> ::= IF <EXPRESSION>.                                           |a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v
 Note that in (3), the IF on the right-hand side  is  a  terminal         <digit> ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
 symbol  of  the  language.  The  juxtaposition of two symbols as         <special symbol> ::= +|-|*|/|>|<|^|&|<vertical bar>
 occurs in (3) indicates that in  the  structure  of  the  symbol         <punctuation mark> ::= .|,|:|;|(|)|'
 being defined, the constituent parts occur in the order in which         <vertical bar> ::= |
 they are named in the definition.                                        <blank> ::=

                                                                     1.2 DATA ELEMENTS

                                                                          There are two basic modes of referring  to  data  elements:
                                                                     constants and identifiers (names).

                                                                     1.2.1 Constants
+                                                                          _________

                                                                          A constant is a word of the language which is  a  name  for
                                                                     the  particular  value  it  represents.  There are four types of

                                                                               <constant> ::= <fixed constant>|<float constant>
                                                                                              |<character constant>|<bit constant>

                                                                          Fixed constants are the usual  decimal  notations  for  the
                                                                     positive  integers  and  zero,  which  are  their  corresponding

                                                                               <fixed constant> ::= <digit string>
                                                                               <digit string> ::= <digit>|<digit string><digit>

                                                                          Note the recursive nature of the definition, allowing digit
                                                                     strings  of  any length. Note also that extra zeroes may precede
                                                                     the significant digits and that there is no provision for commas
1                                                                                                                          7160  7241

 or decimal points. Examples are:                                    null string  and  has  a  length  of  zero.  A  null  string  is
                                                                     represented by two adjacent apostrophes.
                0                                                    Examples of character constants:
               21                                                         Name                    Value                 Length
              0021                                                        'ABC'                   ABC                      3
            2000000                                                       'A_C'                   A_C                      3
                                                                          'A C'                   A C                      3
      Float constants differ from fixed constants  in  two  ways:         ' B'                     B                       2
 they include a decimal point, and they may include an indication         '   '                                            3
 that the decimal value designated is to be  multiplied  by  some         'A+C'                   A+C                      3
 power of ten to obtain the value of the constant. Syntactically,         'A'                     A                        1
                                                                          ''                                               0
      <float constant> ::= <decimal number>                               'NOW IS THE TIME.'      NOW IS THE TIME.        16
                           |<decimal number>E<power of ten>               'I''M'                  I'M                      3
      <decimal number> ::= .<digit string>                                ''''                    '                        1
                           |<digit string>.<digit string>                 '''A'''                 'A'                      3
                           |<digit string>.
      <power of ten> ::= <digit string>                                   Character constants are  important  in  the  processing  of
                         |+<digit string>                            text, such as preparing indexes. They are also used in numerical
                         |-<digit string>                            programming to make printed output more readable.

      Float constants are the ordinary numbers used in scientific         There are two bit constants, representing logical values:
 Examples:                                                                     <bit constant> ::= TRUE|FALSE

            .5                                                            While the  syntax  permits  arbitrarily  large  (or  small)
           0.5                                                       values  and  arbitrarily  long  names for all but bit constants,
           3.1416                                                    machine  storage  limitations  set  practical  limits  on  these
            .31416E1                                                 attributes. Integers (fixed values) are limited to the range
            .0043                                                              -2147483648 <= X <= 2147483647
           0.0                                                       and non-zero real  numbers  (float  values)  are  restricted  in
           1.                                                        magnitude to the approximate range
           1.3712E-12                                                          5.4E-79 <= |X| <= 7.2E+75 .
                                                                     1.2.2 Identifiers
+                                                                          ___________
      Character constants are strings of zero or more characters,
 viz.:                                                                    Identifiers  serve  many  purposes   in   PL.   Their   BNF
                                                                     description is:
      <character constant> ::= ''|'<character string>'
      <character string> ::= <character>                                       <identifier> ::= <letter>
                             |<character string><character>                              |<identifier><letter>
                             |<character string>''                                       |<identifier><digit>

      The value of a character constant is  simply  a  string  of         Identifiers may not contain  blanks.  The  underscore  (_),
 characters.  The  apostrophes used to separate the constant from    called a break character, is used primarily in place of a blank.
 the text are not a part of its value. The length of a  character    Examples:
 constant is the number of characters in the string. Any machine-
 printable character may be used in a character constant.  If  an
 apostrophe  is  desired  as a part of the value of the constant,
 something must be done to differentiate it from the  apostrophes
 which  delimit  the string. A pair of consecutive apostrophes in
 the string represents a single apostrophe in the value stored by
 the  machine.  A  string  containing no characters is called the
1                                                                                                                          7241  7303

           x                                                                   /*....*/
           x1                                                        Comments will be ignored in the execution of  the  program,  but
           #lbs                                                      they  contribute immeasurably to the understanding of a program,
           xyz                                                       especially a complicated one. It can be very frustrating to  try
           seven                                                     to   deduce   the   purpose  and  workings  of  a  program  with
           kinetic_energy                                            insufficient comments -- even if the program is one's own.  (For
           us$                                                       programs  running  under the IBM 360 Operating System, the /* of
           where_am_i                                                comments may not begin in column 1.)

      There are three uses of identifiers. Two of  these  are  as         Characters are  always  grouped  in  the  longest  possible
 reserved words, a special form of punctuation, and as predefined    words.  Although  the triplet 'abc' could be recognized as three
 functions, standard operations without  special  symbols.  These    separate words -- 'a', 'b', and 'c' -- it is always  read  as  a
 are  summarized  in  the  appendices.  Reserved words may not be    single  word. Thus every identifier or constant must be followed
 redefined by the programmer; predefined functions should not be.    by a special symbol, a punctuation mark, or a blank or  comment.
 The  third  and  main  use  of  identifiers is as names for data    Because   successive  lines  of  program  text  are  treated  as
 elements and processes.                                             consecutive parts of a single sequence  of  characters,  hyphens
                                                                     are  not  used  to  continue  a  word from one line to the next.
                                                                     Conversely, when a line ends with the end of a  word,  the  next
 1.2.3. Blanks and Comments                                          line may have to begin with one or more blanks.
+       ___________________

      Blanks have  two  purposes  in  PL  programming.  They  are
 syntactically  necessary between words, so that the computer can
 tell where one word begins and another leaves off. Blanks  which
 are  not  required  by  the  syntax -- i.e., more than one blank
 where one would do --  are  ignored  by  the  computer  but  are
 essential  to  writing  a  readable  program. Proper programming
 procedure dictates the use of  a  clear  paragraphing  style  in
 program  text,  for  the  convenience of both the programmer and
 anyone else who might want to read his program. A clear style is
 one  which  indicates  clearly  the algorithmic structure of the

      Statements are usually made one to a line, which means  one
 to  a  card  in punch-card programming. When this is done, it is
 easy to group conceptually related subjects  by  indenting  them
 (say) three spaces as a group. For example:

           DO WHILE c ^= 0;
              IF a < b THEN
                    c = a;
                    a = b;
                    b = c;
                    a = b;
                    b = c;

      Another way of introducing clarity to a program is  by  the
 use   of   frequent   comments.   A   comment  may  be  inserted
 parenthetically at any point in the program  text  where  blanks
 may occur by surrounding it with the special symbol pairs,
1                                                                                                                          7303  7383

                            Section 2                                     Activation is the process by which  prespecified  variables
                                                                     are made available for use (but with an undefined value). A non-
    SPECIFICATION, ACTIVATION AND TERMINATION OF DATA ELEMENTS       subscripted variable is  activated,  during  execution,  at  the
                                                                     beginning  of  the  block in which it occurs (see 2.5 BLOCKS). A
                                                                     subscripted variable (or array) is activated, in a  block,  only
 2.1 VARIABLES                                                       after the execution of an allocation statement to fix the bounds
                                                                     of the array:
      A variable is defined by the programmer; it is  a  name  by
 which  various  values  are  temporarily  known. Like constants,         <allocation statement> ::= ALLOCATE <allocation list>;
 variables  are  of  the  four  types  FIXED,  FLOAT,  BIT,   and         <allocation list> ::= <allocation element>
 CHARACTER.                                                                         |<allocation list> , <allocation element>
                                                                          <allocation element> ::= <identifier>(<bounds list>)
           <variable> ::= <identifier>                                    <bounds list> ::= <bounds>
                          |<identifier><subscript list>                             |<bounds list>,<bounds>
                                                                          <bounds> ::= <expression>
      A subscripted variable provides a means for selection of an                   |<expression>:<expression>
 element  out  of  a set of elements referred to by the same name
 (not unlike A(i,j) in mathematics).                                      For example, the statements

                                                                               DECLARE wow (*,*) FLOAT;
 2.2 SPECIFICATION OF VARIABLES                                                ALLOCATE wow (7,2:7);

      Before it may be  used  as  a  part  of  an  expression,  a    specify a seven-by-six array of FLOAT variables. When  a  single
 variable  must  be  specified.  Specification  of  variables  is    bound  is  specified,  as  for  the  first  bound  in  the above
 accomplished by means of the declaration statement:                 statement, a lower bound of 1 is implied.

      <declaration statement> ::= DECLARE <declaration list>;             More than one allocation may be made for  a  single  array.
      <declaration list> ::= <declaration element>                   Each  allocation supercedes the previous one. All current values
                |<declaration list> , <declaration element>          of the array  are  (temporarily)  hidden  at  the  time  of  re-
      <declaration element> ::= <declaration primary>                allocation, even those that lie within the new bounds.
                |<declaration primary><attribute list>
      <declaration primary> ::= <identifier>
                                | ( <declaration list> )             2.4 TERMINATION OF VARIABLES
      <attribute list> ::= <attribute>
                     |<attribute list><attribute>                         Termination  is  the  process  by  which  the  most  recent
      <attribute> ::= (<asterisk list>)                              activation   of  a  variable  is  nullified.  A  non-subscripted
                     |<type>                                         variable is terminated at the end of  the  block  (see  2.5)  in
                     |ENTRY                                          which  it  occurs.  An array may be terminated implicitly at the
                     |LABEL                                          end of the block or explicitly by the use of a  FREE  statement.
      <asterisk list> ::= *                                          Upon termination of a variable, any other variable with the same
                         |<asterisk list> , *                        name which became inaccessible or  hidden  (at  the  activation)
      <type> = BIT                                                   becomes accessible again.
              |FLOAT                                                      <free statement> ::= FREE <free list>;
              |CHARACTER                                                  <free list> ::= <identifier>
                                                                                          |<free list> , <identifier>
 Examples of declaration statements:
                                                                          The current allocation of the arrays named in the FREE list
           DECLARE a FIXED;                                          is  cancelled  and  the  stored  values  corresponding to it are
           DECLARE b1 FLOAT, zzzgp CHARACTER;                        permanently lost. If, however,  several  allocations  were  made
           DECLARE (a,b,c) BIT;                                      without  freeing,  then  the  last  previous  allocation becomes
           DECLARE ugh (*,*) FLOAT, zap (*) BIT, rat BIT;            accessible again and the values it contained are restored.

1                                                                                                                          7383  7433

      DECLARE (x(*),y(*)) FLOAT, a(*,*) FIXED;                       valid  in  the  larger block. 'b' is terminated when the program
      ALLOCATE x(32),a(5,10);                                        emerges from the subordinate block.
         .                                                                The variable 'a', which is declared in the outer block,  is
           <process>                                                 valid  for  all  the  subordinate  blocks  (global variable) and
         .                                                           therefore can be used in the inner block. It still  retains  the
         .                                                           value  upon  exiting  from the inner block and can be printed by
      ALLOCATE x(10),y(2:20),a(5:15,6:10);                           the OUTPUT = A; statement.
      FREE a,y;

 The FREE statement in  the  above  example  nullifies  the  most
 recent  activations  of arrays 'a' and 'y'. This means values of
 the first activation of 'a' become  available  again;  'y'  must
 have a new allocation to be useful; 'x' still retains the values
 of the second allocation.

      Loss of access through reallocation and  freeing  are  both
 examples  of  termination  of  variables;  one is temporary, the
 other is permanent.


      The syntax for <block> is as follows:

      <block> ::= <block head><statement list><ending>;
      <block head> ::= BEGIN;
      <ending> ::= END
                   |END <identifier>
                   |<label definition><ending>

      Variables declared within a block, but outside  any  blocks
 subordinate  to  (contained  within) it, are local in scope with
 respect to that block; that is, they are specified and available
 to  be  activated  only  during  the  execution  of  the  block.
 Variables declared in a superior block are global in scope  with
 respect  to  the  first  block, and are valid throughout it. For
 example, the program segment

            DECLARE b FIXED;
            a = INPUT;
            b = a;
      OUTPUT = a;

 will produce an error message, because the variable 'b'  is  not
1                                                                                                                          7433  7514

                            Section 3                                     The length of a string  is  the  number  of  characters  it
                                                                     contains, and there is a predefined function of that name:
                          DATA PROCESSES
                                                                          LENGTH('ABC')  yields  3
                                                                          LENGTH('   ')  yields  3
 3.1 OPERATIONS                                                           LENGTH('''')   yields  1
                                                                          LENGTH('')     yields  0
 3.1.1 Arithmetic operations
+      _____________________
                                                                          The  function  SUBSTR  enables  the  programmer  to  handle
      The simplest arithmetic operation is negation,  denoted  by    substrings  of  character  strings.  (For  example,  'ABC'  is a
 the  minus  sign "-". For example, -6 denotes the application of    substring of 'ZABCD'.) The value of the expression SUBSTR(c,n,m)
 the negation operation to the positive constant 6; its value  is    is  the  string  of  'm'  characters,  beginning  with  the n-th
 -6. Addition and subtraction operations are indicated by "+" and    character, of the string which is the value of the variable 'c'.
 "-" respectively. Multiplication, division,  and  exponentiation    Example of a substring with three arguments:
 are  indicated  by  "*",  "/",  and  "**" respectively. Standard
 mathematical notations such as the horizontal bar for  division,         DECLARE (a,b) CHARACTER;
 superscription for exponentiation, the multiplication cross, and         a = 'MY DOG HAS FLEAS';
 the division sign are not available in PL.                               b = SUBSTR(a,5,4);
 Examples:                                                                OUTPUT = b;
                                                                     would produce the printed result
      2*3     yields   2x3                                                OG H

                        2                                            Omitting the third argument as in SUBSTR(c,n) yields a substring
      2/3     yields   ---  or 2   3                                 of  'c'  beginning with the n-th character and continuing to the
                        3                                            end of the string. Thus, from the above example,

                        3                                                 SUBSTR(a,5)             yields   OG HAS FLEAS
      2**3    yields   2                                                  SUBSTR(a,LENGTH(a)-7)   yields   AS FLEAS

      Care  should  be  exercised  in  performing  division  with         The function INDEX  checks  to  see  if  one  string  is  a
 integer  operands.  The value of the expression obtained is that    substring  of  another, and, if so, where the first character of
 of the quotient without the remainder. Therefore, these are true    the substring occurs in the larger  string.  The  value  of  the
 statements: 2/5 yields 0; 26/12 yields 2; -5/3 yields ??            function  is  the number which denotes the position of the first
                                                                     character in the substring, unless no appropriate  substring  is
      Many of the predefined functions of PL are considered to be    found,  in  which  case  the  value of the function is zero. For
 arithmetic  operations.  They are summarized in Appendix B; some    example,
 common ones are:
                                                                          INDEX('CHARLIE','CHA')  yields  1
      Name                  Notation     Effect                           INDEX('A&B&C|D','B&C')  yields  3
      ----                  --------     ------                           INDEX('HUZAT','HUHU')   yields  0
      absolute value        ABS(n)       |n|                              INDEX('ABCABC', 'BC')   yields  2
      square root           SQRT(x)      square root of x
      natural logarithm     LOG(x)       log(e)x
                                                                     3.1.3 Logic Operations
+                                                                          ________________

 3.1.2 Character-String Operations (Editing)                              There  are  three  basic  operations  on  BIT  values.  The
+      ____________________________________
                                                                     simplest  is  inversion, denoted by the not sign "^". Its result
      The  most  important  operation  on  character  strings  is    is the BIT  value  which  its  single  operand  does  not  have.
 catenation  (or  concatenation),  i.e.,  chaining  together. The    Conjunction,  denoted by the ampersand "&" requires two operands
 operation symbol is two vertical bars:                              and gives the resultant value of TRUE only  when  both  operands
                                                                     have  the  value  TRUE; otherwise, the resultant value is FALSE.
      'ABC'||'DEF'   yields   'ABCDEF'                               Disjunction is denoted by the or sign, "|". Its result is  FALSE
      'AB '||'DEF'   yields   'AB DEF'                               only  when  both  operands  are  FALSE; otherwise, the result is
      'AB'||''       yields   'AB'                                   TRUE.
1                                                                                                                          7514  7599

      ^ TRUE         yields   FALSE                                  3.1.5 Overflow and Truncation
+                                                                          _______________________
      TRUE & TRUE    yields   TRUE
      TRUE & FALSE   yields   FALSE                                       The type of the result of an operation sets limits  on  the
      TRUE|FALSE     yields   TRUE                                   value  of  that  result;  when  the  result  should actually lie
      FALSE|FALSE    yields   FALSE                                  outside the limits, an error condition or overflow is caused.

                                                                          Anytime the sum of two numbers (or difference, product,  or
 3.1.4 Relational Operations (Comparisons)                           quotient)  exceeds  in magnitude the maximum storeable value, an
+      __________________________________
                                                                     overflow  is  caused.  The  computer  does  not   complete   the
      The relations  are  binary  (two-operand)  operations.  The    operation, but prints an error message.
 operations  may  be of various types, but the resultant value is
 always BIT type -- i.e., TRUE or FALSE.                                  Operations  on  FLOAT  type  operands  frequently   produce
                                                                     results with more significant digits than the machine can store.
      Equality is denoted by the equal sign  "=".  The  resultant    (example: 300000.+.0004). When this situation occurs, the  extra
 value  is TRUE if the operands are equal, FALSE if they are not.    digits  are  always deleted from the low-order end of the number
 Strings of unequal length are considered equal  if  the  shorter    (in the example, the truncated result would again be 300000.) No
 string  can  become  equivalent  to  the  longer string by being    error message is given.
 padded with blanks on either end.
 Examples:                                                                Division of FIXED numbers produces both a  quotient,  which
                                                                     is  stored as the resultant value, and a remainder, which is not
      1 = 1           yields   TRUE                                  recorded and is therefore inaccessible.
      1 = 2           yields   FALSE
      3.E0 = .3E1     yields   TRUE                                       Overflow also occurs with catenation  whenever  the  result
      3.E1 = .3E0     yields   FALSE                                 would  exceed  4095  characters  in  length;  it causes an error
      'ABC' = 'ABC'   yields   TRUE                                  message and the loss of the result.
      'AB' = 'AB '    yields   TRUE
      'A_C' = 'A C'   yields   FALSE
      ' ' = ''        yields   TRUE                                  3.1.6 Conversion
+                                                                          __________
      TRUE = FALSE    yields   FALSE
                                                                          The existence of four types of values in  PL  permits  four
      The greater-than sign and the  less-than  sign  denote  the    types   of  computation  to  be  used,  each  appropriate  to  a
 corresponding   relations.   These  comparisons  are  understood    particular  class  of  problems.  On  occasion,   however,   the
 algebraically  for  numerical   operands,   alphabetically   for    programmer may want to use the same information in more than one
 character operands.                                                 way. Consider the four constants:
                                                                               2     2.0     '2'     '2.0'
      1 > 0           yields   TRUE
      0 < 1           yields   TRUE                                  They are of three different types, and the  character  constants
      1 > -2          yields   TRUE                                  are  not  equivalent (i.e., '2' = '2.0' gives the result FALSE).
      1.0 < -2.0      yields   FALSE                                 In general, none of the four may be freely substituted  for  any
      3.E0 > .3E1     yields   FALSE                                 of  the  others.  It is important -- and frequently essential --
      'A' < 'Z'       yields   TRUE                                  that the right type of name be used each  time  a  reference  is
      ' ' < 'A'       yields   TRUE                                  made  to  the  value,  since  each is treated differently by the
      '' < ' '        yields   FALSE                                 computer.
      'A' < 'AB'      yields   TRUE
      'B' < 'AB'      yields   FALSE                                      The four predefined functions FIXED, FLOAT, CHARACTER,  and
                                                                     BIT allow the programmer to find the value of one type that most
      These three operations are combined with inversion and with    closely corresponds to  a  value  of  another  type.  (Both  the
 each  other  to  produce five more useful operations, which are:    compiler and the programmer must distinguish between the uses of
 "^<", "^>", "^=", ">=", "<=". Their meanings are,  respectively,    these names as types and as functions.)
 not  less  than, not greater than, not equal to, greater than or
 equal to, and less than or equal to. The  resultant  values  are         The function FIXED gives, for a FLOAT value,  the  greatest
 TRUE  if  the  indicated  relation  between  the operands holds;    integer  whose  magnitude is no greater than the argument of the
 otherwise, the result is FALSE.                                     function. If the absolute value is less than 1.0, it will always
                                                                     be  truncated  to  0.  If  the value is greater than the maximum
1                                                                                                                          7599  7685

 FIXED value, an error results. For BIT values of TRUE and  FALSE                 |+<factor>
 the results are 1 and 0, respectively.                                           |-<factor>
                                                                          <primary> ::= <constant>
      The function FLOAT gives a six-digit approximation  to  the                 |<variable>
 value of a FIXED operand; for BIT operands, TRUE becomes 1.0 and                 |(<expression>)
 FALSE becomes 0.0.                                                       <variable> ::= <identifier>
                                                                                  |<identifier>(<subscript list>)
      The function BIT gives TRUE if a FIXED operand is not equal         <subscript list> ::= <subscript>
 to  zero,  FALSE  if  it  is.  For a FLOAT operand 'v', it gives                 |<subscript list>,<subscript>
 BIT(FIXED(v)).                                                           <subscript> ::= <expression>|*

      The function CHARACTER gives the shortest character  string         In short, an expression is a sequence of  constants  and/or
 which  satisfies  the definition for constants of the same type,    variable  names,  operators,  and  parentheses.  The  result  of
 except that for FLOAT operands,  the  scale  factor  (i.e.,  the    evaluating an expression may be reported as an answer, saved for
 E<power of ten> notation) is not used.                              further  combination,  and/or  tested  to  control the course of
                                                                     further computation.
      The function E_FORMAT converts the operand to  FLOAT,  then
 to CHARACTER in scientific notation.                                     Questions of operator precedence are  solved  according  to
                                                                     the  following  table,  with  the  lowest  numbered  level being
      If the wrong data type  does  appear  as  an  operand,  the    resolved first:
 system will attempt to convert it to the appropriate type before
 performing the operation. Usually it will  be  able  to  convert         Level       Symbol
 FLOAT  values to FIXED, FIXED and FLOAT to BIT, and all three to         -----       ------
 CHARACTER. If no conversion is possible, an error  message  will         zeroeth     parenthesized expressions are always evaluated
 be printed. The use of mixed operand types in a single operation                     before being used as operands.
 without explicit conversion is  not  encouraged  and  should  be         first       prefix + and -, exponentiation: **
 considered poor practice.                                                second      multiply and divide:  *,/
                                                                          third       infix + and -
                                                                          fourth      catenation:  ||
 3.2 EXPRESSIONS                                                          fifth       relationals:  <, <=, =, >=, >, ^<, ^>, >=
                                                                          sixth       not operator:  ^
      Expressions are rules to obtain values of  different  kinds         seventh     and operator:  &
 and  types;  they  are basic to any computational processes. The         eighth      or operator:  |
 syntactical definition of <expression> is heavily recursive:

      <expression> ::= <logical factor>                              3.2.1 String Expression
+                                                                          _________________
              |<string expression><vertical bar><logical factor>
      <logical factor> ::= <logical secondary>                            An expression whose value is a character string is called a
              |<logical factor>&<logical secondary>                  string   expression.   The   following   assignment   statements
      <logical secondary> ::= <logical primary>                      illustrate the use of some simple string expressions.
                           | ^ <logical primary>
      <logical primary> ::= <string expression>                           DECLARE (name,address,city,zip) CHARACTER;
              |<string expression><relation><string expression>           name = 'JOHN SMITH';
      <relation> ::= < | > | = | <= | >= | ^< | ^> | ^=                   address = '52 CAMPUS DRIVE';
      <string expression> ::= <arithmetic expression>                     city = 'STANFORD,CALIF.';
              |<string expression>||<arithmetic expression>               zip = '94305'; OUTPUT = city||'_'||zip;
      <arithmetic expression> ::= <term>
              |<arithmetic expression>+<term>                             Strings are used  mostly  for  symbol  manipulation,  e.g.,
              |<arithmetic expression>-<term>                        alphabetizing.  They  may  also  be used to make printed machine
      <term> ::= <factor>                                            output more meaningful.
      <vertical bar> ::= |                                           3.2.2 Arithmetic Expressions
+                                                                          ______________________
      <factor> ::= <primary>
1                                                                                                                          7685  7767

      An  expression  with  a  numerical  value  is   called   an              a = ROW (1,2,3,4,5)
 arithmetic   expression.  We  repeat  part  of  the  syntax  for
 <arithmetic expression>:                                            assigns  the  indicated  values  to  the  first  five  allocated
                                                                     elements  of  a  one-dimensional array 'a'; if 'a' has more than
      <arithmetic expression> ::= <term>                             one dimension, the values are put into the first  row.  ROW  may
                |<arithmetic expression>+<term>                      have any number of arguments, not exceeding the bounds allocated
                |<arithmetic expression>-<term>                      to the array to which the values are  being  assigned.  ROW  may
      <term> ::= <factor>                                            also appear as an argument to itself, e.g.,
                |<term>/<factor>                                               a = ROW(ROW(1,2,3),ROW(4,3,2),ROW(17,21,x*y));
      <factor> ::= <primary>
                |<primary>**<factor>                                 In this case, each appearance of ROW as an argument  causes  its
                |+<factor>                                           own  arguments  to  be inserted as the values of the next row of
                |-<factor>                                           the array; the example above could be used to assign all  values
      <primary> ::= <constant>                                       to a 3 x 3 array.
                |(<expression>)                                           It is possible to use subarrays consisting of  entire  rows
                                                                     or  columns,  or both, of existing arrays. The notation for this
      The  simplest   arithmetic   expressions   are   individual    is
 constants and variables. Others are built up from these by means
 of the arithmetic operators. Examples:                                        <identifier>(<subscript list>)
           a+b**x*y                                                            <subscript list> ::= <subscript>
           b/a                                                                          |<subscript list><subscript>
           -arthur                                                             <subscript> ::= <expression>
           +(-arthur)                                                                           |*

      The  first  example  might  appear  to  be  ambiguous;  but         These are expressions of the form
 remembering  the  prescribed  order  in which the operations are
 executed, we know that it will be evaluated as                                array (1,*,x)

           a+((b**x)*y)                                                   The appearance of an asterisk in the subscript  list  means
                                                                     that the values included in the expression range over the entire
                                                                     allocation of rows or columns corresponding to  that  dimension,
 3.2.3 Logical Expressions                                           subject to the restriction that only those elements are included
+      ___________________
                                                                     which have subscripts equal to the included expressions  in  the
      Expressions with BIT (TRUE/FALSE) values are called logical    positions  in which those expressions occur. For example, a(1,*)
 expressions:                                                        and b(*,1) refer to the first column of array 'a' and the  first
                                                                     row of array 'b', respectively. In an expression of the form
      <logical expression> ::= <string expression><relation>
                                     <string expression>                       b(*,1) = a(1,*);
      <relation> ::= < | = | > | <= | >= | ^< | ^> | ^=
                                                                     the values of the first row of 'a' are placed, in order, in  the
      The  value  of  a  logical  expression  is  determined   by    first  column  of  'b'. The respective allocations of the arrays
 evaluating the expressions on either side of the relation symbol    concerned must coincide in statements of this type.
 and testing whether the relation holds. If  it  does  hold,  the
 total  expression  has the value TRUE; if it does not, the value         To set a particular row or set of  rows  or  columns  to  a
 is FALSE.                                                           particular value it is possible to write

                                                                               a(1,*) = <expression>;
 3.2.4 Vector Valued Constants
+      _______________________
                                                                     and the value of the expression will  be  assigned  to  all  the
      There are two types of expressions which take the values of    variables  included  in  the range of the asterisk. To assign an
 entire  arrays, rather than individual variables. The predefined    entire array at once, it is permissible to write
 function ROW is one. The statement
1                                                                                                                          7767  7808

           a = <expression>;                                                                    Section 4

 with the result that every allocated element of 'a'  is  set  to              MODIFICATION OF A DATA ELEMENT BY A PROCESS
 the value of the expression.

                                                                     4.1 THE ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT

                                                                          An assignment statement is a command  to  the  computer  to
                                                                     perform  some  operations  on  data and assign the result as the
                                                                     value of a variable. The syntactical definition is:

                                                                          <assignment statement> ::= <variable> = <expression>;
                                                                               |<variable>,<assignment statement>

                                                                          The expression on  the  right  hand  side  of  the  "="  is
                                                                     evaluated and the result is stored in the variable. The previous
                                                                     value(s) of the variable(s) is (are) lost. For example,  suppose
                                                                     we have made the following statements:

                                                                          DECLARE(A,B,C) FIXED;
                                                                          a = 1;
                                                                          b = 12;
                                                                          c = 2;

                                                                     the variables 'a', 'b', and 'c' now have associated values of 1,
                                                                     12,  and  2,  respectively.  These  values  are  stored  in  the
                                                                     computer's memory, at locations which the system now  associates
                                                                     with  the  respective  names. From now on the variables 'a' 'b',
                                                                     and 'c' may be used in expressions in the program text, and  the
                                                                     computer will automatically substitute the proper value.

                                                                          To change the value of the variable 'a', we could write

                                                                               a = b+3;

                                                                     The value of the expression on the right would be computed (b  =
                                                                     12;  12+3  =  15) and stored at the address associated with 'a'.
                                                                     The value 1, stored there previously, would be lost.
                                                                     More examples, with their results:

                                                                     b = a+c-3;     /* 14+2-3 = 13; new value of 'b' is 14 */
                                                                     a = a+1;       /* 15+1 = 16; new value of 'a' is 16 */
                                                                     c = c/2+b;     /* 2/2 = 1; 1+14 = 15; new value of 'c' is 15 */

                                                                          Note that a = a+1; , like all assignment statements,  is  a
                                                                     command  and  not a statement of algebraic equality. While a = b
                                                                     and b = a  imply  the  same  fact  in  algebra,  the  assignment
                                                                     statement  a  = b; commands the computer to replace the value of
                                                                     'a' by that of 'b', and b = a; does the opposite.

                                                                     4.2 INPUT/OUTPUT OPERATIONS

                                                                          PL contains special variables  with  the  names  INPUT  and
                                                                     OUTPUT.  These are used for communication between the programmer
1                                                                                                                          7808  7880

 and the machine. The statement                                      the string of five characters beginning with the sixth character
                                                                     of 'c'. In assigning values to FIXED variables, these values are
           a = INPUT;                                                converted automatically  from  CHARACTER  to  the  corresponding
                                                                     FIXED values.
 assigns to the variable 'a' the value of the next  data  element
 available  from  the  computer's  input device (for example, the         The same operation for FLOAT constants is more complicated,
 number punched on the next card in a stack  read  in  through  a    but similar in principle. If the input string does not include a
 card reader). The statement                                         decimal point, there may be some uncertainty over where it is to
                                                                     be placed.
           OUTPUT = a;
                                                                          Suppose we wanted to read in eight-character FLOAT numbers,
 causes the computer to print the value of the  variable  'a'  on    and  suppose we wanted to arrange the input so that every string
 the output device.                                                  of eight characters containing a decimal point is assigned  with
                                                                     its  corresponding  FLOAT  value  and every string containing no
      It is not possible to assign a value to the variable INPUT;    decimal point is read as if  it  had  three  significant  digits
 i.e.,  INPUT  may  not  appear  on  the  left-hand  side  of  an    after  the  decimal  point.  We  can  accomplish  this  with the
 assignment statement. Similarly, OUTPUT may not  appear  on  the    following program segment:
 right-hand side.
                                                                          DECLARE c CHARACTER, a FLOAT;
      The type of the variable INPUT is the type of the next data         c = INPUT;
 element  available  on  the  input  device; suitable precautions         IF INDEX (SUBSTR(c,1,8),'.') = 0 THEN
 should be made to avoid mixing  data  types  in  the  assignment              a = SUBSTR(c,1,5)||'.'||SUBSTR(c,6,3);
 statements.                                                                   /* if no decimal point, insert one. */
      As can be seen from the syntax, statements of the form              a = SUBSTR(c,1,8); /* otherwise just perform appropriate
                                                                                                type transfer. */
           a,b,c = <expression>;
                                                                     (For definition of INDEX, see Section 3.2.2.)
 are permissible. This statement is equivalent to the  series  of
 statements                                                               Output can  be  formatted  very  simply.  Suppose  we  have
                                                                     calculated  the  mean  and  median of a particular data set; and
                  q = <expression>;                                  that we want to print these values out, along with  the  largest
                          |                                          and  smallest values in the data set. Suppose further that these
         ┌----------------┼----------------┐                         four values are assigned  to  the  variables  'mean',  'median',
         |                |                |                         'large',  and  'small'  respectively;  then  the output commands
       a = q;           b = q;           c = q;                      might be made in this way:

 The assignment is considered to take place in parallel. PL  does         OUTPUT = ' RESULTS OF CALCULATIONS ';
 not have special provisions for formatted input and output, such         OUTPUT = ' MEAN VALUE IS ' ||mean;
 as are found in PL/I, ALGOL, and  FORTRAN.  It  is  possible  to         OUTPUT = ' MEDIAN VALUE IS ' ||median;
 achieve  the  same effect, however, by treating input and output         OUTPUT = ' LARGEST AND SMALLEST VALUES ARE ' ||large||
 as character strings. For example, suppose  we  wanted  to  read              ' AND '||small||' RESPECTIVELY' ;
 three  five-digit  integer  constants from a data card. We would
 treat them as a single character constant in punching the  card,
 e.g.,  '12345678901112'.  We  might  then  write  the  following
 program segment:

      DECLARE c CHARACTER, (f1,f2,f3) FIXED;
      c = INPUT;
      f1 = SUBSTR(c,1,5);/* VALUE Of f1 IS 12345 */
      f2 = SUBSTR(c,6,5);/* VALUE Of f1 IS 67891 */
      f3 = SUBSTR(c,11,5);/* VALUE Of f3 IS 01112 */

 SUBSTR is a predefined function which  selects  substrings  from
 character  strings;  the value of SUBSTR(c,6,5), for example, is
1                                                                                                                          7880  7967

                            Section 5                                This causes two data items to be read  and  their  value  to  be
                                                                     printed  if  they  are equal. If they are not equal, there is no
                                                                          IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... specifies that when the  value  of
                                                                     the expression in the IF clause is TRUE, the statement following
 5.1 PROGRAM: SEQUENTIAL EXECUTION                                   THEN will be executed; otherwise the  statement  following  ELSE
                                                                     will be executed.
      The syntactic definition of a program is, in part:             Example:

      <program> ::= <statement list>                                      a = INPUT;
      <statement list> ::= <statement>                                    b = INPUT;
                           |<statement list><statement>                   IF a = b THEN
      <statement> ::= <basic statement>                                         OUTPUT = a;
                      |<conditional statement>                            ELSE
      <basic statement> ::= <assignment statement>                           DO;
                            |<go to statement>                                  OUTPUT = a;
                            |<return statement>                                 OUTPUT = b;
                            |<call statement>                                   OUTPUT = ABS(a-b);
                            |<declaration statement>                         END;
                            |<group>                                 This does the same thing as the preceding example,  except  that
                            |<procedure definition>                  when  'a'  does not equal 'b' both values are printed along with
                            |<allocation statement>                  their  absolute  difference.  When  'a'  does  equal  'b',   the
                            |<free statement>                        statement following ELSE is ignored.
                            |<empty statement>
                            |<label definition><basic statement>
                                                                     5.3 REPETITION: GROUP STRUCTURE
      A program is usually executed sequentially,  one  statement
 at a time, in the order of the statement list. There are certain         A group, like a block, is a collection of statements  which
 commands, however, which cause the computer to  skip  or  repeat    is   syntactically   treated   as   a  single  basic  statement.
 statements,   or   to   choose  between  alternative  statements    Declaration statements are not meaningful within  a  group.  The
 depending on whether or not a given condition is met.               purpose  of a group is to permit a statement or statements to be
                                                                     repeated a specified number of times, or  to  be  treated  as  a
                                                                     single  unit,  or  to  select  one  process out of many possible
 5.2 CONDITIONAL EXECUTION                                           processes.

      <conditional statement> ::= <IF clause> THEN <statement>            <group> ::= <group head><statement list><ending>;
           |<IF clause> THEN <basic statement> ELSE <statement>           <group head> ::= <control clause>;
           |<label definition><conditional statement>                     <control clause> ::= <repetition control>
      <IF clause> ::= IF <expression>                                                          |<control clause><case selector>
                                                                          <case selector> ::= CASE <arithmetic expression>
      The expression in the  IF  clause  should  have  a  logical         <repetition control> ::= <while list>
 value.  The  effect  of an IF ... THEN ... statement is to cause                                  |<iteration list>
 the statement following  THEN  to  be  executed  only  when  the         <while list> ::= DO
 expression  in  the  IF clause has the value TRUE. Otherwise the                          |<while list><while clause>
 statement is skipped and normal sequential  execution  continues         <while clause> ::= WHILE <expression>
 with the next statement in the program.                                  <iteration list> ::= DO <variable> = <iteration element>
 Example:                                                                                    |<iteration list> , <iteration element>
                                                                          <iteration element> ::= <expression>
      a = INPUT;                                                                                  |<expression><incrementation contro
      b = INPUT;                                                                                  |<iteration element><while clause>
      IF a = b THEN                                                       <incrementation control> ::= TO <arithmetic expression>
         OUTPUT = a;                                                                                 |BY <arithmetic expression>
                                                                                                     |TO <arithmetic expression> BY
1                                                                                                                          7967  8048

                                     <arithmetic expression>              The words TO and BY may be included to  specify  the  limit
                                 |BY <arithmetic expression> TO      for values of the iteration control variable and the size of the
                                     <arithmetic expression>         increment to be used. Thus, the construction

                                                                          DO i = a TO b bY c;
 5.3.1 The DO WHILE Statement                                             .
+      ______________________
      In a group of the form DO WHILE ... END, the  entire  group         .
 is executed repeatedly as long as the expression following WHILE         END;
 has the logical value TRUE. For example,
                                                                     does the following:
           i = 0;
           j = 10;                                                        1. Sets the value of 'i' equal to the value of 'a'.
           DO WHILE i < j;                                                2. If i <= b, executes the statements in the group, returns
              i = i+1;                                                    to  the  start;  adds the value of 'c' to 'i'; repeats from
              j = j-1;                                                    step 2.
           END;                                                           3. If i > b, skips to the first statement following END.

 would execute five times, then cause program execution  to  skip    Example:
 to   the  first  statement  following  END;.  The  mechanics  of
 execution are: test i < j; if false, then skip to next statement         DO i = 1 TO 100 BY 1;
 after END; if true, then increment 'i' and decrement 'j'; return            OUTPUT = SQRT (FLOAT(i));
 to the control clause after reading the ending; and start again.         END; /* PRINTS SQUARE ROOTS OF FIRST 100 INTEGERS */
 Another example:
                                                                          When the BY clause is omitted, it is assumed to  be  BY  1.
           x,a,c = 1;                                                Reversal  of the BY and TO clauses does not affect execution. It
           DO WHILE c ^= 0;                                          is also possible to write, for example,
              x = a/c;
              c = INPUT;                                                  DO j = 1 BY j WHILE x > 0;
           END;                                                                .
 This performs one dummy division, then reads in values  for  'c'              .
 and  performs  the  indicated division until a value read in for              x = INPUT;
 'c' is zero, at which time it stops.                                          .
 5.3.2 The DO Statement with Iteration Control                            END;
+      _______________________________________

      The construction                                               where the increment is controlled  but  the  precise  number  of
                                                                     steps necessary is not explicitly stated. Execution of the group
           DO i = a,b,c,16,5;                                        will terminate when a value for 'x' of zero or less is  read  in
           .                                                         from the data.
           END;                                                      5.3.3 The CASE Selector
+                                                                          _________________

 commands that the group be executed five  times;  and  that  'i'         In a group of several statements, it is possible to  choose
 take  the  values of the expressions 'a', 'b', 'c', 16, and 5 on    just  one  statement to be executed (just as the IF ... THEN ...
 successive repetitions                                              ELSE  ...  statement  chooses  one  of  two  statements  to   be
 Another example:                                                    executed.)  This  is done with the DO CASE ... END construction.
                                                                     The statements in  the  group  are  considered  to  be  numbered
      DO i = 1,2,3,4,5;                                              sequentially  from  top  to  bottom; the value of the expression
         OUTPUT = SQRT (FLOAT(i));                                   following CASE is the number of the statement to be executed.

1                                                                                                                          8048  8125

      DO CASE i;                                                     the scope  in  which  it  is  defined.  A  branch  statement  is
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 1';                                          meaningful  only  when  the  identifier appearing within it is a
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 2';                                          label.
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 3';
      END;                                                                When  a  branch  statement  is  encountered  during  normal
                                                                     sequential  execution,  it  signifies  that  the  next statement
                                                                     executed is to be the one with the  specified  label,  and  that
 5.3.4 Combinations                                                  sequential execution is then to resume at the new location.
+      ____________

      The CASE selector can be combined with  any  of  the  group         Labels, like all other  identifiers,  are  subject  to  the
 heads. Thus it is also possible to write constructions like:        limitations of the scope of their declarations. A branch may not
                                                                     be made into a block or procedure from outside of it. The  label
      DO i = 1 TO 100 WHILE i <= J;                                  on  a  block is, of course, declared outside the block, so it is
                                                                     possible to branch to the head  of  a  block.  The  label  on  a
      DO i = 1,2,3,4,5 WHILE X ^= Y;                                 procedure block (i.e., the procedure name) cannot be used as the
                                                                     destination of a branch. A label global to a block may  be  used
      DO i = 2 BY 2 WHILE i*i < 150 CASE MOD(i,3)+1;                 to branch out of the block.
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 1';
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 2';                                               A branch may be made to  one  statement  of  a  group  from
         OUTPUT = 'CASE 3';                                          outside  the  group  only if the group head does not specify any
      END;                                                           repetition or selection. From  within  a  group,  it  is  always
                                                                     possible  to  branch  out.  Branches  within a group are allowed
 (For a definition of the MOD function, see Appendix B.)             except when the group head includes a CASE  phrase.  Finally,  a
                                                                     branch  may  not  be  made to a consequence of a conditional, or
      The  group  execution  will  terminate  when   either   the    within one, unless the branch statement  itself  is  inside  the
 incrementation  control or the while clause would cause it to do    same statement.
 so if operating independently. For example:
                                                                          The last example of Section 5.3.4 may be  written  using  a
      i = 1;                                                         branch statement.
      DO p = 1 BY 4 TO 21 WHILE i ^= 0;
         OUTPUT = p*i;                                                         i = 1;
         i = iNPUT;                                                            DO p = 1 BY 4 TO 21;
      END;                                                                        OUTPUT = P*i;
                                                                                  i = INPUT;
 This will perform five iterations, unless a value of 0  is  read                 iF i = 0 THEN GO TO out;
 in for 'i' at any point.                                                      END;
                                                                          out: ...

                                                                     5.4.2 Label Variables
+                                                                          _______________
 5.4.1 The GO TO Statement
+      ___________________
                                                                          It is possible to declare variables whose  values  are  the
      The GO TO (or branch) statement is used to transfer control    same as those of labels, i.e., program points. They are declared
 permanently and unconditionally within a program. Its syntax is:    in this manner:

      <GO TO statement> ::= GO TO <variable> ;                            <label declaration> ::= DECLARE <identifier> LABEL;
                            |GOTO <variable> ;
                                                                     and called by:
      Any statement in a program may be preceded by one  or  more
 label definitions.                                                       GO TO <identifier>;

           <label definition> ::= <identifier> :                     They are assigned values by the usual assignment statement.

      An identifier used in this way is called a label  for  that
 particular  statement,  and may not be used anywhere else within
1                                                                                                                          8125  8178

      out:                                                                                      Section 6
      .                                                                 PROCEDURES: SPECIFICATION, ACTIVATION, AND TERMINATION OF
      DECLARE exit LABEL;                                                                       PROCESSES
      exit = out;                                                    6.1 SPECIFICATION
      .                                                                   Programming frequently requires that some process  be  used
      GO TO exit;                                                    repeatedly  at  various  points in a program. Such repetition is
                                                                     facilitated by the use of procedures.

 In this example, 'out' is the program  point  and  'exit'  is  a              <procedure definition> ::=
 variable which takes on the value of the label 'out'.                                     <procedure head><statement list><ending>;
                                                                          <procedure head> ::= <label definition> PROCEDURE;
                                                                               |<label definition> PROCEDURE <attribute list>;
                                                                               |<label definition> PROCEDURE <formal parameters>;
                                                                               |<label definition> PROCEDURE <formal parameters>
                                                                                           <attribute list>;
                                                                          <formal parameters> ::= (<parameter list>)
                                                                          <parameter list> ::= <identifier>
                                                                               |<parameter list> , <identifier>

                                                                          A procedure definition constitutes only  the  specification
                                                                     of   a   process,   represented  by  the  statement  list  which
                                                                     constitutes the body of the procedure. These statements are  not
                                                                     executed at the time of the definition. A procedure is activated
                                                                     by the appearance of its name in an appropriate statement in the
                                                                     program text.

                                                                          The name of a procedure is  the  identifier  in  the  label
                                                                     definition  at  its  head.  The  name is followed by the keyword
                                                                     PROCEDURE and two optional features: the formal  parameter  list
                                                                     and  the result value type (these are optional in the sense that
                                                                     they may or may not appear, depending  on  the  statements  that
                                                                     follow  in the definition, and on the purpose of the procedure.)
                                                                     Examples of procedure heads:

                                                                          figure_it_out: PROCEDURE;
                                                                          no_you_do_it: PROCEDURE FLOAT;
                                                                          i_will_not: PROCEDURE (par1, par2, par3, par4);
                                                                          yes_you_will: PROCEDURE (p1,p2) FIXED;

                                                                          The statement  lists  with  procedures,  like  blocks,  may
                                                                     contain  declarations of local variables and may share variables
                                                                     with their containing block(s). The procedure name is  local  to
                                                                     the containing block.

                                                                     6.2 ACTIVATION

                                                                          Execution of a procedure is begun when it is  activated  or
                                                                     called by a statement in the program text. At this time, storage
                                                                     is  allocated  for  local  variables  as  in  any  block.  Local
                                                                     variables  which  appear in the formal parameters are assigned a
1                                                                                                                          8178  8259

 value determined from the activating statement.                          The execution of a procedure is terminated by  the  use  of
                                                                     the RETURN statement.
      When the  procedure  definition  includes  a  result  type,
 (<attribute  list>  with the <procedure head>), the procedure is         <return statement> ::= RETURN ; | RETURN <expression> ;
 treated like a predefined function -- the  expression  in  which
 its  name  appears  tells  how  the  value  is  to be used. If a         In a function procedure the return statement  must  include
 parameter list is included, the  activating  reference  must  be    an   expression  which  gives  the  value  associated  with  the
 followed by a parenthesized argument list which gives meaning to    function. The  first  execution  of  a  return  statement  in  a
 the  corresponding  formal  parameters.  Examples  of   function    procedure  terminates  the  procedure,  including  freeing local
 references:                                                         variables and cancelling the identification of formal parameters
                                                                     and arguments.
      median = middle (a,b,c);
      sum = p(x1,x2)+q(y1,y2);                                            In a subroutine, the return statement consists  of  RETURN;
                                                                     only.  This  accomplishes  the  termination.  Using the one-word
 Note that function references look  just  like  array  elements.    return or no return in a  function  procedure,  or  returning  a
 They  can only be distinguished by referring to their respective    value from a subroutine, results in an error.
 declarations.                                                       Examples of return statements:

      When a procedure is not a function, it does  not  return  a         RETURN; /* SUBROUTINES ONLY */
 value  and  cannot be used meaningfully in an expression. Such a         RETURN FLOAT; /* FUNCTION PROCEDURES ONLY */
 procedure is activated by a call statement:                              RETURN 1; /* DITTO */

      <call statement> ::= CALL <variable>;                          Example of a function procedure to calculate a weighted mean  of
                                                                     four elements 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' whose weights are stored in
 A procedure which is activated in this way is  termed  a  called    a four-element array:
 procedure, or a subroutine. Examples of subroutine calls:
                                                                          cm:  PROCEDURE (v1,v2,v3,v4,wt) FLOAT;
      CALL arthur(a,x,term1);                                                     DECLARE (v1,v2,v3,v4) FLOAT;
      CALL noarg;                                                                 DECLARE wt(*) FLOAT;
                                                                                  RETURN (v1*wt(1)+v2*wt(2)+v3*wt(3)+v4*wt(4))/4;
      Procedure arguments are matched up with their corresponding              END;
 formal parameters. Arguments may be expressions or constants, in         DECLARE (a,b,c,d,weight(*)) FIXED, mean FLOAT;
 which case the matching consists of assigning the values of  the         ALLOCATE weight(4);
 expressions  or  constants to the appropriate formal parameters,         .
 or arguments may be the names  of  variables  or  arrays.  If  a         .
 variable  or  array  name is associated with a formal parameter,         .
 and is of the same type, it becomes identical to that  parameter              /* assign values to a,b,c,d,weight */
 while  the  procedure  is  executing. Not only are their initial         mean = cm(a,b,c,d,weight);
 values identified, but values assigned to the  formal  parameter
 are also assigned to the corresponding argument.
                                                                     6.4 RECURSION
      Note that an "array" is different from an "array  element".
 An  array  element behaves just like an individual variable, and         A  procedure  which  calls  itself   either   directly   or
 may be  assigned  to  a  formal  parameter  which  is  a  simple    indirectly   is  called  a  recursive  procedure.  Each  time  a
 variable.  An  array  can only be assigned to a formal parameter    procedure is called while it is still activated, new allocations
 which  is  an  array  with  the  same  number   of   dimensions.    and  assignments of local variables and parameters are made, and
 Allocations  for array parameters are not normally made within a    the old ones are set aside; when  the  new  call  is  again  de-
 procedure, since an allocation  should  already  exist  for  the    activated, the old assignments return to effect. It is important
 corresponding array argument in the calling block. Other locally    to provide some method of returning without  recursion,  though,
 declared arrays must, of course, be allocated, and the procedure    to prevent unlimited recursion.
 should free them after each execution.
                                                                          Two procedures declared with the same scope may  call  each

1                                                                                                                          8259  8290

      Nesting of procedure definitions is  permitted;  procedures                       Appendix A: Reserved Words
 may  be  defined within other procedures, with appropriate scope
 Example of recursive procedure calls:                                    These identifiers have reserved  meanings,  which  are  the
                                                                     same   in  every  program;  they  may  not  be  defined  by  the
      factorial: PROCEDURE(m) FIXED;                                 programmer.
         DECLARE m FIXED;
         .                                                                ALLOCATE                  FIXED
         .                                                                BEGIN                     FLOAT
         /* calculate m factorial */                                      BIT                       FREE
         IF m = 0 THEN RETURN 1;                                          BY                        GO
         ELSE RETURN m*factorial(m-1);                                    CALL                      GOTO
      END factorial;                                                      CASE                      IF
      .                                                                   CHARACTER                 LABEL
      .                                                                   DECLARE                   PROCEDURE
      .                                                                   DO                        RETURN
      OUTPUT = factorial(12);                                             ELSE                      THEN
                                                                          END                       TO
                                                                          ENTRY                     WHILE

1                                                                                                                          8290  8357

                 Appendix B: Predefined Functions                                                              arguments
                                                                     MOD          FIXED | FLOAT,           FIXED or FLOAT remainder
                                                                                  FIXED | FLOAT                of division of the
      These identifiers have the indicated meanings:                                                           first  argument by the
                                                                                                               second (Between  mixed
 Name         Argument(s)              Value                                                                   types,     appropriate
 ----         -----------              -----                                                                   conversion is made.)
 ABS          FIXED                    FIXED absolute value of       RANDOM       none                     FLOAT pseudo-random value
                                           argument                                                            between 0.0 and 1.0
              FLOAT                    FLOAT absolute value of       ROUND        FLOAT | FIXED | BIT      FIXED nearest to argument
                                           argument                  SIGN         FIXED | FLOAT            FIXED +1 if argument > 0
 ATAN         FLOAT (radians)          FLOAT arctangent of                                                 FIXED 0 if argument = 0
                                           argument                                                        FIXED -1 if argument < 0
 BIT          FIXED | FLOAT            BIT value corresponding       SIN          FLOAT (radians)          FLOAT sine of argument
 CHARACTER    FIXED | FLOAT | BIT      CHARACTER value               ROW          CHARACTER | BIT          An array with the
                                           corresponding                          | FIXED | FLOAT              arguments as array
 COS          FLOAT (radians)          FLOAT cosine of argument                                                elements (See 3.2.4)
 DUMP         none                     Value is undefined. Causes    SQRT         FLOAT >= 0.0             FLOAT square root of
                                           a print-out of current                                              argument
                                           values     of      all    SUBSTR       CHARACTER,FIXED,FIXED    CHARACTER substring of
                                           variables                                                           first        argument,
 E_FORMAT     FLOAT | FIXED | BIT      CHARACTER equivalent in                                                 starting at  character
                                           scientific notation                                                 numbered   by   second
 END_OF_DATA  none                     TRUE if there is no more                                                argument,    and    of
                                           data   left   to  read                                              length  given by third
                                           before a control card,                                              argument
                                           FALSE  when  more data    TAN          FLOAT (radians)          FLOAT tangent of argument
                                           is    available.    If    UNDEFINED    Variable of any type     TRUE if argument is
                                           tested  when  TRUE, it                                              undefined;  otherwise,
                                           is reset to FALSE  and                                              FALSE.
                                           the data following the
                                           control card  is  made
                                           available. If there is
                                           no  more  data  to  be
                                           read,   value  remains
 EXP          FLOAT                    FLOAT 2.718283**argument
 FIXED        FLOAT | BIT              FIXED value corresponding
 FLOAT        FIXED | BIT              FLOAT value corresponding
 INDEX        CHARACTER,CHARACTER      FIXED location of first
                                           character   of  second
                                           argument if  it  is  a
                                           substring    of    the
                                           first; otherwise, 0
 LENGTH       CHARACTER                FIXED number of characters
                                           in value of argument
 LOG          FLOAT > 0.0              FLOAT natural logarithm of
 MAX          FLOAT,...                FLOAT maximum of all
              FIXED,...                FIXED maximum of all
 MIN          FLOAT,...                FLOAT minimum of all
              FIXED,...                FIXED minimum of all

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