Table of Contents

[ Intro | Begin | if/else | Loops | Arrays | Graphics | Animation | Mouse | Game | Real | Methods | Class | Class 2 | Applet | MouseClick | Thread | Button ]

Java For Kids

Java For Kids is a course for kids and beginner programmers using the very easy-to-use JUDO windows program instead of that yukky dos command line interface. It will be a very hands-on approach with lots of doing, lots of exercises and a minimum of theory.

What is JUDO ?

JUDO is a Java IDE for Children and Beginning Programmers. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, or a program that makes it easy for you to write computer programs. JUDO is also an educational tool used to teach programming concepts and to spark excitement and interest in programming. JUDO is easy to use. JUDO is Fun! Go here to find out more.

Installing Java and JUDO

  1. To download Java to work with JUDO, go to the Sun site.
  2. Install Java by double clicking on the downloaded file. You may have to restart your computer after this. Do so.
  3. Just double click on the file that you downloaded.
  4. To start Judo, Just go to Windows Explorer and find the JUDO folder and inside that folder, double click on “run.bat”, or right click on the file and drag to the desktop and select “Create Shortcut here”. Then re-name the shortcut on your desktop to something like “Start JUDO”.
  5. To learn how to use JUDO, click on JUDO's Help menu, and select “How to use JUDO”.